Beiträge von dri666

    das stimmt nicht ganz!
    Er kann sich auch selber eine Pandora bauen ohne Homebrew! ;)
    Dazu muss er halt das Akku öffnen!

    Mfg dri666


    Original von maddinv89
    Naja nennen wir das Problem mal beim Namen, er will "Need for Speed Underground 2" spielen. Mit welchem Emu geht das?

    Mit keinen Emu auf der Psp!!!
    Es gibt aber genügen andere Teile von N.f.S für die Psp!

    Mfg dri666

    Viel Spaß beim antesten!

    Mfg dri666

    THX to JK108

    Ultimate PSPTube v1.9:

    * StreetFire is now included
    * Current is now included
    * Fixed the TNAFlix script after the site changed slightly
    * Fixed a bug in YouTube which caused some searches to display no results
    * Fixed a bug in YouTube which caused it to only show the first page for some countries
    * xHamster script is fixed after the videos stopped working
    * Fixed a bug in Muchosucko that caused some videos not to work
    * Fixed a bug in Muchosucko that caused it to only show the first page
    * Fixed a bug in Pornhub that caused it to only show the first page

    Updated list of supported sites (now totalling 35):

    * CrunchyRoll
    * Current
    * Dailymotion
    * Google Video
    * Guba
    * LiveLeak
    * MegaPorn
    * MegaVideo
    * MetaCafe
    * MuchoSucko
    * MySpace Videos
    * MyVideo
    * NothingToxic
    * Pornhub
    * RedTube
    * Revision3
    * Shufuni
    * Spike
    * StageVu
    * StreetFire
    * ThatVideoSite
    * TheTend
    * TNAFlix
    * Tube8
    * TubeIso
    * Tudou
    * VBox7
    * Veoh
    * VidMax
    * Vimeo
    * Wanktube
    * xHamster
    * XVideos
    * YouTube
    * Yuvutu

    As always, the readme includes more notes from JK108. If you wanted to reorder the websites, or maybe even disable some of them, all you need to know is in the included txt file.


    Viel Spaß beim antesten!

    Mfg dri666

    THX to Total_Noob


    Big changelog of v1.03:

    - All found bugs fixed
    - It removed "flash1:/dic" for more space
    - Don't activated VSH Menu in PSP Store
    - Code completely rewritted
    - Ultimate VSH Menu can only load after 3 seconds
    - Fixed a bug, that sometimes CPU 222 is
    - It's locked only the buttons
    - Scrolling is now even faster
    - Battery options are added to "MAKE BATTERY"
    - Enter is now available with LEFT or RIGHT
    - Screenshot now with NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE or R + L possible
    - Possibility to change Speed up MS
    - "USE SLIM COLORS" appears only on PSP phat
    - Added Orange and Purple to "VSH MENU COLOR"
    - Added "USB CHARGE" on PSP slim
    Zum Eintrag in der Datenbank

    habe hier mal ein DS Rom Manager,
    zum antesten!
    Viel Spaß damit!

    Mfg dri666

    RToolDS is a ROM Management and Cart Transfer Utility coded by Silo
    It compliments NDScrc (or not if you don't use it).
    It has been written to be all about copying to your cart as a lot of other
    programs are just about ROM management.
    It currently runs on Windows Platforms, but I’ve had success running it on
    Linux and OS X. (will be implemented later)
    If you liked RTool64 for the Nintendo 64, then you should like this (as I
    wrote that too).

    Current Features
    Nice GUI with Icons, In-Game and Case graphics
    Automatic Game Save Copying and Backups
    Supports Safe File Trimming
    Works with Uncompressed, Zip, 7-Zip and Rar Files (Support for Multiple ROMs Per Archive File)
    Various Filtering Options
    Can maintain it’s own database or use NDScrc’s (to save time and duplication)
    Downloads all Rom information
    Custom Tags for ROMs

    Big THX to didi1000 PU auf NF!!!


    hast du ein Theme drauf geflash oder sonst irgend ein file im flash 0 verändert?
    Stell das Orig. Theme ein,kannst auch mal deine Einstellungen löschen!
    Ansonsten einfach mit der Pandora und den Despertar del Cementerio v8,
    gleich auf CFW 5.00M33-4!
    Auf 1.5 brauchst du nicht mehr! ;)
    Ist aber echt mal seltsam,ich habe die CFW 5.00M33-6 schon seit ca. 1 Woche drauf und jedes Game(egal ob cso oder iso) funtz super,Homebrew auch! :)

    Mfg dri666


    Original von mips
    Also ich Dumpe meine Games immer auf PC.

    Geht irgentwie schneller und ich kann dan auch in CSO komprimieren ( geht sehr viel schneller als auf der psp ) ;)

    Mit Yacc 0403 oder PSP_ISO_Shrink_v2.32 z.B.! ;)
    Es gibt echt ein paar gute Tools dafür!

    Mfg dri666

    Ultimate PSPTube 1.8 by JK108

    Coupled with AhMan's iR Shell release from earlier, this is most welcome indeed. JK108 has updated Ultimate PSPTube, adding support for three more video streaming websites and fixing a whole host of other features.

    Ultimate PSPTube v1.8 changelog:

    * Spike is now included
    * Revision3 is now included
    * TheTend is now included
    * Added special searches for MetaCafe
    * Made small improvements to the description filter
    * Fixed a bug in StageVu where the thumbnails weren't showing as the site changed
    * Fixed a bug in CrunchyRoll that caused it to reach the end of results on the first page
    * MuchoSucko script is fixed after the videos stopped working
    * Google Video script is fixed after the videos stopped working
    * MegaVideo and MegaPorn thumbnails now don't show to stop the search from being slow

    THX to JK108


    Viel Spaß beim antesten!

    Mfg dri666

    hätte auch Xp-Antispy empfohlen!
    Da das ja anscheinend nichts bring,
    probier´s mal mit dem CCleaner 2.16! ;)
    Vielleicht muss nur mal deine Registry "entmüllen"!
    Das Tool ist echt Top und umsonst!
    Es kann auch noch jede Meng mehr! ;)

    Mfg dri666