Beiträge von nimbus

    Oke well hello everybody i'am kinda new on this forum. A youtuber called Ultra NSC uploaded a video a while ago about the Teensy ++ 2.0. I posted a comment asking if he is selling 1 and he told me to go to this forum and ask for Esprit1711. If sombody knows him plz take him to this thread so he can read it ! So what i have to say to him is that i wanna buy 1 of the Teensy's he whas using in his video if it possible i wanna have everything allready sollderd and everything inlcuded so i dont have to buy anything else. I can pay around 125-130 $. I am from the Netherlands so the shipping will probally not cost too much i hope. My email is:********** I hope this is enough information Tjuus !! :D

    Edited by Fatman: deleted your EMailadress to protect your privacy ;)