Cobra-USB - Payload geknackt + Dongle Installation

  • Wie auf PSX Scene schon berichtet wurde, funktioniert das nicht.
    Allerdings hat Jaicrab nun den Sicherheitsmechanismus geknackt.
    Vielleicht kommt was brauchbares.

  • hier die Infos dazu...


    The JIG Cobra owns diverse measures of protection to even assure that their code podria not to be used of correct form in case its code could be dumpeado.

    This trick in the registry rtoc is first used for this aim aside from making difficult the analysis.
    The registry rtoc initially is kept in the battery to conserve rtoc of lv2 and to be able to recover it later:

    # =============== S OR B R OR U T I N E

    cobra_syscall_sm_shutdown_hook: # CODE XREF: syscall_379 j

    .set arg_20, 0x20
    .set arg_28, 0x28
    .set arg_30, 0x30
    .set arg_38, 0x38
    .set arg_40, 0x40

    mflr %r0
    STD %r0, arg_20 (%sp)
    STD %rtoc, arg_28 (%sp)

    In this point we must explain that it is DELTA OFFSET.
    DELTA OFFSET is a method used in x86, at its original moments in the computer creation of virus,
    in order to be able to calculate the memory direction in which we were within the sea of bytes in the ram.
    At the original moments nonwise a computer virus when it started where one was within a feasible one,
    then following feasible podia to be in an initial site or another one, for it invention DELTA OFFSET.

    DELTA OFFSET can be used in any system, the procedure is:

    - Using the registry that indicates the present direction of execution (or the following one following the system)
    - Reducing the size to him of the previous code that we used to this value obtained from the registry.

    Knowing this, and taking for example the processor x86 where registry EIP cannot directly be leido invention the trick
    to make a call to a “subfunction” that is simply the following line to the call:

    call x
    MGP eax

    The instruction call in x86 keeps in the part superior from the battery the direction from thus same the following instruction.
    Of this form using MGP we extract of the part superior of the east battery value, and one keeps in eax for example, already having the memory direction
    where we are, only faltaria to reduce the previous thing and already we have the exact calculation.

    In the PowerPPC we can use this trick using the equivalent instruction that is BL (BRANCH LINK), which jumps to a “subfunction” but before it keeps
    in registry LR the direction following to the BL.

    bl _delta_offset


    In this point we at this moment see the trick used for the creation of rtoc of the cobra.
    If we paid attention so much r0 as rtoc they are happened to 0:

    li %r0, 0
    li %rtoc, 0

    Later 0x11DE0 to rtoc occurs him to the value:

    oris %rtoc, %rtoc, 1
    ori %rtoc, %rtoc, 0x1DE0

    To r0 0x920 occurs him to the value:

    oris %r0, %r0, 0
    ori %r0, %r0, 0x920

    The value of rtoc is reduced to him to r0:

    subf %r0, %r0, %rtoc

    Unlike x86 in PowerPPC registry LR can directly be read with the instruction mflr, we put in rtoc the value obtained by the delta offset:

    mflr %rtoc

    In order to calculate the final delta offset we reduced the instructions previous executed to the delta offset, that were 4, that is to say, 16 bytes:

    addi %rtoc, %rtoc, -0x10

    Finally we added the value to him of r0 to rtoc final of the delta offset, keeping the result in rtoc, being this already rtoc receives suitable for this hook:) :

    add %rtoc, %rtoc, %r0

    Having the cobra rtoc the 3 arguments already keep in the battery that hook recibio:

    STD %r3, arg_30 (%sp)
    STD %r4, arg_38 (%sp)
    STD %r5, arg_40 (%sp)

    It is called to the function of the cobra where the first argument in search of the commando was checked 0x8202 (a special commando to the habitual thing:)) :

    bl cobra_syscall_sm_shutdown

    After doing the necessary thing in the cobra, rtoc recovers of the battery original, like the arguments that hook recibio, executes the original instruction
    that it was sobrewritten in the entrance of syscall 379 (in this case) to have ours hook, and calls to syscall original of lv2:

    ld %rtoc, arg_28 (%sp)
    ld %r3, arg_30 (%sp)
    ld %r4, arg_38 (%sp)
    ld %r5, arg_40 (%sp)
    mfcr %r12
    bl original_syscall_sm_shutdown

    When returning the original LR recovers from the battery and it becomes to which it indicates:)

    ld %r0, arg_20 (%sp)
    mtlr %r0

    # End of function cobra_syscall_sm_shutdown_hook

  • Ich habe 2 Cobra USB Sticks hier liegen und schaufel gerade meine PS1 und PS2 Games auf die Gute Alte PS3 FAT 60Gig (4 Usb Ports) mit Firmware 3.41 und 500 Gig Platte drinn.
    PS2 Games ca. 8Mb/sec Übertragungsrate
    Final Fantasies X hab ich schonmal angetestet und es rennt (Video Sequenzen sind leicht mit Audio versatz, kommt darauf an welchen Videomode und ob das Bild Hochskaliert wird, vermute ich Mal).

    Weiteres folgt

    Also PS2 Spiele Laufen genauso gut/schlecht wie vom Orginal , z.b. Rachet Gladiator ist kaum Spielbar Weder von Orginal Disc oder Platte.

    Beim Versuch BD auf Platte zu Ziehen kommt folgende Meldung:
    You are trying to dump an orginal Blu-Ray movie.
    If the movie is protected with AACS, the iso won't work directly on the PS3 player,
    but this encrypted iso can be brought to a PC and decrypted with some specialized tool to generate a working decrypted iso.
    If you have a Blu-Ray reader in your PC , it is recommended to perform the full process directly there

    Do you want to continue? Ja Nein

    Ich habe Avatar auf interne Platte kopiert 47732 MB dauer 1 Stunde 33 Min
    danach gestartet und natürlich Fehlermeldung bekommen wegen BD Kopierschutzt.

  • Und mich interessiert es auch sehr!


    Original von crx16v01

    If the movie is protected with AACS, the iso won't work directly on the PS3 player,
    but this encrypted iso can be brought to a PC and decrypted with some specialized tool to generate a working decrypted iso.

    Für mich heißt es so viel das der film verschlüsselt gedumpt wird und die verschlüsslung auf dem pc mit einer speziellen software entschlüsselt werden kann.
    Weiß einer aber welche spezielle software damit gemeint ist?
    Würde dan vill auch für games funktionieren.

  • Zitat

    Original von majokaese
    Für Games brauchst du das doch gar nicht ?((

    Naja doch...wenn man 1:1 iso kopien wie sie auf der datenbank von gesichert werden spielen will muss man die verschlüsselten games erst entschlüsseln um sie zu spielen. sichert nur die hash werte der 1:1 iso kopien.

  • Blu-Ray's sollte mannauf dem PC Dumpen da das zurückspielen von der PS3 zum PC einfach zu lange dauert, um den Fim dann zu Decrypten und zurückzuspielen.

    DVD's die keinen schutz haben laufen einwandfrei ,Film sowie das Menue.
    Mit schutz gilt das selbe wie bei Blu-Ray's

    Über das Abspielen von Blue Ray's kann ich noch nichts sagen ,da ich kein BD Laufwerk im PC habe und beim zurückspielen auf dem PC die übertragung nach 27Gig immer abbricht.
    Versuche mal noch nen paar lowcost BD's und hoffe das diese ohne schutz sind.

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