1. Installiere die SEN Enabler v5.8.0 [CEX-DEX] [4.70].pkg
2. Der SEN-Enabler wird als GTA Academy 2013 Angezeigt !
SEN-Enabler auf Deutsch umstellen !
1. Starte GTA Academy 2013
2. Drücke X für Settings
3. Drücke Viereck um die Sprache zu ändern solange bis Deutsch da steht
4. Drücke X zum Verlassen der Einstellungen
Firmware auf 4.70 Spoofen !
1. Starte GTA Academy 2013
2. Drücke Viereck für Einstellung SEN/PSN
3. Drücke Viereck um den Spoofer auf 4.70 zu Aktivieren
4. Bestätige dern Neustart der PS3 mit drücken der X Taste
9.99 Spoofer für Games Update Schutz Aktivieren !!! Nicht für den PSN Zugang gedacht !!!
1. Starte GTA Academy 2013
2. Drücke Viereck für Einstellung SEN/PSN
3. Drücke R1 um den Spoofer auf 9.99 zu Aktivieren
4. Bestätige dern Neustart der PS3 mit drücken der X Taste
ZitatAlles anzeigen
Improvements v5.8.0
- Added support for CFWs 4.70
- Fixed spoof error 80710A06
- Deleted flash write option
- Added option to patch all (Less MAC)
- Fixed bug while enabling access on Cobra DEX CFWs
- [Requested] Added option for custom spoof
- [Requested] Added 9.99 Spoofer
- [Requested] Added option to restore default spoof
- [Requested] Added option to choose image version
- [Requested] Added option to choose version
- [Requested] Added option to choose passphrase
Thanks to: Evilnat
ZitatAlles anzeigen
I added more spoofs options, some people requested a few ones, like 9.99 Spoofer, Custom Spoof, Restore default spoof, Custom Image version , Custom version and Custom Passphrase, i have more requests in my “to do” list, if you don’t see your request in this release will be ready in the next one
9.99 Spoofer: If you use this spoof, DON’T TRY TO GO ONLINE!!!, this is only for people who have childs or don’t like to update PS3 FW by mistake, if you try to go online with this spoof YOU WILL BE BANNED
Custom Spoof: You can choose predefined Image version, Version and Passphrase on Spoof options menu. When you have selected your choice press triangle to do a Custom spoof with your selecteds options
Restore default spoof: This option will reset any other SEN Enabler’s spoof to his default one, with Image version and Version (For example, if you are on 4.50 with 4.70 spoofed, will reset 4.70 spoofs to 4.50)
Image version / Version / Passphrase: This can be selected in spoof optiones menu, you can select your choice, passphrase has only two options, Last and Old, the first one enables SEN access and the second one disables SEN access, a spoof to 4.70 is needed
Enable/Disable Flash write is deleted and never will be back, is replace by Patch all task, this will patch ConsoleID, PSID, hide CFW data, delete temp folders and set mode of your choice (OFW, CFW, APP, PACKAGE) in one button, this doesn’t patch MAC, you need to do this first if you want a custom MAC
For those who doesn’t know how to enable SEN access, go to SEN/PSN Options and select Enable SEN/PSN access (pressingtwice in main menu)
Remember to use Charles Proxy now along with SEN Enabler and block three URLs (you can add more if you want), this software will minimize ban risk, but a ban is not 100% avoided on CFW
[size=12]zum SEN Enabler: Spoof CFW (Support für Standard & freeCobra CFWs)
aktuelle Version, siehe letzen Beitrag