MPlayer CE 0.77 + cIOS Installer

  • MPlayer Wii port © 2008/09 Team Twiizers,
    used code © MPlayerWii[rOn], GeeXboX,
    Scip, tipolosko, rodries, AgentX,
    DJDynamite123, Tantric, etc...
    Play Files from DATA - DVD SDHC USB SMB
    & Radio... !!!***Enjoy***!!!

    Supported Formats

    Supported Input Formats

    * (S)VCD (Super Video CD)
    * CDRwin's .bin image file
    * DVD, including encrypted DVD
    * MPEG-1/2 (ES/PS/PES/VOB)
    * RIFF AVI file format
    * ASF/WMV/WMA format
    * QT/MOV/MP4 format
    * RealAudio/RealVideo format
    * Ogg/OGM files
    * Matroska
    * NUT
    * NSV (Nullsoft Streaming Video)
    * VIVO format
    * FLI format
    * NuppelVideo format
    * yuv4mpeg format
    * FILM (.cpk) format
    * RoQ format
    * PVA format
    * streaming via HTTP/FTP, RTP/RTSP, MMS/MMST, MPST, SDP
    * TV grabbing

    Supported Video and Audio Codecs

    * MPEG-1 (VCD) and MPEG-2 (SVCD/DVD/DVB) video
    * MPEG-4 ASP in all variants including DivX ;-), OpenDivX (DivX4), DivX 5 (Pro), Xvid
    * MPEG-4 AVC aka H.264
    * Windows Media Video 7/8 (WMV1/2)
    * Windows Media Video 9 (WMV3) (using x86 DLL)
    * RealVideo 1.0, 2.0 (G2)
    * RealVideo 3.0 (RP8), 4.0 (RP9) (using Real libraries)
    * Sorenson v1/v3 (SVQ1/SVQ3), Cinepak, RPZA and other QuickTime codecs
    * DV video
    * 3ivx
    * Intel Indeo3 (3.1, 3.2)
    * Intel Indeo 4.1 and 5.0 (using x86 DLL or XAnim codecs)
    * VIVO 1.0, 2.0, I263 and other H.263(+) variants (using x86 DLL)
    * MJPEG, AVID, VCR2, ASV2 and other hardware formats
    * FLI/FLC
    * HuffYUV
    * various old simple RLE-like formats

    Most important audio codecs:

    * MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 (MP3) audio
    * AC3/A52 (Dolby Digital) audio (software or SP/DIF)
    * AAC (MPEG-4 audio)
    * WMA (DivX Audio) v1, v2
    * WMA 9 (WMAv3), Voxware audio, etc (using x86 DLLs)
    * RealAudio: COOK, SIPRO, ATRAC3 (using Real libraries)
    * RealAudio: DNET and older codecs
    * QuickTime: Qclp, Q-Design QDMC/QDM2, MACE 3/6 (using QT libraries), ALAC
    * Ogg Vorbis audio
    * VIVO audio (g723, Vivo Siren) (using x86 DLL)
    * alaw/ulaw, (ms)gsm, pcm, *adpcm and other simple old audio formats

    Der MPlayer CE kann mit folgender Hardware genutzt werden:


    DVD-Struktur aus .vob und .ifo





    Zum cIOS Installer ist folgendes zu sagen:

    um Filme von DVD zu starten musst du noch IOS247 Insatallieren

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    Download (Mirror)

    alles aus dem Download auf die SD Karte kopieren
    Dann in der Reihenfolge Installieren:

    * IOS247.wad
    * DVDX 247.wad

    MPlayer DVD - Channel

    MPlayer CE 0.77 r563

  • unofficial Edition v.0.2


    This new version addresses some bugs, loads the network in the background, boots faster and adds the ability to use 5 SMB network shares.

    * SD/USB Mount bugs fixed
    * DVD Mount/Stop/Motor/Pause problems fixed, now mounts, only when you select DVD or Wii DVD
    * Network Initialising on startup changed, now connects "hidden" in Background of MPlayer.
    * Added 5 SMB Shares, review smb.conf
    * Boot-up speed increased

    Edit Chipwelt:
    unofficial Edition v.0.21b

    * Reducing the size of the font
    * New Readme
    * New option in the mplayer.conf: component_fix = yes to correct the problem sidebars on some TVs
    * Slight correction in cache2.c

    unofficial Edition v.0.21c

    * Updated menu.conf to allow selecting subtitles

    unofficial Edition v.0.21d

    What's New?

    * Updated menu.conf to allow selecting playlist
    * Fix rodries' loop patch

    unofficial Edition v.0.21e

    What's New?

    *Fixed apostrophies in filenames
    *Improved DVD and USB mounting devices
    *Fixed radio
    *Improved samba reconnection
    *Debugging help for SMB Shares at bootup, debug_network=yes (Review mplayer.conf)

  • Changelog
    *Fixed code to play videos with incompatible size; we now support many video formats and unorthodox resolutions
    *Fixed keepalive issue in samba (thanks to Ludovic Orban)
    *New loop.avi and widescreen version (thanks to Blue_K)

  • Changelog
    USB 2.0 support (see docs for info)
    TTF font support (see docs for info)
    Fixed bug in radio streaming.
    DVD-Video bugs fixed (DVDs should play much more smoothly now)
    Fixes in Libdi to detect chipped Wii
    Codec fixes
    Updated to latest MPlayer revision
    Many small fixes

  • v0.5
    * SMB now much more robust - thanks to DennisLKJ for smb.c fix
    * libfat cache improved for speed and stability
    * USB ethernet now fixed with USB 1.1; USB 2.0 fix requires an
    updated cIOS
    * Added ability to manipulate picture using the nunchuck
    * Updated to latest MPlayer revision
    * Now using subfont.ttf instead of font folder - use mplayer.conf
    to change font size
    * Merged widescreen and 4:3 pack - now MPlayer will use the appropriate
    loop.avi automatically
    * Improved modchip compatibility for DVD

  • Quelle:Tehskeen

    The Team behind the polished port of MPlayer for the Nintendo Wii simply named MPlayer CE have released a new version of their homebrew multimedia player. Using MPlayer CE you can playback a ton of video file formats on your Wii, watch DVD movies and also listen to live radio stations.

    What's New?

    - SMB now much more robust - thanks to DennisLKJ for smb.c fix
    - libfat cache improved for speed and stability
    - USB ethernet now fixed with USB 1.1; USB 2.0 fix requires an updated cIOS
    - Added ability to manipulate picture using the nunchuck
    - Updated to latest MPlayer revision
    - Now using subfont.ttf instead of font folder - use mplayer.conf to change font size
    - Merged widescreen and 4:3 pack - now MPlayer will use the appropriate loop.avi automatically
    - Improved modchip compatibility for DVD


  • MPlayer CE 0.61 has been released

    Mplayer-CE is a homebrew media player for the Nintendo Wii. It was initially created as a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii, GeeXboX and other great homebrew contributions. It is built with devkitPPC development tools and libogc libraries, fully homebrew driven and not associated with Nintendo in any way.

    Some of the current features includes DVD, SDHC, USB 2.0 storage device support, multiple media, subtitle, playlist and streaming formats, customization possibilities, etc.

    Find further information, setup and user guides within our Wiki pages.

    We hope you like it :winking_face: Mplayer-CE Team.
    Just a reminder for those having problems with installing the cIOS required for USB2.0:
    Please note: If you have installed a previous version of the USB 2.0 cIOS and are receiving a -1017 error
    when installing or it's hanging at downloading, you will have to use Any Title Deleter and delete IOS202.
    Be Careful.

    Following this, make sure you have deleted the 0000001 folder from your SD card and try again.
    What's new?

    * New screen size variables actually work now.
    * Better usb device detection
    * Using free Liberation font instead of Arial
    * Subtitle wraparound bug fixed



    Viel Spaß beim antesten!

    Mfg dri666

    PS: Habe alles in ein Paket gepackt!
    MPlayerCE v0.61
    cIOS Installer by Hermes for MPlayerCE

  • Kann mir einer sagen wie ich bei diesem ziemlich geilen programm Playlists erstellen kann und wie ich beim Internetradio Rautemusik einstelle. hab da schon in der config gebastelt aber bekomm da snet so hin wie es da steht. Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

    MFG Kay

  • Update auf 0.7 mit cIOS installer.

    Mit dem cIOS Installer ist es möglich ohne DVDx auf DVDs zugreifen zu können. Voraussetzungen sind IOS 202 und IOS 60.

    Ihr braucht eine Internetverbindung!!!

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