Decrypt9 ist ein Open Source Decryption Tool und befindet sich noch im WIP-Stadium (Work In Progress), d.h. es wird noch weitergefeilt.
Auch hier wird ein 2/3/n3DS mit Firmware 9.2 oder niedriger benötigt. Decrypt9 sollte immer im SysNAND gestartet werden.
d0k3's Version:
Source Code:
Hier die UI-Version von Shadowtrancer (ist evtl. nicht immer up to date):
Credits by Archshift
- Roxas75 for the method of ARM9 code injection
- Cha(N), Kane49, and all other FatFS contributors for FatFS
- Normmatt for sdmmc.c as well as project infrastructure (Makefile, linker setup, etc)
- Relys, sbJFn5r for the decryptor
Credits by d0k3
- Everyone mentioned by Archshift above
- Archshift for starting this project and being a great project maintainer
- patois, delebile, SteveIce10 for Brahma and it's updates
- mid-kid for CakeHax
- Shadowtrance, dark_samus3, Syphurith for being of great help developing this
- profi200 for helpful hints that first made developing some features possible
- Datalogger, zoogie, atkfromabove, mixups, key1340, k8099 and countless others from the GBAtemp forums for testing, feedback and helpful hints
- Everyone I forgot about - if you think you deserve to be mentioned, just contact me