Lithium GUI by blawar / Digable Inc.
Die Installation von NSP/XCI erfordert möglicherweise das Zulassen der Installation von unsigniertem Code
Vorsicht! Diese Einstellung soll verhindern, dass Dateien installiert werden, die Schadcode enthalten. Wer seine eigenen Dumps auf diese Weise installiert, wovon ich einmal ausgehe, hat auch nichts zu befürchten. Der Sicherheits-Code, um diese Funktion freizuschalten, ist folgender:
Der switch Ordner (aus dem zip Archiv) wird in den Root der SD-Karte kopiert, damit das Tool aus dem über NSP-Injektion ausgeführten Homebrew Menü gestartet werden kann.
Hinzufügen von Netzwerkstandorten:
Gehe zum "Dateibrowser", drücke für eine Neuerstellung. Wähle eines der nachfolgend aufgeführten Protokolle aus: ftp ftps sftp http https dropbox nut nutfs sdmc usbhdd usbfs system user, gib (falls nötig) die erforderlichen Informationen ein und drücke zum Speichern die Taste . Du kannst dann nach Dateien suchen und über das Netzwerk installieren.
Eine Anleitung zur Installation mit Lithium über NUT ist hier zu finden.
Was ist Nut?
Nut ist der einfachste Weg, um über das Netzwerk zu installieren. Es ist eine Software, die deine NSPs oder XCIs vom PC über das Netzwerk oder über USB zu deiner Switch bereitstellt. Über das Protokoll usbfs können mit Lithium alle am PC angeschlossenen Datenträger nach NSPs/XCIs durchsucht, und von dort aus installiert werden. Die ausgelesenen Switch Keys (prod.keys) sind im gleichen Ordner erforderlich, in dem sich auch nut.exe befindet. Dort muss diese Datei umbenannt werden nach keys.txt.
Version 19
- Added support for a new NSP compression format called NSZ, which can compress NSP's up to 80% smaller which reduces their storage footprint, and increases their install speed. The format is described here:
- Added ability to re-arrange locations.
- Added support for "blocked" NSZ installation.
- Automatically resets required version upon install and uninstall.
- Added Help section.
- Added "Recommended" section.
- Added "Parental Mode" for filtering content and features for young children.
- Added Retroarch ROM launching.
- This application does not work with sys-clk, ReverseNX, SaltyNX, and likely others. If you are experiencing issues, please try removing every single file on your sd card except sdmc:/nintendo/ and reinstall your CFW without any mods + tinfoil.
- Added game cartridge installation.
- Added USB hard drive support.
- Added support for zippysave and anonfiles.
Version 7.01
- Misc fixes
Version 7.00
- ??? (das Tool lässt sich nicht starten und kehrt sofort zum HB-Menü zurück....)
Version 5.00
- Added support for a new NSP compression format called NSZ, which can compress NSP's up to 80% smaller which reduces their storage footprint, and increases their install speed. The format is described here:
Version 4.10
- Fixed instability issues caused by latest devkitpro in 4.10 for all apps (Tinfoil, Lithium, MM-LINX, Mercury). 4.00 and below were not compiled with this faulty devkitpro release. I was aware that DKP had issues, but was forced to update for the 9.0.0 FW fixes.
Version 2.30
- Improved boot time.
- Significantly reduced memory usage.
- Fixed default theme flash at application boot.
- Removed spammy login error.
- Began bundling icons.db.
- Fixed crashing on atmosphere 0.9.3 / new HBL when launching as applet. From this point forward Tinfoil will include a different hbl.nsp for Atmosphere due to atmosphere bundling a version of hbl.nsp that reduces applet available memory by almost 33%. They did this to reserve memory for the software keyboard applet which Tinfoil does not even use, thus we suffered a huge memory hit for no reason. As such, we will no longer support new versions of HBL or unmodified Atmosphere.
- Atmosphere 0.9.3+ is unsupported. Use ReiNX or SX OS
Version 2.20
- Added ability to install save games from zip files, title id must be in brackets i.e. "doom fix [010018900DD00000].zip"
- Fixed error installing certain titles over USB.
- Fixed issue with occational black screen when exiting.
Version 2.10
- Added ability to install save game at time of install (unzips in the NSP to the games save).
- Fixed pressing left to move back to side menu.
Version 2.00
- Decreased boot time.
- Added FTP server in options.
- Added game save backup / restore for supported cfw's (works across network as well).
- Added NSP dumping for supported cfw's.
- Enabled compression on database files.
- Added sdmc:/switch/tinfoil/hosts for custom host entries.
- Added USBHDD support for supported cfw's.
- Fixed game launching.
- Improved stability.
Version 1.70
- Added firmware installation for supported cfw's.
- Added dropbox support supported cfw's. url syntax: dropbox:/token:here@/
- Decreased boot time.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Version 1.63
- Lowered max threads to 2.
- Added overclock option for supported cfw's.
Version 1.62B
- Fixed crash when adding locations through
- Added stability for 8.1.0 firmware.
- Improved Korean Translations.
- Added multithreaded downloading for supported cfw's.
Version 1.61
- Fixed an out of memory crash
Version 1.60
- Added ability to queue installs from discord using the new Tinfoil bot! Say .help on a server with the bot for a list of the commands. The client's install queue is updated once per minute when not installing.
Version 1.57
- Fixed logo centering
- Fixed missing progress meter
- Fixed bug where older updates would sometimes install when newer ones were available
- Added ability to boot with a modified version of Hekate that has cmac patches
- ReiNX and SX users do not get the nag, even if Hekate is detected
- If you use Hekate or Kosmos, you must run this build of Hekate to use Tinfoil / Lithium
Version 1.56
- Added google drive paging support
- Faster boot time
- Added ability to reset minimum version nag (Thanks Amoo!)
- Added eShop icon override for launching Tinfoil (Thanks TotlaJustice!)
- Can login to account. Ability to setup locations, list your installed version, and queuing installs from the website coming soon!
- Does not work with Kosmos
Version 1.55
- Fixed Tinfoil hang when USB is connected without Nut
Version 1.54
- Added Kosmos warning, fixed unable to create thread
Version 1.53
- fixed some performance stuff, USB installs should be faster
Version 1.52
- Fixed "Failed to register NCA" error that some people receieved with XCI installs
Version 1.51
- Added google drive directory and file support
- Added ability to delete USB location to prevent hang with USB cable connected
Version 1.50
- Fixed bug where Standard Crypto did not work on lower firmwares
Version 1.49
- Added socket.json for fine tuning socket settings
- Added system firmware version check before installing
Version 1.48
- Fixed some XCI issues in Atmosphere.
- Standard crypto conversion hard drops minimum firmware requirement
Version 1.47
- Added XCI installation
- Added on-the-fly standard crypto install (does not work with Hekate / Kosmos unless you chainload fusee primary)
Version 1.44
- added support for mirroring / failover NSP installation (rolls over to another NSP for the same title if the install fails)
- Fixed issue with some missing titles
Version 1.43
- Fixed "Delete After Install"
Version 1.1
- FW 7.x kompatibel
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