AnyTitle Deleter/AnyTitle Deleter MOD

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    Tona has released an interesting homebrew application for the Nintendo Wii. AnyTitle Deleter will almost completely remove any program (homebrew, game, demo, etc ...) you've played and/or installed on your Nintendo Wii. Head the authors warning though:



    * Deletes previously "Non-Removable" titles, such as IOS, MIOS, some system channels, etc.
    * Contains extensive brick protection--You cannot delete your System Menu, it's IOS, or some other necessary titles.
    * Lists all titles installed on the system in both hex and ASCII format in a series of nice (but console-based) menus.
    * Attempts un-installation of titles the "safe" way, and if it fails, will do a more manual "delete" upon request.

    Although I'm far from a "good coder," I put some work into making my code fairly simple and useful for others. For programmers looking to learn something about the Wii, this code contains:

    * Lots of examples of various ES and ISFS calls
    * A fairly reliable, though unorthodox System Menu region detection method (not based on console settings, so it applies to even semi-bricked systems)
    * A console-based menu that should be fairly easy to adapt into other other applications (Just write your own UpdatePage() function)
    * Lots of comments

  • Der neue Mod ist nennt sich nun Any Title Deleter DB 1.0v3 und kommt mit einigen Verbesserungen (Mehr Infos im Changelog).

    Changelog von v3


    - Löscht "nicht-Löschbare" title, so wie IOS, MIOS und viele system channels.
    - Löscht Downloaded TITLES vom System löscht auch RE-DOWNLOAD rechte!!

    Dies ist eine inoffizielle Version von Red Squirrel.

    Änderungen in der Mod:

    Red Squirrel hat eine veränderte Form des AnyTitle Deleter von tona veröffentlicht.

    Dieser erlaubt es nun mit Hilfe einer "Database" TXT, die ins root der SD Karte gehört, Titel nicht wie bisher anhand der ID zu erkennen und zu löschen sondern anhand ihrer Namen.

    Das vereinfacht es den gewünschten Title zu erkennen, ebenso kann die .txt Datei beliebig erweitert und aktualisiert werden.


    Es ist ein sogenannter Brick Schutz eingebaut worden. Man kann nicht sein Komplettes System löschen.

    00010002-HAAA (Foto-Kanal)
    00010002-HAYA (Foto-Kanal 1.1)
    00010002-HABA (Shop-Kanal)
    00010002-HACA (Mii-Kanal)
    00010002-HAFA (Wetter-Kanal)
    00010002-HAFx (Wetter-Kanal)
    00010002-HAGA (Nachrichten-Kanal)
    00010002-HAGx (Nachrichten-Kanal)
    00010001-HADx (Internet-Kanal)
    00010001-HAJx (Umfragen-Kanal)
    00010001-HAPx (Mii-Wettbewerbs-Kanal)
    00010001-HATx (Nintendo-Kanal)


    MOD v6b:

    * Because many people have not an IOS202 or IOS222 or for any other reason, this is a little update to use newer IOSes with the program. The program skips the first ES_Identify (thanks to brkirch, WiiPower and the other users of GBAtemp).
    * Due to the hotfix nature of this release, there is only the boot.dol in the new package, so if you want the complete HBC package or to read the full readme.txt, please download the v6 before.

    MOD v6:

    * Added a function to select with which IOS to start the program. So if you get an error at program startup procedure just restart the program choosing another IOS (with flash access).
    * The number of entries read from the database.txt has been increased from 1000 to 10000.

    MOD v5:

    * Changed the database reading function: now it reads the database.txt file only ONE time (at program beginning). In this way it will not be loaded every time you access to titles list pages (increasing program's time and space efficiency).
    * Added a function to read title names directly from NAND: it will be used ONLY when the title name is not found in database.txt (to limit NAND access time). Titles names found in this way (accessing to NAND) will be displayed in the list between square brackets (ex. [GH: World Tour]).

    WARNING: It works at 100% with all titles based on games (those with Rxx codes) but not all others titles allow the identification of their name by reading from NAND, so there will be yet titles unknown!

    * If program uses the NAND to extract title name, it will add the found name to database.txt. In this way the number of readings from the NAND will be always lower.
    * Added a function to download database.txt updates directly from your Wii, using network connection!
    * Now the program will identify by itself if to return to loader (HBC) or to the System Menu (rebooting console).
    * Added a function to backup only UNKNOWN titles to SD (press B after pressing 1 to backup ONLY unknown titles!)
    * Re-updated application button configuration: now HOME to exit, 1 to backup all titles list, 1 and then B to backup only UNKNOWN titles and 2 to update database.txt using network connection.

    MOD v4:

    * Now the backup function will save the title's name too (taken from external database.txt!)
    * Now the program will take only the first 40 chars of the title name from database.txt (to fix visualization issues)
    * Removed the attached WAD to avoid legal issues.

    MOD v3:

    * Added a function to backup all own installed titles to a TXT file into SD root (based on bushing's title lister)
    * Added a function to exit rebooting the console (usefull to install the program as a channel)
    * Changed the buttons configuration: now with "HOME" you'll backup all installed titles into SD, with "1" you'll exit from the program returning to Homebrew Channel and with "2" you'll exit from the program rebooting the Wii.
    * Changed the number of titles shown in a page: now they will be 12 instead 17 (to fix visualization issues).
    * Added a pre-made channel for the application.

    MOD v2:

    * Moved the database to an external file so editable by everyone!
    * Edited main program to read external files from SD.

    MOD v1:

    * Added an internal database with over 500 titles' names.
    * Edited main program to interact with the new internal database.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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