First of all thank you for the great work you have done to have support for the latest Emunand!
I hope you can point me in the right direction, since the version numbers you are talking here does not match my setup, to clarify.
* It is a European New Nintendo 3DS XL, with official firmware: Version 9.0.0-20E,
* I'm running a Emunand Gateway version of: Version GW3D 10,7.0-32E
* The Gateway firmware is: Gateway 3DS Ultra v 3.7.1
Of course I will follow the instructions as given in a earlier post:
- Take out the sd card from your ds and insert it on your pc.
- Use this tool -> 3DS-Multi-EmuNAND-Creator https://raw.githubusercontent.…/master/3ds-multinand.exe
- And extract your NAND from the sd card to a safe location.
- After them copy the full content from the sd card to a safe location.
So the question is, do I follow these steps from your tutorial, it does not matter that I did not have used your Emunand versions before and that I'm running on Gateway 3DS Ultra V 3.7.1?
1. : Inhalt in Root der SD/microSD-Karte (Konsole) kopieren
2: in den GATEWAY emuNAND booten
3: die sysUpdater v0.4.2.cia installieren
3b: sysUpdater starten und drücken, warten bis es fertig ist....
3c: Konsole ausschalten den updates Ordner löschen ---> updates (update!) umbenennen in updates
3d: booten in GATEWAY emuNAND ---> sysUpdater starten ---> drücken ---> warten bis es fertig ist....
Thanks for time!