Hier mal eine Liste von Emus für die Switch, die ich für euch zusammengesucht habe.
Die Nr. 1 ist ganz klar RetroArch, da hier zahlreiche Systeme in einer Anwendung zusammengefasst sind. Daher wird hier der Focus auch in erster Linie auf diesen Multi-Core-Emulator gerichtet sein.
Die Downloads sind, bis auf einige Ausnahmen, die ich zu den entsprechenden Themen hier im Forum verlinkt habe, alle zu den jeweiligen Seiten der Entwickler verlinkt. Man sollte dort hin und wieder vorbeischauen, ob nicht schon eine aktuellere Version (mit den dazugehörigen Changelogs) des entsprechenden Emulators vorliegt.
Die Entwickler raten ausdrücklich zu dem FAT32 Dateisystem, da es unter exFAT zu Schäden an den Daten kommen kann.
RetroArch Switch (Multicore Emulator für die Switch)
RetroArch für Nintendo Switch
Du brauchst eine homebrewfähige Nintendo Switch, damit dies funktioniert.
Lade das komprimierte Retroarch-Paket (7z-Datei) für Switch aus dem beigefügten Link unten herunter (Stable oder Nightly).
Extrahiere den Inhalt und ziehe den Retroarch und den Switch-Ordner einfach in den Root der SD-Karte.
WICHTIG: Bitte starte RetroArch Switch mit einer neuen Installation (falls du bereits RetroNX installiert hattest)
und Savegames von /retroarch/cores/save {files, states} in denselben Ordner der neuen Installation migrieren.
Bios Dateien werden in den Ordner retroarch/cores/system hinein kopiert.
RetroArch muss über das HB-Menü im High Memory Modus ausgeführt werden. Das kann entweder durch das Ausführen des HB-Menüs per NSP-Injektion über einen installierten Titel bei gedrückt gehaltener R-Taste erfolgen, oder über den hier erhältlichen Homebrew Menü-Forwarder, über den RetroArch nach erfolgter Installation, ausgeführt werden kann. Wer möchte, kann RetroArch auch über einen der nachfolgenden RetroArch Forwarder starten:
psxtools.de/index.php?attachment/74756/ (greift zu auf: sdmc:/switch/retroarch_switch.nro)
psxtools.de/index.php?attachment/86135/ (greift zu auf: sdmc:/switch/retroarch/retroarch_switch.nro)
Dank der Unterstützung von Mesa / Nouveau kommt diese Switch-Version mit voller OpenGL-Unterstützung. Dies bedeutet, dass alle auf dem PC verfügbaren erweiterten Funktionen auch auf Switch verfügbar sein sollten! GLSL-Shader sollten unterstützt werden, Overlays werden unterstützt, und dank der OpenGL-Unterstützung können wir hardwarebeschleunigte Menüs wie XMB / MaterialUI (mit vollständiger Thumbnail-Unterstützung, Theming usw.) verwenden. Zusätzlich dazu können wir auch Libretro-Kerne portieren, die später OpenGL benötigen, wie zB Parallel N64, OpenLara und möglicherweise mehr wie Reicast / PPSSPP / etc!
Touchscreen-Unterstützung (für MaterialUI / etc)
naninusula sorgte dafür, dass diese erste Version Touchscreen-Unterstützung erhielt. Momentan ist die DPI (Dots Per Inch) für Portable hardcodiert und nicht wirklich für den Dock-Modus gedacht. Dies wird in naher Zukunft verbessert werden.
Volle Netzwerkunterstützung
Online-Multiplayer (mit Peer-to-Peer- und MITM-Matchmaking) sollte vom ersten Tag an verfügbar sein. Beachte, dass die Leistung des Cores in Bezug auf die Art der Qualität, die du aus deiner Online-Erfahrung erhältst, sehr wichtig ist, da die Netplay-Implementierung auf Rollback basiert. Neben Multiplayer kannst du auch Cores herunterladen, Assets aktualisieren und alle Features, die du von der PC-Version erwarten würdest.
RetroAchievements Unterstützung
Durch die Registrierung deines Kontos bei Retro Achievements und die Eingabe deiner Kontodaten in RetroArch kannst du Erfolge für deine Spiele erzielen.
Spiel scannen
Das Scannen deiner Spiele sollte vollständig funktionieren, außer vielleicht für PS1-Bilder.
Split Joy-Con Unterstützung
Wenn du zu Einstellungen gehst -> Input und Split Joy-Con aktivieren (1 bis 8), kannst du eine volle Joy-Con als zwei separate Controller verwenden!
Ab dem ersten Tag sollte es möglich sein, täglich neue Cores herunterzuladen und zu aktualisieren, ohne auf den nächsten RetroArch-Release warten zu müssen!
Runahead Unterstützung
RetroArch Switch wird ab dem ersten Tag mit Runahead-Unterstützung geliefert! Dies ist unsere bahnbrechende Funktion, mit der du Latenzzeiten übertreffen und sogar die schnellen Reaktionszeiten der Originalhardware übertreffen kannst. Die Leistung dieser Funktion hängt stark vom Leistungsniveau des Cores und der relativen Leistung der Switch ab. Versuche, mit Cores zu experimentieren, und vergiss nicht, es für anspruchsvollere Cores zu verwenden, die unter Druck stehen. Da RetroArch sogar für das gleiche System eine so große Anzahl von Cores bietet, ist es durchaus möglich, dass ein bestimmter SNES- oder Genesis-Core schnell genug ist für die Art von Runahead bei x-Frames-Konfiguration, nach der du suchst.
81 - 81 ist ein Port des EightyOne (alias The Sinclair Emulator) zum libretro.
EightyOne emuliert eine Reihe von ZX80, ZX81, Klonen und anderen Computern, die auf derselben Hardware basieren:
* Sinclair ZX80
* Sinclair ZX81
* Timex TS1000
* Timex TS1500
* Lambda 8300
* Ringo R470
* MicroDigital TK85
* Jupiter ACE
81-libretro emuliert jedoch nur den Sinclair ZX81 mit 16Kb RAM. Andere Maschinen werden hinzugefügt, wenn die Zeit es erlaubt.
2048 - Eine Homebrew-Nachbildung des 2048-Puzzlespiels.
Atari800 -
bk -
bluemsx -
boom3 -
bsnes_hd_beta -
bsnes -
Cannonball - Eine OutRun-Spiel-Engine-Erholung. Benötigt die Original-Arcade-ROMs, um zu arbeiten.
Cap32 - Amstrad CPC Emulator
CrocoDS - Ein Amstrad CPC 6128 Emulator.
DeSmuME - Ein Nintendo DS Emulator
DOSBOX snv - MS-DOS / Windows 9x-Emulator. Die Leistung kann je nach dem zu emulierenden Spiel variieren.
EasyRPG -
ecwolf -
fbalpha2012_cps1 -
fbalpha2012_cps2 -
fbalpha2012 -
fbalpha2012_neogeo -
fbalpha -
FBNeo - ein Emulator für Arcade-Spiele und ausgewählte Konsolen. Es basiert auf den Emulatoren FinalBurn und alten Versionen von MAME
FCEUmm - Nintendo Famicom / NES Emulator. Hat einige nette Kernoptionen sowie eine gute Leistung.
Flycast - Ein Sega Dreamcast Emulator
fMSX - MSX Emulator.
freechaf -
FreeINTV - Intellivision Emulator.
Frodo -
FUSE - Ein ZX Spectrum Emulator
Gambatte - Nintendo Game Boy / Game Boy Farbemulator. Sollte jetzt der schnellste Game Boy-Kern aller Zeiten sein, genauso wie ziemlich genau.
Gearboy - Nintendo Game Boy / Game Boy Farbemulator. Der Core von Libretro wurde von DrHelius, seinem ursprünglichen Autor, großzügig gepflegt und unterstützt.
Gearsystem - Sega Master System / Game Gear Emulator. Der Core von Libretro wurde von DrHelius, seinem ursprünglichen Autor, großzügig gepflegt und unterstützt.
Genesis Plus GX - Sega Master-System / Game Gear / Genesis / Mega Drive Emulator. Sollte genauer sein als Picodrive und ist der erste Weg zu Genesis / Mega Drive Emulator. Libretro-Core wird stromaufwärts von Eke-Eke gehalten.
Genesis Plus GX wide -
gme - Game Music Emulator. Inhalte, die vom Game Music Emu-Core geladen werden können, haben die folgenden Dateierweiterungen: .ay
.gbs .gym .hes .kss .nsf .nsfe .sap .spc .vgm .vgz
GW (Game & Watch) - Ein Game & Watch Simulator. Es führt Simulatoren aus, die aus dem Quellcode für die Spiele von MADrigal konvertiert wurden. Jeder Simulator wird mit pas2lua, das speziell für diesen Zweck geschrieben wurde, konvertiert und verwendet bstree, der ebenfalls speziell dazu geschrieben wurde, den erzeugten Lua-Quellcode gemäß der Anforderung von MADrigal zu verschleiern.
gw -
Handy - Atari Lynx Emulator.
lowresnx -
lutro -
MAME 2000 - Arcade-Emulator basierend auf einer 2000-Snapshot-Version von MAME (Version 0.36b). Ist funktionell ähnlich / identisch mit iMAME4All.
MAME 2003 - Arcade-Emulator basierend auf einer 2003er Snapshot-Version von MAME (Version 0.78). Ist funktionell ähnlich / identisch mit MAME 0.72, außer einem bisschen mehr up-to-date und mit einigen spielspezifische Korrekturen umgesetzt (sowie eine Beschleunigung Core Option für Midway DCS-Spiele, wie die Mortal Kombat-Serie).
MAME 2003 Plus - Arcade-Emulator basierend auf einer 2003er Snapshot-Version von MAME (Version 0.78). Hat alles, was MAME 2003 hat, plus mehr rückportierte Spieletreiber und Features.
Mednafen lynx - Ein Atari Lynx Emulator
Mednafen NGP - SNK Neo Geo Pocket (Farbe) Emulator.
Mednafen PCE Fast - NEC PC-Engine- (CD-) Emulator.
Mednafen PCE -
Mednafen PCFX -
Mednafen Super-Grafx - NEC Super-Grafx (CD) Emulator. Dies war eine US-Version der PC-Engine mit zusätzlicher Hardware.
Mednafen VB - Nintendo Virtual Boy Emulator.
Mednafen WonderSwan - Bandai WonderSwan / WonderSwan Farbemulator. Dieses tragbare Handheld hatte einen Bildschirm, der mit 75 Hz lief, daher ist V-Sync für diesen Kern deaktiviert.
melonDS -
mesen-s -
mesen -
mesens -
mGBA - Nintendo Game Boy Advance-Emulator. Aktiv beibehalten und verbessert durch Endrift.
Mr.Boom - Dies ist ein erstklassiger Homebrew Bomberman Klon von Javanaise. Bis zu 8 Spieler können lokal spielen, und du kannst sogar AI-Bots einrichten, die im Einzelspieler- oder Mehrspielermodus gegen dich spielen.
Mu - Ein Palm OS Emulator
Mupen64plus Next- verbesserte Version von Mupen64plus (erfordert den Start über NSP Injektion)
NeoCD - Neo Geo CD Emulator
NEStopia - Nintendo Famicom / NES-Emulator, bekannt für seinen Fokus auf Genauigkeit. Hat viele Funktionen. Verwenden Sie NstDatabase.xml für zusätzliche Kompatibilität mit Spielkompatibilität. Libretro-Core wird von NEStopia Undead-Autoren vorgelagert beibehalten.
np2kai - NEC PC 9801 Emulator
nxengine -
O2EM - Magnavox Odyssey 2 Emulator.
opera -
PCSX ReARMed - Sony PlayStation 1 Emulator. Kommt mit einem aktualisierten Unai-Video-Renderer für bessere Leistung. Du solltest das PSP PS1 BIOS für bessere Leistung verwenden.
scph5500.bin = JP BIOS
scph5501.bin = US BIOS
scph5502.bin = EU BIOS
Picodive - Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Emulator mit 32X Unterstützung für Peripheriegeräte. Es gibt kein Aarch64 Dynarec, daher ist das Dynarec für 32X möglicherweise immer noch zu langsam.
PocketCDG - Karaoke MP3-Musik-Player.
PokeMini - Pokemon Mini Emulator.
potator -
(PPSSPP - Ein PSP Emulator)
PrBoom - Doom Game Engine Quellport. Kann mit festen Framerates wie 35/40/50 / 60fps laufen.
ProSystem - Atari 7800 Emulator.
puae - Commodore Amiga Emulator
PX68k - Sharp X68000 Emulator
QUASI88 - Ein PC-8800 Series Emulator
QuickNES - Nintendo Famicom / NES Emulator. Schnellster NES-Emulator von allen.
Race -
Reminiscence - Flashback Spiel Motor Erholung.
SameBoy - Ein Gameboy/Gameboy Color Emulator
ScummVM - Ein Interpreter-Programm, mit du bestimmte klassische grafische Point-and-Click-Adventure-Spiele ausführen kannst, vorausgesetzt, du hast bereits ihre Programm-Dateien. ScummVM ersetzt einfach die ausführbaren Dateien, die mit den Spielen geliefert werden, und ermöglicht es dir, sie auf Systemen zu spielen, für die sie nie entworfen wurden
smsplus -
SNES9x 2010 - Super Famicom / Nintendo Emulator. Sollte erheblich schneller sein als Snes9x Mainline.
SNES9x - Super Famicom / Nintendo Emulator. Langsamer als Snes9x 2010, aber unterstützt MSU-1 unter anderen Verbesserungen, die nur in der Upstream-Version verfügbar sind. Von den ursprünglichen Snes9x-Entwicklern wie Bearoso und OV2 stromaufwärts verwaltet.
SquirrelJME - Java ME 8 Virtual Machine
Stella2014 - Atari 2600 Emulator
Stella - Atari 2600 Emulator
TGB Dual - Nintendo Game Boy / Game Boy Farbemulator. Hat einen Splitscreen-Multiplayer-Modus, in dem Gamepad 1 und 2 erfolgreich gegeneinander spielen können.
theodore - Thomson TO8/TO8D System Emulator basierend auf Daniel Coulom's DCTO8D
Tyrquake - Quake 1 Spielengine. Wird im Software-Renderer ausgeführt, keine Netzwerkunterstützung (noch).
uzem -
VBA Next - Game Boy Advance-Emulator. Sollte eine Option zum Multithread-Rendering haben, die möglicherweise die Leistung erheblich verbessern könnte.
vbam -
Vecx - Vectrex Emulator. Anfang der 80er Spielkonsole, die alles mit Drahtgitterpolygonen rendert.
VICE x64 - Commodore 64-Emulator.
Vice x64 sc -
Vice x128 -
Vice xcbm2 -
Vice xpet -
Vice xplus4 -
Vice xscpu64 -
Vice xvic -
Virtual Jaguar - Atari Jaguar Emulator
Vitaquake 2 - Quake 2 Emulator
Vitaquake 3 - Quake 3 Emulator
X1 -
XRick - Spiel Engine Erholung / Hafen von Rick Dangerous.
Yabause - Sega Saturn Emulator. Könnte für jetzt zu langsam sein.
Stand: RetroArch Version 1.9.6 - Juli 2021
- Drivers
- Video: gl
- Audio: switch_thread
- Menu: ozone
- Video
- Aspect Ratio: Core provided
- Threaded Video: On
- Vertical Sync (VSync): On
- Bilinear Filtering: Egal (On = weicheres, aber verschwommenes Bild, Off = härteres, aber schärferes Bild)
- Input
- Menu Toggle Gamepad Combo: L3 + R3 (beide Sticks klicken öffnet dann das RetroArch-Menü – natürlich kann jede beliebige Kombination gewählt werden, mit den Sticks kommt es allerdings zu weniger Konflikten)
- Configuration
- Save Configuration on Exit: On
- Saving
- SaveRAM Auto Save Interval: 10 seconds (optional, aber empfohlen)
- Auto Save/Load State: On (optional, aber sehr nützlich)
- Save runtime log (aggregate): Beide Optionen auf "On" und RetroArch loggt die Spielzeit
- Frame Throttle
- Rewind
- Rewind Support: Off (kann für alte Systeme aktiviert werden)
- Rewind
- Achievements
- Hier ist alles optional, es kann ein RetroAchievements-Account verbunden werden. Die meisten Erfolge sind allerdings nur für die US-Versionen der Spiele!
- User
- Language: Deutsch oder Original (English) belassen.
RetroArch muss grundsätzlich im High Memory Modus ausgeführt werden - das bedeutet folgendes:
Starte ein beliebiges Switch Spiel und halte währenddessen den R Button gedrückt. So wird das Homebrew-Menü über NSP Injektion ausgeführt, und gibt mehr Arbeitsspeicher frei. Starte dann RetroArch über das dort aufgerufene Homebrew-Menü. Alternativ kann das auch über einen Homebrew Menü Forwarder oder einen RetroArch Forwarder erfolgen (ein entsprechender Forwarder für RetroArch ist weiter unten zm Download verlinkt).
Ich würde zunächst empfehlen, die Systemsprache auf "Deutsch" einzustellen. Dafür geht man zu Settings > User > Language , stellt dies dort ein und bestätigt mit
Dann geht es wieder zurück zu den Einstellungen. Hier kann unter dem Punkt Treiber > Menütreiber die Nutzeroberfläche geändert werden. Meiner Erfahrung nach, ist es aber zu empfehlen, den voreingestellten "OZONE" Menütreiber zu belassen.
Es gibt eine Auswahl von 4 Menü-Styles, die ich hier vorstelle - der für RetroArch-Switch empfohlene Menu-Driver ist "ozone":
1. ozone
2. glui
3. xmb
4. rgui
Wer möchte, kann noch unter Einstellungen > Video > Bildseiternverhältnis die Darstellung ändern. Bei mir ist es auf 16:9 eingestellt, da ich einen entsprechenden Bildschirm, und es gerne im Vollbild-Modus habe.
Damit du die Roms von deinen verschiedenen zu emulierenden Systemen schön übersichtlich geordnet bekommst, kannst du dir eine Ordner-Struktur anlegen, die so aussehen kann (Hauptordner Games und darin die Ordner für die einzelnen Systeme):
_GBA | |
_N64 | |
_NES | |
_MAME | |
_PSX | |
und in die einzelnen Ordner die entsprechenden Roms rein setzen.
In Retroarch dann hier hin navigieren:
Einstellungen > Verzeichnisse > Dateibrowser
Dort den Ordner GAMES anwählen und anschließend mit "Dieses Verzeichnis verwenden" bestätigen.
Jetzt ist es ratsam eine Schnellmenü-Taste zu belegen, um jederzeit im Spiel darauf zugreifen zu können, um zu Speichern, zu Laden oder um Retroarch beenden zu können. Hier bietet sich der rechte Stick des Controllers /Joy-Cons an. Ich nehme dafür R3 (den rechten Stick eindrücken). Hierzu geht man nach:
Einstellungen > Eingabe > Tastenkürzel belegen
Dort wählen wir Menü aufrufen an und werden aufgefordert, die gewünschte Taste für das Schnellmenü auszuwählen. Hier wählen wir mit diese Option an und haben nun 4 Sekunden Zeit, die gewünschte Taste zu drücken (in meinem Beispiel-Fall R3 (den rechten Stick eindrücken). Dann wieder zurück ins Main Menü mit
Somit kann Retroarch über den Punkt "Retroarch beenden" im Hauptmenü verlassen werden. Bei einem Neustart, haben wie jetzt eine Schnellmenü-Taste zur Verfügung, um ein Spiel zu Beenden oder andere Operationen, die das Spiel oder den Core betreffen, durchführen zu können.
RetroArch benutzen:
Retroarch hat im Ozone Menü verschiedene Optionen in der linken Spalte. von denen wir zunächst nur die erste brauchen, und zwar das Hauptmenü. Als Erstes laden wir das gewünschte System (Core). Das tun wir durch "Core laden" Danach sehen wir unten links am Bildschirmrand den aktiven Core. Als nächstes wählen wir das Spiel. Dafür gehen wir auf " Inhalt laden" (kann auch direkt angewählt werden, ohne vorher einen Core zu laden. Die Auswahl des Cores erfolgt dann im nächsten Schriit) und dann "Startverzeichnis". Jetzt sehen wir die Ordner der einzelnen Systeme, die wie zuvor angelegt haben. Hier navigieren wir zum entsprechenden System und wählen die Spiele-Datei an. Das Game wird gestartet. Nun können wir mal zum testen den rechten Stick eindrücken (L3). Jetzt sind wir im Schnellmenü. Dort kann jetzt der Spielstand zu jeder Zeit gespeichert und geladen werden unter "Aktuellen Zustand speichern" bzw. "Spielstand laden". Man hat für jedes Spiel zahlreiche Slots zum Speichern und Laden zur Verfügung, die unter dem Punkt "Spielstand-Speicherplatz" gewechselt werden können. Aus diesem Menü kann man dann u.a. unter "Fortsetzen" mit dem aktuellen Spiel fortfahren, oder durch drücken der Taste" wieder zum Hauptmenü zurückkehren und mit "RetroArch beenden" den Emulator wieder verlassen. Wird Retroarch erneut gestartet, kann man direkt eines der zuletzt gespielten Spiele starten, indem der Optionspunkt "Verlauf" aufgerufen wird. Hier sind die Games zu sehen, die seit dem ersten Start von Retroarch gespielt worden sind. Man hat hier u.a. die Möglichkeit es zu starten (mit "Starten") oder es auch wieder aus der Liste zu löschen. Der Core des entsprechenden Systems muss dann nicht mehr vorher gestartet werden. Das geschieht dann automatisch.
Ich würde empfehlen, wenn eine neue Version eingerichtet werden soll, vorher folgende Ordner zu sichern und später in den neuen Release wieder hinein zu kopieren:
Anschließend den Ordner retroarch und die retroarch_switch.nro Datei aus dem switch Ordner löschen. Zuletzt den neuen Release auf die SD Karte kopieren und die gesicherten Ordner wieder in die entsprechenden Ebenen schieben. Wird eine neue Version das erste Mal gestartet, wird wieder eine neue retroarch.cfg angelegt. Die alte cfg kann nicht wieder verwendet werden, da Retroarch sonst möglicherweise nicht mehr startet (im Falle von Änderungen am Code). Die Einrichtung muss danach erneut durchgeführt werden. Das ist schnell gemacht:
- Systemsprache festlegen
- Video Bildseitenverhältnis eventuell ändern
- Startverzeichnis zuweisen
- Schnellmenütaste zuweisen
Mit diesen Grundlagen kannst du RetroArch ganz gut bedienen.
RetroArch Playlist Buddy
Eine der schwierigsten Aufgaben beim Erzielen der besten RetroArch-Angebote ist das Einrichten der "Playlist"-Dateien (.lpl), mit denen du Preset-Spiele an einem leicht zugänglichen Ort in der GUI platzieren kannst, anstatt den Datei-Browser durchzulaufen und die Cores neu zu laden.
Diese Dateien werden im Ordner "Playlist" gespeichert. Wie bei den meisten anderen Pfaden kannst du in Retroarch unter Einstellungen > Verzeichnis eigene Einstellungen vornehmen.
Du kannst deine Liste mithilfe vom Online Updater erstellen, obwohl dies bei einer großen Anzahl von Spielen zum Scheitern führt. Der PC-Build von Retroarch kann Listen generieren und das Format ist kompatibel mit der Switch; Alternativ kannst du RetroArch Playlist Buddy verwenden, um deine Playlists und Thumbnails zu erstellen.
So richtest du Playlist Buddy ein:
In diesem Beispiel werden Wiedergabelisten und Miniaturansichten in /retroarch/cores gespeichert
Um den Prozess schmerzlos zu machen, bevorzuge NO-INTRO-ROM-Sets, da sie eine Standardnamenskonvention haben. Es hilft dem Programm, deine Roms mit den Bildern in der Retroarch-Datenbank abzustimmen.
Es wird empfohlen, dass der Ordner "Roms" diese Ordnerstruktur hat: /roms
Erstellen von Listen / Thumbnails für MAME / FBA
Der Prozess ist der gleiche wie bei den anderen Cores, aber du brauchst MAME 078.dat oder FB Alpha.dat. Der Unterschied ist, dass Arcade / SNK-Spiele NICHT umbenannt werden können, also erhalten Sie etwas wie "ashpft" "chopflt" ... usw. als Ihren Spielnamen in der Liste. Um das zu vermeiden, verwenden wir .dat-Dateien.
Wenn du RetroArch Playlist Buddy verwendest, aktiviere einfach das Kontrollkästchen "XML-DAT unten für Titel statt ROM-Dateinamen suchen" und gebe den Pfad zu deiner .dat in das Textfeld ein.
DOWNLOAD RetroArch Playlist Buddy
- (WASAPI) Only write when running and fix deadlock
- AI: Revert AI translation to previous version (fix for translation not working with HW rendered cores)
- APPLE: Try to use system preferred language
- APPLE: Correctly register for filetypes uniquely
- APPLE/MFI: improved Switch Online controller support through MFi
- AUDIO: Bring back audio toggling on menu toggle
- CHEEVOS: Build a default RetroAchievements memory map when no RetroAchievements game is loaded
- CHEEVOS: Update to rcheevos 11.3
- CHEEVOS: fix hardcore acting as if it's enabled when it isn't
- CLANG: Fix clang error incompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers
- CLOUDSYNC/LINUX: Enable Cloud Sync by default on Linux builds with network (#16456)
- CLOUDSYNC/WEBOS: Enable Cloud Sync by default on Linux builds with network (#16456)
- CORE: Set compute fps stats logging to debug level
- EMSCRIPTEN: Added M2000 to core selection dropdown
- FFMPEG: Add compatibility with FFMPEG 7.0
- GLSLANG: Remove unneeded ENABLE_HLSL code from glslang
- GENERAL: Memory leak: Dynamic allocation from msg_hash_get_help_us_enum was not freed.
- INPUT/KEYBOARD: Add support for multimedia keys - Extended RETROK_ values with 18 new items, commonly found on "multimedia" keyboards. Mapping added for SDL, X11, Wayland, dinput, winraw keymaps.
- INPUT/MFI: Pressure sensitive left/right triggers
- INPUT/MFI: Fix Start + L1/L2/R2 combinations
- INPUT/MFI: Support strong and weak rumble
- INTL: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- INTL: Add Galician and Norwegian to list of languages
- LAKKA: Display reboot/shutdown message also when not saving config on exit
- LAKKA: Provide update URL and target name at buildtime
- LIBRETRO: Add a debug message for the SET_ROTATION callback
- macOS: Default Accessibility on if VoiceOver is on
- iOS: default audio sync on again, also more mfi logging
- iOS: Fix Import Content
- iOS: Fix ios-arm64 nightly build crash
- iOS: Import content from iCloud
- iOS: Fix #16485 crash on startup
- iOS: Display app icon in app icon picker in materialui
- iOS/tvOS: Various QoL improvements
- iOS/tvOS: Fix a couple more path name mangling bugs
- iOS/tvOS: Better way of packaging Frameworks
- iOS/tvOS: Fix keyboard handling for app store builds
- iOS/tvOS: Fix escaping the sandbox for jailbroken devices
- iOS/tvOS: default accessibility on if voice over is enabled
- iOS/tvOS: better way of reporting available memory
- macOS/iOS/tvOS: enable text-to-speech using AVSpeechSynthesizer.
- tvOS: Fix scaling for 720p
- MENU: New function in Quick Menu: Add to Playlist
- MENU/XMB: New theme: FlatUX, designed to merge FlatUI and Retroactive themes into a single, unified design
- NETWORKING/RETROPAD CORE: Fix socket close method
- PIXMAN: Update pixman-private.h - patch to fix build issue with musl
- PLAYLIST: Cleanup 'Add to Playlist' (#16495)
- SCANNING: Fix for scanning PSP ISOs (and probably few others)
- SAVES: Fix core config saving
- SAVES: Fix save new config name when core loaded
- SAVESTATES: Increase save state chunk size for all platforms - Even a class 6 or class 10 SD card can handle reads and writes on the order of MB/s, which means a 4KB chunk size is just wasting time in syscalls. This could maybe be fixed with a buffering reader but I don't feel comfortable tweaking libretro-common's VFS to handle that. Instead, I thought it would be good to both remove an ifdef and increase the chunk size to 128KB. For cores with small states this will should make state saving virtually instantaneous, and for cores with large states it should be a 32x speedup.
- VIDEO: Fix crash when using threaded video - for Mesa 23.2 and later
- VIDEO/GL: Fix reinitialization of the threaded gl drivers
- VIDEO/VULKAN: Add support for A2R10G10B10 HDR format
- VIDEO/VULKAN: Implement HDR readback - screenshot support
- WAYLAND: Ignore configure events during splash (fix not remembering window size)
- WAYLAND: Use frontend signal handler to quit (fix quit by window close)
- WAYLAND: Commit viewport resizes (window resize is more responsive)
- UWP: Align MESA to alpha-2-resfix - Remove wrong resolution special handling for OPENGL
- UWP: 4K fix: align MESA reading of ClientRect to retroarch procedure, this fixes max resolution being set to 1080p. As reading must be done inside an UI thread and is in fact an async operation which might delay frame generation, the reading itself is doen once and cached, give that changing resolution while the app is running is an unlikely corner-case use
- WINDOWS: Windows mouse ungrab must release the mouse instead of confine it to the current desktop (#16488)
- WINDOWS: Fix numlock/pause key release events
- AI: Fix narrator language when AI translation and menu languages are different
- DISK CONTROL: Add option to disable initial disk change
- DISK CONTROL: Visibility option for disk control notifications
- DRM: Fix mode vrefresh calculation. When using an interlaced/doublescan mode, the vertical refresh rate is mis-calculated.
- EMSCRIPTEN: Fix mouse Y parameter translation in rwebinput
- INPUT: Fix input state combos including R3 and false triggers of RETROK_UNKNOWN
- INPUT: Add a new turbo mode, "Classic (Toggle)"
- INPUT: Fix bind hold when axis does not rest at 0
- INPUT: Limit axis threshold setting to sensible values
- INPUT: Add Overlay Mouse, Lightgun, and Pointer
- INPUT/ANDROID: Fix mouse grab behavior on Android
- INPUT/LINUXRAW: Fix device name and hotplug reconnect
- IOS: Minor iOS JIT availability information
- IOS/TVOS: Pause application on applicationWillResignActive
- LIBRETRO: Add Doxygen-styled comments to parts of the libretro API
- LUA: Update Lua to version 5.3.6
- MENU: Add sublabels for input bind common entries
- MENU: Don't load history and favorites if size is 0
- MENU: Don't disable fast forward when entering menu
- MENU: Widget position, size, color, icon adjustments
- MENU: Fix savestate slots in Qt UI
- MENU: Reorder and reduce depth of User Interface menu
- MENU/OZONE: Fix sidebar wraparound, visibility after config load, crash after playlist delete
- MENU/OZONE: Fix sidebar and sublabel animations
- OSX/MACOS: Fix crash on non-Metal build
- OSX/MACOS: Add portable.txt as flag for portable install
- REMOTE RETROPAD: add display for analog axes, indication of inputs already pressed
- SAVES: Allow combining saves in content dir with save sorting
- SHADER: Added rolling scan line simulation based on the shader subframe feature. This is implemented with a scrolling scissor rect rather than in the shader itself as this is more efficient although may not work for every shader pass - we may need an option to exclude certain passes. The implementation simply divides the screen up by the number of sub frames and then moves the scissor rect down over the screen over the number of sub frames
- TVOS: Force asset re-extraction when cache is deleted
- TVOS: Add history and favorites to Top Shelf
- TVOS: Fix crash when history item does not have a label
- UWP: Allow UWP build to work with a modified version of Mesa Gallium D3D12
- VIDEO: Add subframe shader support for Vulkan/GLcore/DX10-11-12, enabling shaders to run at higher framerate than the content
- VIDEO: Fix restoring fullscreen/windowed setting when unloading override
- VIDEO/VULKAN: Fix HDR with Vulkan after reinit
- VIDEO/VULKAN: Remove the use of oldSwapchain
- VIDEO/GL2: Fix OpenGL ES version detection
- WEBDAV: Fixed SEGFAULT in WebDav task sync + type changes
- WEBOS: Fix build, add core location on webosbrew.org
- WIN32: Fix Alt+Enter not working when menubar is disabled
- ACCESSIBILITY/TTS: fix target language and missing espeak handling on Linux
- AI: AI service reworked: performance increase, automatic translation, configurable subtitle placement, and more
- APPLE: Fix WebDAV crash with digest auth (Cloud Sync)
- APPLE: Cloud sync fixes - ignore .DS_Store files and re-sync on app foreground
- APPLE: Don't re-create default directories
- APPLE: Show Git information correctly
- AUDIO/SYNC: Handle Hz skew adjustment for high refresh rates better (BFI, swap interval)
- AUDIO/MIXER: Separate ffmpeg/mpv and audiomixer conditionals
- AUDIO/WASAPI: Reworked shared buffer operation for more flexibility, fixed exclusive mode last buffer looping when entering menu
- CONFIG/OVERRIDES: Fix setting savefile_directory in override file
- CONFIG: Force fixed locale for numbers
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 11.0
- CHEEVOS: Use rc_client for state management
- CHEEVOS: Don't track disc changes when achievements are disabled
- CHEEVOS: Reinitialize rewind buffer after loading game with achievements
- CHEEVOS: Inform user when server is unreachable
- CHEEVOS: Fix crash on first load of game with achievements with threaded video
- EMSCRIPTEN: Increase chunk size for reads/writes
- EMSCRIPTEN: Modularize the JavaScript and clean up the web build
- EMSCRIPTEN: Prefix core name with libretro_ for exports
- EMSCRIPTEN: replace dashes with underscores in corenames (fix for vitaquake cores)
- EMSCRIPTEN: Use ZipFS for web player asset bundle
- EMSCRIPTEN: Change default audio rate to 44100
- IOS: Fix widget on IOS17
- IOS: Exit instead of crash on some errors
- IOS: Fix ios-vulkan-ppsspp
- IOS: Enable HDR support on IOS
- IOS: Add option to disable respecting silent mode
- IOS: Allow ignoring safe area (fullscreen over notch)
- IOS: Default to not enabling keyboard gamepad
- IOS: Fix XRGB8888 in GL driver
- IOS: Allow changing the app icon
- IOS/TVOS: Create GL context as GLES3 to fix some rendering performance problems
- INPUT: Fix ghost input when setting RETROK_UNKNOWN
- INPUT: Default 'Bind Hold' to 0 to prevent problems with controllers not resting at null state
- INPUT: Add a setting to allow turbo d-pad directions
- INPUT: Don't save mouse buttons to autoconfig
- INPUT/MENU: Add option for merging 'Hotkey Enable' device types
- INPUT/mFI: disable secondary_joypad to prevent issues with controllers detected both as HID and mFI
- INPUT/UDEV: Change event detection to polling in udev_joypad
- INPUT/WAYLAND: Use unaccelerated pointer motion to prevent mouse dead zone
- LAKKA: Add new menu options for Switch (overclock, CEC, BT ERTM)
- LIBRETRO: Add environment command to get playlist path
- LIBRETRO/NETPACKET: Switch environment call number from 76 to 78 (retire 76 as it was never used by any core) Simplify broadcasts by removing the option to send to all but one client, use an explicit RETRO_NETPACKET_BROADCAST constant instead Separate explicit flushing and querying of incoming packet into two operations Enable a core to specify a protocol version string which can get used instead of core version to determine compatibility between two players Log and notify a separate message when there is a content crc mismatch while using this interface to convey it being less severe
- MENU: Fix menu analog stick navigation (
- MENU: Add option to find thumbnail images by playlist rom filename (
- MENU: Don't process menu events while input is being flushed (
- MENU: Prevent proceeding to next bind when single binding (
- MENU: Fix touchscreen menu false positives in case of overlap
- MENU: Sort playlists ignoring extension (Playstation 2 should come after Playstation)
- MENU: Treat System Volume Information folder as hidden on all platforms
- MENU: Add Belarusian language option
- MENU: Fix savestate thumbnail behavior when navigating back to playlist while content is still running
- MENU: Fix word wrapped widget length
- MENU: Add help text to controller drivers
- MENU: Fix quit on content close option
- MENU: Fix thumbnails in History for content loaded through Load Content
- MENU: Flexible thumbnail matching (ROM name - database name - short name)
- MENU: Remove legacy thumbnail pack downloader
- MENU/GLUI: Icon corrections
- MENU/OZONE: Thumbnail related fixes (missing thumbnail bar, fullscreen thumbnail flashing, sidebar focus)
- MENU/RGUI: Fix text scaling in 16:9
- MENU/XMB: Background images take precedence over color themes, default image opacity set the same as color theme opacity
- MENU/XMB: Fix segmentation fault when background image is missing
- MENU/XMB: Several corrections and cleanups
- MENU/XMB: Layout/thumbnail fixes - Thumbnail layout adjustments, Header title improvements, Handheld layout adjustments
- NETWORKING/NETPLAY: Add support for joining MITM servers from command line
- NETWORKING/NETPACKET: Interface connection flow improvements
- OSX: Fix mouse support for MelonDS DS on OSX
- OSX: Option to create a portable build
- PATCHES: Add support for XDelta-formatted patches.
- PATCHES: Fix patching for cores that support contentless mode
- PS2: Fix for no sound
- PS2: Fix 0-byte logs and add memory stats
- PSP: Fix memory leak in audio driver
- RUNLOOP: Frame Rest, experimental sleep feature aiming to lower CPU usage and temperature when using certain CPU hungry vsync modes
- RPI: Fix videocore + switchres compile failure
- SCAN: Do CRC check on PSP/PSP(PSN) content
- TVOS: Enable overlay support
- VIDEO/BFI: Black Frame Insertion added to DirectX10/11/12. BFI Hz range now covers every 60hz multiple under 1000hz. Variable Strobe length via new 'Dark Frames' option, algorithm to auto select 'decent' Dark Frames choice.
- VIDEO/GLSL: Add FinalViewportSize support to GLSL
- VIDEO/GLSL: Change rotation type to int to maximize compatibility
- VIDEO: Use video refresh rate instead of core refresh rate for menu frame limiting
- VIDEO: Limit paused video refresh rate
- VIDEO: Enforce swap interval 1 in menu if vsync is on
- WII: Enable Cheevos for Wii builds
- WIIU: Fix config file and core info reading
- WIIU: Fix "Up" and "Left" directional input for both Analog sticks for GC Adapter
- WIIU: Fix 3 USB controllers (NES/SNES/Retrode)
- WIIU: Fix file descriptor leak
- WIN32: Prefer D3D11 and WASAPI as default video and audio drivers
- WIN32: Fix window size when aspect ratio is < 0
- WIN32: Fix screen resolution always tied to the main monitor
- WAYLAND: Enable fallback for screensaver inhibit via D-Bus
- WAYLAND: Introduce wp_fractional_scale_v1 protocol for proper fractional scaling
- WAYLAND: Update wayland-protocols version to 1.31
- 3DS: Update __system_initArgv
- 3DS: Update SquirrelJME 3DS Core information along with icons.
- ANDROID: Rewrite input handling to better support AINPUT_SOURCE_STYLUS
- ANDROID: Prevent the android quick tap mouse click emulation while pressing a button on the on-screen overlay
- AUDIO: Fast-Forward Audio Resampling
- AUDIO: Reinit audio on audio sync toggle
- AUDIO: Count audio samples in stats when rate control is disabled
- AUDIO/PULSEAUDIO: Support device list for PulseAudio
- AUDIO/WASAPI: WASAPI Frame Delay fix + cleanups
- AUDIO/WASAPI/MIDI: Frame Delay correction
- ARCHIVE/ZIP: Improve ZIP decompression This reduces the amount of memory Retroarch needs to extract a ROM file. It will only need the size of the ROM plus 128KiB to extract the file from the ZIP. Previously it needed as much as twice that amount if the compression ratio was not great. This is useful on memory constrained platforms and has no impact on platforms with plenty of memory. Handles all cases correctly (with and without MMAP, for cores that require fullpath or not, small and big ZIP files).
- APPLE: Add default keyboard overlay directory to platform_darwin
- APPLE: Update to MoltenVK 1.2.4
- APPLE: Don't include MoltenVK library in Load Core menu list
- APPLE: Enable AltServer JIT for builds installed by Xcode
- APPLE: The default pthread stack size on Apple is too small for detect_ps2_game, so increase it
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.7
- CHEEVOS: Don't initialize rcheevos memory unless used
- CHEEVOS: Add progress tracker widget
- CHEEVOS: Eliminate leaderboard tracker stutter
- CHEEVOS: Expand leaderboard visibility settings
- CHEEVOS: Collapse trackers with same value definition
- CHEEVOS: prevent frame step when hitting rewind button while paused in hardcore
- CHEEVOS: disallow video_swap_interval and black_frame_insertion in hardcore
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Don't always force core aspect ratio
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fix aspect ratio for tate games on a horizontal screen
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Add PAL threshold option for automatic refresh rate switch
- CRT/SWITCHRES/KMS: Add KMS modeswitch
- COMMAND: Make cmd interface more useful for replay information
- CONFIG: Allow all systems to check for backslashes (Windows) as last slash in path. Improves portable core logic
- D3D11: Fix memory corruption in d3d11_gfx_init
- D3D12: Enable blending when drawing the menu
- D3D12: Move fence signaling out of d3d12_gfx_sync
- D3D12/LIBRETRO: Add D3D12 HW_render support
- DOWNLOADS/THUMBNAILS: Prevent directory creation on bogus thumbnail downloads
- EMSCRIPTEN: Fix Emscripten sleep function/macro
- EMSCRIPTEN/RWEBAUDIO: Fix RWebAudioInit race condition
- EMSCRIPTEN/OPENAL: Make openal default audio driver
- FFMPEG: Fix RetroArch fails to restart streaming when video re-inits and instead starts recording
- FRAMESKIP: Use refresh rate instead of core fps for frameskip timing
- INPUT: Combo hold + 'enable_hotkey' correction. Fixed issue with having menu toggle hold combo in different button than 'enable_hotkey', which caused 'enable_hotkey' to also act as menu toggle if held long enough, and simplified and unified duplicate code in start+select holds to a single function.
- INPUT: input_keyboard_event: Don't check hotkey binds when device is RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER
- INPUT: Add input_keymaps_translate_rk_to_ascii() for correct character input to input_keyboard_event
- INPUT: input_overlay_poll: Delay clearing INPUT_OVERLAY_BLOCKED flag until there is no overlay input (Avoids stray input after osk_toggle)
- INPUT: Send keyboard events for modifiers before other keys (for correct modifier+key input if hitboxes overlap)
- INPUT: Remember currently set keyboard mapping bits during same config read, because otherwise customized keybinds can get cleared out of the bits on the next iteration, causing keyboard events to get passed to the core when they should get blocked.
- INPUT/AUTOCONFIG: Reinit after updating autoconf profiles
- INPUT/LINUX/UDEV: Log mouse devices in info level
- INPUT/LINUX/UDEV: First working version of udev driver with touchscreen support and gestures.
- INPUT/WAYLAND: Add wayland to input driver list
- INPUT/MENU: move port X binds into retropad binds submenu and add appropriate help text and sublabels to discourage people from messing around in there unnecessarily
- INPUT/MENU: Add menu icons to 'RetroPad Binds'
- INPUT/MENU/OSK: Allow more keyboard actions with menu osk
- INPUT/REMAP: Remap label fix when no autoconf profile active
- INPUT/REMAP: Add 'Save As' option for remaps and overrides
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Add overlay parameter to control x/y separation in auto-scale mode
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Revive/rewrite Keyboard Overlay and OSK Toggle. Add keyboard overlay preset, keyboard submenu, and osk_toggle hotkey. Use overlay caching for osk_toggle.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Overlay Caching. Adds overlay_cache_ptr to keep a disabled overlay in memory when it's expected to be shown again. Most input_overlay_deinit calls are replaced with input_overlay_unload, which caches the overlay unless initing/deiniting core or disabling overlays. Loading a cached overlay is done as a swap, intended for osk_toggle.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Add input_overlay_check_mouse_cursor() to preserve show/hide mouse behavior
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Don't apply input_overlay_show_mouse_cursor in windowed mode (controlled by mouse grab only)
- INPUT/REMAPPING: Stop always reseting to defaults on remap delete
- INPUT/SDL: Fix rumble on PS4/PS5 controllers connected via bluetooth
- IOS: JIT support in iOS
- IOS: Use AltKit to try to enable JIT on iOS
- IOS: Fix thumbnails in history on iOS
- IOS: Enable option to rumble iOS device instead of controller
- IOS: Fix including audio/video filters on iOS
- IOS: Haptic feedback for overlay on iOS
- IOS: On iOS, stop/start audio on interruptions
- IOS: Add accelerometer and gyroscope sensors to iOS
- IOS: iOS needs to targets 13 due to some keyboard emulation, but tvOS does not
- IOS/TVOS: Rework JIT availability checks
- IOS/TVOS: When updating playlist with detected core path, used resolved core path
- IOS/TVOS: Implement memory queries on iOS/tvOS
- IOS/TVOS: Netplay discovery through bonjour/mdns
- IOS/TVOS: Improve some log formatting on iOS/tvOS
- IOS/TVOS: Preliminary MetricKit support on iOS/tvOS
- TVOS: Fix analog stick handling after adding Siri remote tap support
- TVOS: Also handle tap events on tvOS
- TVOS: Back up retroarch.cfg to NSUserDefaults on tvOS.
- TVOS: tvOS has its own beautiful screensavers and I would like them
- TVOS: tvOS Siri remote handling
- TVOS: Fix accidental left/right keypresses on tvOS
- TVOS/CONFIG: Avoid a crash if there is no backed up config file on tvOS It's not really usable as a game controller, but it is good for going through the menu as a simple LRUD. This also adds better support for names of mFI controllers, as well as being able to do the expected tvOS behavior of "backing out" of the app.
- TVOS: AltKit support for tvOS
- INTL: Fix language detection in Canada to English
- LANGEXTRA: Enable language autodetect for all builds with LANGEXTRA
- LIBRETRO: Add new context hardware render enums - enables autodetection of DX12 for PS2 core
- LIBRETRO: Add API to check JIT availability on iOS
- LIBRETRO: Allow RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MEMORY_MAPS also after core startup. Change the comment in libretro.h about the removed limit and handle the environment call during core runtime in RetroArch.
- LIBRETRO/MICROPHONE: Add new API for microphone support.
- LIBRETRO: Add new API for querying the device's power state.
- LIBRETRO/VFS: Rewrite retro_vfs_file_remove_impl
- LINUX: Input driver fix 8+ joypads. It was reported that controllers beyond 8 worked only partially (analogs yes, but not buttons), and the found fix was also confirmed.
- MIDI: Show MIDI output first
- MENU: Reorganize 'Saving' menu
- MENU: Start directory browsing from current value
- MENU: Fix menu toggle combo hold with same 'enable_hotkey'
- MENU: Add menu scroll home+end actions
- MENU: Move 'systemfiles_in_content_dir' from Saving to Core
- MENU: Menu navigation acceleration adjustments
- MENU: Audio synchronization menu cleanup
- MENU: Menu value label cleanup
- MENU: Show playlist history/favorites icons by default
- MENU: Remove advanced option flag from video rotation + orientation
- MENU: Combine audio resampler menu with audio output menu
- MENU: Microphone menu cleanup
- MENU: Add missing menu visibility option for content dir override
- MENU: Fix menu refresh in action_ok_network
- MENU: Video settings menu cleanup
- MENU: Try to declutter Quick Menu
- MENU: Change network port menu options to 'allow_input' mode
- MENU: Preselect current core in "Set Core Assocation" menu for more carefree usage
- MENU: Focus back to "Set Core Association" item after returning from the menu instead of first item
- MENU: Replaced hack fix for focusing the first item after returning from core suggestion "Run" menu after association reset
- MENU: Fixed setting core association in history/favorites after resetting it and running without setting
- MENU: Relocate playlist manager core association options to prevent accidental resets with Start
- MENU: Fraction setting wraparound rounding correction
- MENU: Add more missing sublabels
- MENU: 'Updater Settings' relocation
- MENU: Search box usability improvements
- MENU/RGUI: Implement 'Remember Selection' option
- MENU/RGUI: Fix savestate thumbnail fullscreen cancel action
- MENU/RGUI: Fix and add toggle for playlist thumbnails
- MENU/OZONE: Update Dracula theme
- MENU/OZONE: Return to sidebar from playlist manage quick access
- MENU/OZONE: Sidebar multiline scrolling
- MENU/OZONE: Avoid crash if ozone sidebar_index_size is 0
- MENU/OZONE: Prevent metadata and footer overlap
- MENU/OZONE: Sublabel width tweak
- MENU/OZONE: Mouse hover selection fix
- MENU/XMB: Message/help box adjustments
- MENU/XMB: XMB menu playlist index bugfix
- MENU/XMB: Playlist label limit fixes
- MENU/XMB: Prevent playlist label truncating long items even when right thumbnail is not enabled/visible
- MENU/XMB: Prevent playlist label length resetting to full width on every item change while thumbnail is pending
- MENU/XMB: Stop showing playlist entry index outside of playlists
- MENU/XMB: Fix menu focus issue when returning from "Set Core Association" if playlist index is greater than the previous menu
- MENU/EXPLORE: Prevent flashing when browsing fullscreen thumbnails
- MENU/EXPLORE: Match label ticker length behavior with playlists
- MENU/SOUNDS: Fix certain audio drivers from hanging when menu pause is enabled with menu sounds
- MENU/SOUNDS: Fix menu sounds stopping after fullscreen toggle / video reinit
- MENU/QT/WIMP: Cleanup Desktop Menu welcome text
- MENU/OVERLAYS: Reorder overlay menu
- MICROPHONE: Add support for microphones.
microphone drivers. - MICROPHONE/SDL: Add
microphone driver. - MICROPHONE/WASAPI: Add
microphone driver. - MOBILE: On mobile in portrait mode, don't override custom viewport
- NETWORKING: Enhance netpacket interface
- NETWORKING/NETPLAY: Enable core host to refuse connecting new players to limit the number of connected players
- NETWORKING/NETPLAY: Enable a core to flush outgoing packets and read incoming packets without waiting for the next frame (can be used for lower latency or blocking reads)
- OPENDINGUX/RG350: Enable networking for RG350
- OPENGL/WAYLAND: Add frame callback after egl_swap_buffers to improve latency when max_swapchain <= 2
- OSD/STATISTICS: Show current video + audio drivers in statistics
- OSD/STATISTICS: Ensure statistics text is aligned left
- OSX/MACOS: Fix steam OSX core path
- OSX/MACOS: fix mouse grab in windowed mode
- OSX/MACOS/IOS/TVOS: Enable SSL in macos/ios/tvos builds
- PLAYLIST: Change default playlist last played time format
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Add overlay support
- RUNLOOP: Don't count frames while paused
- SERENITYOS: Add SerenityOS to the list of supported operating systems
- SCANNER: Improve scanner console output
- SCANNER: More scanner console output coloring
- SCANNER: Improve CLI scan console output
- SCANNER: Add content import/scan via CLI
- SCANNER/PS1: Serial extraction is now considered a failure if PSX.EXE is found, allowing CRC fallback and actually fixing the game scanning
- VIDEO: Correct rotated core provided aspect ratio
- VIDEO: Minor adjustments to refresh rate switch behavior
- VIDEO: Fix windowed viewport with libretro rotation
- VIDEO/SDL2: Use "nearest" scaling in menus
- TASKS: Fix corrupt task progress percentage
- XVIDEO/MENU: Add menu support to xvideo gfx driver, making it usable
- UWP: Fix modifier keys ( shift, ctrl, alt ) as well as F10 not being detected on the UWP platform
- VULKAN: Ignore Fast-Forward Frameskip option
- VULKAN/KHR_DISPLAY: Support screen refresh rate with Vulkan KHR_Display context
- WIN32: Increase maximum window limit
- WIN32/WINDOWSXP/MSVC2010: Fix invisible menu display
- WAYLAND: Remove splash screen
- WAYLAND: Check for pointer before locking it
- WAYLAND: Add mouse grab/lock functionality
- WAYLAND: Get system wayland-protocols path via pkg-config
- AI SERVICE: Fix NVDA switching to Powershell on speak
- ANDROID: In Android builds, add input_android_physical_keyboard configuration option and its corresponding menu entry to force a device to act as a physical keyboard. When running on Android, RetroArch considers most devices that emit dpad events as gamepads, even if they also emit other keyboard events; this is usually the right thing to do, but it has the side effect of not letting some actual keyboards (e.g.: Logitech K480) act as such inside RetroArch. This configuration option allows users to manually select a specific input device to act as a physical keyboard instead of a gamepad, which is handy when emulating computers as opposed to consoles.
- APPLE: Add App Category to a few places it should have been
- APPLE/MFI: Prevent crash when controller player index is unset (-1)
- AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Helped delay to decrease easier when it should and helped delay to stay put when it should when triggering pause & menu with or without pause & fast-forward & slow-motion & geometry change
- AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Recalibrate delay on video reinit (fullscreen toggle and such)
- AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Show (x effective) only in menu item and not in dropdown list items when auto is enabled
- CHEEVOS: Allow repositioning of RetroAchievement notifications
- CHEEVOS/MENU: Add Achievements Visibility submenu option
- CHEEVOS/MENU: Startup Summary split off from Verbose Mode, added option to hide for games with zero core cheevos
- CHEEVOS/MENU: 'Unlocks/Mastery' split into two options
- CHEEVOS/MENU: 'Account/Login Messages' split off from 'Verbose', gated all login success/error messages
- CONFIG/INPUT: Unload restores current global config
- CONFIG/INPUT/OVERRIDES: Removing a file does not unload current override
- CONFIG/INPUT/OVERRIDES: Saving an empty override removes the file if it exists, and won't save when it does not
- CORE OPTION: Core option setting type checks. Added checks for getting and setting core option type, since otherwise there will be a crash on close content after browsing to core option categories. Also fixed the no-show switch icon for lone wolf "Lock Installed Core".
- CLI: Update selected save slot when start with cli --entryslot
- CLI: Decouple config CLI append and config overrides
- CLI/MENU/XMB: Stop showing bogus previous icon on CLI launch
- D3D9: Fixed display driver scissoring implementation - can now accept 0 width/height
- D3D10: Fixed display driver scissoring implementation - can now accept 0 width/height
- D3D11: Fixed display driver scissoring implementation - can now accept 0 width/height
- D3D11: Fixed build when HAVE_DXGI_HDR is not defined
- D3D11: Moved waitable swapchain waiting to happen always even when resizing swapchain
- D3D12: Fixed display driver scissoring implementation - can now accept 0 width/height
- D3D12: Fixed window scaling issue, which was caused by swapchain resize function not using the same flags (waitable swapchain) as swapchain creation
- D3D12: Fixed swapchain scissoring issue (visual + crash) after manually resizing window to smaller size
- D3D12: Fixed eventual crashing issue on video reinit when swapchain is being freed
- D3D12: Moved waitable swapchain waiting to happen always even when resizing swapchain
- EMSCRIPTEN: Add HAVE_PATCH support for Emscripten
- EMSCRIPTEN: Add BSV/Replay support for Emscripten
- EMSCRIPTEN: Add command and stdin_cmd features to emscripten RA. update libretro.js to show how commands could be sent over emscripten stdin.
- FRAME DELAY/MENU: Show Frame Delay without VSync
- GENERAL: Start unpause restriction. Limit the feature using retropad start button to unpause RA to the setting it was made for; "pause on controller disconnect".
- GENERAL: Savestate thumbnail aspect ratio fallback. Thanks to at least one certain core that announces aspect ratio as 0, we have to add the same fallback in savestate thumbnails that is happening elsewhere in normal video driver use anyway.
- GENERAL: Add support for system subdirs per core/database. Added the trivial and graceful automatic ability to send a different system directory to cores if it exists, for keeping the system dir more sane. First by using the core/library name just like in configs and saves, and then by playlist name, like in thumbnails, and of course default to the current global system dir.
- GENERAL: Ignore system subdir replacement if subdir has subdirs.
- GENERAL: Restore cached video driver always on quit
- IOS: Include 'Update Core Info Files'
- IOS: Fix #14778 - In addition to sending logs to asl_client, add them to the logfile.
- IOS/VULKAN/MOLTENVK: Vulkan video driver on iOS
- LATENCY/PREEMPTIVE FRAMES: Add Preemptive Frames to Latency Settings. RunAhead alternative that reruns core logic to "rewrite history" before the current frame. Frames are only rerun when the controller state changes, so it's faster overall.
- LATENCY/PREEMPTIVE FRAMES: Call retro_run before retro_serialize (#14893). Fixes preemptive frames not starting up with a few cores
- LOCALIZATION: Enable localization of video rotation, orientation, and aspect ratio option values.
- LOCALIZATION: Mixer stream localization also added
- LOCALIZATION/MENU/HELP: Context dependent help text for audio and video drivers. Language corrections
- LOCALIZATION/MENU/LANGUAGE: Language submenu now shows the progress of translated strings for each language.
- LOCALIZATION: Help texts now localizable through Crowdin.
- LIBRETRO: Enable RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME for libretro-video-processor
- LIBRETRO/HW: Add GET_HW_CONTEXT_NEGOTIATION_INTERFACE_SUPPORT. Works around issues in v1 interface where it was not possible to query what frontend would do when faces with newer interface versions. This env-call gives stronger guarantees how things have to work.
- INPUT: Allowing keyboard hotkeys to work without hotkey modifier if modifier is only mapped to RetroPad
- INPUT: Allowing keyboard hotkey keys for typing if hotkey modifier is set to keyboard but not pressed
- INPUT: Allowing keyboard RetroPad keys for typing if emulated device type is "None"
- INPUT/BLUETOOTH: Fix a crash in for BT HID devices. (#14922) pad_connection_destroy() frees slots, no need to free it again.
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Don't start video recording when BSV recording starts
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Don't double-record inputs in BSV recording
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Don't autoload states if a BSV file is being played back or recorded
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Moved BSV initialization before autoload code
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Don't trigger autoload code if there is bsv movie state
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Allow for both -e and -R to start a BSV file recording at a state
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Add keyboard recording support to BSV
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Fix BSV playback from a starting state for DOSbox
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Associate states with replays. Now states can be saved and loaded during replay recording and playback in a way that keeps the integrity of the recording. Recordings also have a (moderately) unique identifier associated with them.
- INPUT/BSV/REPLAY: Add checkpointing feature for replay recordings. If cores are not deterministic, or if they only have bounded determinism, we can obtain less drift if replay files also contain periodic checkpoint states. These are configured by the new retroarch setting replay_checkpoint_interval (measured in seconds). States are inserted into the replay file in between frames. This also fixes the settings display for the replay autoincrement max keep setting.
- INPUT/FRAMEADVANCE: Use non-rendering pause mode when frameadvance is triggered
- INPUT/HOTKEYS/OVERLAYS: Do not block input overlay hotkeys
- INPUT/HOTKEYS: Hotkey blocking correction. Turned out the previous hotkey blocking changes worked properly only with winraw driver and not the rest (at least with Windows), because input_keyboard_event() could be called at the wrong moment, and thus storing keyboard menu press there broke the separation of controller Guide menu button and keyboard menu key. Also allowed the blocking to work in both directions so that controller hotkeys won't get blocked if only keyboard has "enable_hotkey" bind.
- INPUT/LINUX/UDEV: Fix udev guns input when id_mouse is not id_joystick
- MENU: Rename 'Standalone Cores' to 'Contentless Cores'
- MENU: Music files should also obey builtin_mediaplayer_enable (#14967) Disabling the built in media player should be possible for music files as well. Without this, sound files can not be opened from file browser with cores that support them.
- MENU: Relocated items to a more logical order
- MENU: Corrected some title capitalizations (when/before/after are not low case, but for/the/a are)
- MENU/AUDIO: Add dropdown menu for audio device
- MENU/HELP: Help for turbo modes (#14919). Help text added for each of the selectable turbo modes.
- MENU/INPUT: Add unified back action to all menu drivers. Usability boost for all menu drivers resulting in similar behavior as with Ozone currently, which is pressing back/cancel enough the selection jumps first to Main Menu and when pressed again jumps to the first item, so that when a core is running, Quick Menu is very quickly accessible from anywhere. And when core is not running, the first item would be Load Core.
- MENU/INPUT: Override bind save + menu manager overhaul
- MENU/INPUT: Allowed and fixed input bind saving to overrides
- MENU/INPUT: Overhauled override menu
- MENU/INPUT: Pressing Start on the top active file entry reloads current overrides as startup would
- MENU/SUBLABELS: All under "Configuration File" + moved "Reset to Defaults" to bottom
- MENU/SUBLABELS: Quick Menu > Controls > Port x Controls
- MENU/SUBLABELS: Port x Controls > Device Type
- MENU/RGUI: Fix disabled menu item color. The effect was not working properly, since transparency meant using the core output color as background.
- MENU/XMB: Fixed playlist manager icons to take Explore Views into account properly
- MENU/XMB: Changed XMB Explore View title to match Ozone
- MENU/XMB: Added "Switch Icons" option
- MENU/XMB: Fix MENU_ACTION_CANCEL when search is active. Nasty issue discovered in XMB which broke search term cancelation.
- MENU/XMB: Layout corrections:
- MENU/XMB: More room for longer item labels and values
- MENU/XMB: "Core Downloader" has extra space for item and "installed" indicator
- MENU/XMB: Fixed "Menu Scale Factor" to not require restarting to get the actual end result
- MENU/XMB: Adjusted scale factor to behave better with both layouts
- MENU/XMB: Fixed savestate thumbnails and adjusted vertical fade factor in "Handheld" layout
- MENU/XMB: Changed thumbnail shadow to outline and tightened fullscreen thumbnail margins
- MENU/XMB: Adjusted global shadow opacity
- MENU/XMB: Remove "Framebuffer opacity" from XMB as it does not use it. Also, rename the corresponding menu title, since "framebuffer" is not that intuitive.
- MENU/OZONE: Fixed playlist manager icons to take Explore Views into account properly
- MENU/OZONE: Refresh thumbnail on close content hotkey
- MENU/OZONE: Ozone footer enhancements (#14926). Add Help button (Select) and Reset to Default (Start) to footer where applicable.
- MENU/OZONE: Ozone footer enhancements (#14934). Display Help footer only if there is actual info to be displayed, either actual help, or sublabel if it is not visible otherwise.
- MENU/OZONE: Ozone footer enhancement: Scan button (#14949). Display Scan button in footer when it is applicable.
- MENU/OZONE: Add Clear button to Ozone footer (#14947). Add indication of Clear button when it is applicable (currently: keybinds).
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Added missing Favorites+History icons in playlist manager
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Added "Switch Icons" option
- MENU/CHEATS: Added missing icons in cheats (Delete + Copy After/Before)
- MENU/CHEATS: Fixed label capitalization in cheats (Add New After/Before This)
- MENU/SOUNDS: Add scrolling sounds for RGUI, XMB, MaterialUI and Ozone.
- MENU/SOUNDS: Better scrolling sound implementation, add new 'notice back' sound
- MENU/SOUNDS: Scroll sound fixes. Correctly get list size in xmb.c for playing scrolling sound when switching categories, play the scrolling sound when pressing cancel in ozone, play the sound when scrolling with ZL and ZR, play the correct sound when scrolling with L- MIYOO: L3/R3 support for Dingux Gamepad controller device.
- MENU/WIDGETS: Show square sized widget on volume mute. Volume widget is currently fixed size always, and thus showing a lot of empty space when muting, therefore shorten the box to icon size only when muting.
- NETWORKING: Call ssl_socket_close for SSL sockets
- NETWORKING/CHEEVOS: net_http - Temporary fix for cheevos crash. Don't use new timeout/poll code for cheevos HTTP requests.
- NETWORKING/MENU: Network information cleanup:
- NETWORKING/MENU: Remove extra space from : delimiter
- NETWORKING/MENU: Trim useless/duplicate garbage from the end of ipv6 address. Windows shows %[adapter number], Linux shows %[adapter name], which already shows before the address
- NETWORKING/STDIN: Add LOAD_STATE_SLOT N command to stdin/network protocol
- OSD/STATISTICS: Add Run-Ahead data to on-screen statistics
- OSX/MACOS: Steam platform support
- OSX/MACOS: Set LSApplicationCategoryType to games
- OSX/MACOS: Include OpenGL video driver on Metal macOS builds (10.13 and higher)
- OSX/MACOS: Fix a few mac windowed mode settings -
- OSX/MACOS: Use "Remember window position and size" setting (fixes #14806)
- OSX/MACOS: Implement window opacity
- OSX/MACOS: Enable "Show window decorations" toggle
- OSX/MACOS: Hide "Disable composition" option (osx does not support disabling composition)
- OSX/MACOS: Make sure to use the file system path name, not the URL name
- OSX/MACOS/IOHIDMANAGER: Various memory access fixes to prevent crashes (#14459) (#15000). Prevent double free and null dereference when the controller is quickly reconnected. Handle error when controller device query returns null instead of crashing.
- OSX/MACOS/METAL BUILD: Fix input events (keyboard/mouse) sometimes going lost when switching between fullscreen and windowed mode. Fixes lots of longstanding issues
- OSX/MACOS/OPENGL: Fix for fullscreen OpenGL driver in Metal macOS build
- OSX/MACOS/VULKAN/MOLTENVK: Default to Vulkan driver when available (for 10.13 Metal Universal build)
- OSX/MACOS/VULKAN/MOLTENVK: Updated Vulkan on Metal for OSX via MoltenVK
- OSX/MACOS/SLANG: The change to apply shaders would be executed and then a command to apply shaders would immeidately be enqueued, to run asynchronously after the current event handler, which then did exactly the same. Fixes issue #14789 - Turning on shaders on Metal build 1.14.0 stable for Mac OS will slow emulation drastically thing, creating a busy loop.
- PS2: Avoid loading extra drivers when not needed. Fixed a bug where it wasn't using the variable extra_drivers, for loading the specific IRX needed drivers. This is increasing compatibility with some specific PS2 models that sometimes fail when loading cores.
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Add improvements to the RSX driver (#14965)
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Add modern_alpha_blend and modern_opaque rsx shaders
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Add perf improvements to the rsx driver
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Add RSX video driver
- PS3/PSL1GHT/MENU/XMB: Do XMB menu scaling for psl1ght
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Update Makefile to use latest shaders and more UI menu options
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Default folders normalization
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Fix video rotation
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Fix HTTP download
- RECORDING: Add recordings to video history playlist
- REWIND: Don't take rewind steps while menu pause active
- RUNLOOP: Currently when core is paused, video output will be stopped completely too, making it impossible to animate widgets while paused, therefore:
- RUNLOOP: Added a new runloop state for pause which renders last cached frame
- RUNLOOP: Allowed rewinding while paused so that it acts like backwards frameadvance. Also moved rewind step taking before menu iteration so that steps won't be lost while in menu when menu_pause is disabled
- RUNLOOP: State load and reset while paused will forget pause for x frames in order to show proper output
- RUNLOOP: Allowed reading pause hotkey while menu is active
- RUNLOOP: Allowed reading screenshot hotkey while menu is active
- RUNLOOP: Joined 2 fullscreen hotkey checks to one (Any ideas why they were separated for paused and non-paused states, since one works fine for both..?)
- RUNLOOP: Implement GET_HW_CONTEXT_NEGOTIATION_INTERFACE_SUPPORT. Fairly trivial. Just report the latest version.
- SAVESTATES: State slot hotkey adjustments -
- SAVESTATES: Allow selecting -1 Auto slot with hotkeys
- SAVESTATES: Allow wrap-around from -1 to 999 and backwards
- SAVESTATES: Show failure message when trying to load a state that does not exist instead of plain "Loading state"
- SAVESTATES: Shorten the duration of slot change notification
- SAVESTATES: Change the widget type to the same type as shader toggle for better back and forth action. Closes [Widgets] Save state slot switcher
- SHADERS: Append Preset feature
- SHADERS: Prepend Preset feature
- SHADERS: Shader Preset - Wildcard Replacement in Paths on Load. When a simple preset loads, text wildcards which are found in paths inside the presets will be replaced with values coming from the current RetroArch context. The replacement will be executed on both texture paths and reference paths.
- SHADERS/SLANG/SPIRVCROSS: Update to latest SPIRV-Cross, fixing Metal shader compilation issues along the way
- STATICALLY LINKED/SALAMANDER: Fix salamander config save on fork for static platforms
- VIDEO: Allow manual video swap interval forcing. The addition of auto swap interval effectively prevented manual forcing, which is beneficial when the rate is not reported properly. Therefore use the interval in the calculation only when using automatic interval.
- VULKAN: Fix crash when using multiple physical devices and HW core (#14889)
- VULKAN: Detect if wrong PhysicalDevice is returned.
- VULKAN: Actually query physical device before creating core device.
- VULKAN: Define and implement v2 of context negotiation interface
- VULKAN: Add v2 of context negotiation interface.
- VULKAN: Add vkEnumerateInstanceVersion symbol.
- VULKAN: Implement v2 context negotiation
- VULKAN: Use compute shaders to upload RGB565
- VULKAN: Fix regression with RGB565 and OriginalHistory.
- VULKAN/WAYLAND: Don't clamp the number of requested images. Due to an unfortunate "feature", MESA always reports 4 as the Vulkan surface's minImageCount in Wayland. However, values of 2 and 3 work perfectly well, even if they are out of spec, providing way better latencies when using the Vulkan backend on Wayland. So this removes the artificial clamping that was being done to desired_swapchain_images, because it's not really necessary and was causing very noticeable input lag on Wayland+Vulkan.
- VULKAN/MENU/RGUI: Fix RGUI on Vulkan on platforms that don't have _pack16 VkFormats
- VULKAN/MACOS/OSX: avoid using _PACK16 pixel formats on platforms without them
- WAYLAND: On scaled desktops the wayland backend deciding to resize based on values multiplied by the scale factor twice. Resulting in continuous attempts to rebuild the swapchain when in fullscreen.
- WAYLAND: Wait for splash screen configuration. Before, configuration (resize) events for the initial wayland window could happen before or after set_video_mode which could result in a small or corrupted window. Now we make sure that the initial window has processed it's resize events before window size is set by set_video_mode.
- WAYLAND: Changes the initial window to show a RetroArch logo copied from the icon of the X11 backend.
- WAYLAND: Build pointer-constraints and relative-pointer protocols.
- WAYLAND/GL: GL is sometimes not rescaling property (Super + Left).
- WIN32/INPUT: Add support for mouse button swap
- WIN32: Fix keyboard event characters. Added sending key chars to all input drivers (currently they only send scan codes), and also missing mods for raw.
- WIN32: Fix restart if path has spaces. CreateProcess does not like to have anything executable path related in the second parameter lpCommandLine if the path has spaces. Thus strip everything from args except the actual parameters.
- MENU/UX: Menu icon improvements – Playlist Manager icons
- MENU/UX: Menu icon improvements – Explore icon as database icon
- MENU/UX: Menu icon improvements – View and filter icons as cursor icon (folder icon in GLUI)
- MENU/UX: Menu icon improvements – View save + delete icons
- MENU/UX: Menu icon improvements – Moved Explore + Views below Standalone Cores
- MENU/UX/OZONE: Removed icons from menus where others items don’t have icons, and added icons to menus where the rest have icons
- MENU/UX/OZONE: Changed the way “no icon” is handled from kludgy way of not drawing SUBSETTING icon
- MENU/UX/XMB: Changed playlist entry index positioning to bottom right when thumbnails are in vertical mode, because big lists will overlap with arrow and current “breadcrumb” icons when the position is next to current selection
- MENU/UX/XMB: Added a rather nasty hack to prevent showing wrong icons under Explore as “breadcrumb” icon
- MENU/UX/XMB: Optimized certain icon drawing loops (Main horizontal icons were looped even when not visible, and all previous “breadcrumb” icons were looped when only one certain was needed)
- MENU/UX/MATERIALUI: Fixed showing icons where there should not be any (Waitable Swapchains, Show Recording + Streaming)
- OSX/MACOS: Fixed Cocoa keyboard not allowing to map Analog stick
- PS2: Use the recently created ps2_drivers which makes easier the loading and init of all the drivers: Memory Card, USB, HDD, Audio, Controllers
- PS2: Adds exFat support for USB, and probably solves some unexpected issues when using an HDD driver for booting cores/games.
- SDL GFX: Fix no menu on start/blank screen issue.
- SRAM: Don’t init SRAM saving without content (gets rid of the redundant logging)
- 3DS: Remove debug button combo to shutdown RA
- 3DS: Remove MaterialUI as per MrHuu recommendation
- ANDROID: Enable 'Vibrate On Key Press' by default
- ANDROID: Turn 'Threaded Video' off by default
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.5
- COMPILATION: Fixed compiling with --disable-menu
- CONFIG: Don't show override notification with appendconfig alone
- DATABASE/PLAYLISTS: Playlist + database changes - Cleanup 'entry_slot', fallback label + logging
- FRONTEND: Fix default remaps folder for various cores: remap should … …be nested in config folder
- HOTKEYS: Fix shader toggle and add hotkey + sublabel
- HOTKEYS: Cleanups and corrections - Keep hotkey pause and menu pause separate in order to not trigger unwanted pause when toggling menu regardless if menu will pause or not
- HOTKEYS: Cleanups and corrections - Allow unpausing with Start (makes resuming more convenient after controller disconnect if menu does not pause)
- IOS13+: Pointer movement accuracy. iPad Trackpad Pointer Movement Accuracy through absolute location (for iOS 13.4 and above)
- IOS13+: Adds iPad Trackpad Support to iOS13 Project (for iOS 13.4 and above)
- INPUT: Addition to analog stick menu navigation
- INPUT: Fixed the way devices were previously indexed. Input devices were only being indexed in order and would stop at the first time an input has no device connected to it. The problem is when a device gets disconnected, that input will have no devices connected to it, but the next input may still have a device connected. So, that makes changing the port of the currently connected devices impossible.
- INPUT/AUTOCONFIG: Add option for pause on controller disconnect
- INPUT/AUTOCONFIG: Driver independent disconnection notification. Should show disconnect notification now properly on Windows with XInput and/or DirectInput pads
- INPUT/HID: Added usb hid controllers for the famous ZeroDelay encoder and also for "Kade: Kick Ass Dynamic Encoder" to be able to use some custom arcade sticks.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Add eightway area types. The playlist supports UTF8, but edit control replaces the extended character with #. The following code enables extended character input in Netplay Chatting, Search, and Rename titles.
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Fix overlay next_index for unnamed targets
- LOCALIZATION: Add Hungarian language option
- MENU: Thumbnail fullscreen toggle behavior correction
- MENU: Consistent left-right scrolling for Quick Menu items
- MENU: Remove useless sublabel from System Information
- MENU: Improve widget appearance with missing assets
- MENU/INPUT: Add option for swapping menu scrolling buttons
- MENU/QT/WIMP: Remove SSL/TLS check at startup
- MENU/OZONE: Show metadata helper in footer only with second thumbnail
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements - Add "Cycle thumbnails" helper when suitable
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements - Show "Search" helper only when search function is enabled
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements - Fix "Thumbnails available" helper for save states
- MENU/OZONE: Footer improvements - Tighten padding between icon and title, and widen between helpers
- MENU/OZONE: Remember selection per main tabs
- MENU/OZONE: Remove incomplete assets warning
- MENU/OZONE: Add option to adjust cursor memory when changing menu tabs
- MENU/OZONE: Further extend texture support for Core Option categories
- MENU/XMB: Remove incomplete assets warning
- MENU/XMB: Add truncate playlist name option
- MENU/XMB: Improve background image selector
- MENU/XMB: Add option to adjust cursor memory when changing menu tabs
- MENU/XMB: Further extend texture support for Core Option categories
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Remove incomplete assets warning
- OSX: Fixed Z/X keys not working on the macOS port
- OSX: Fixed RETROK_LMETA not working on macOS port. The RETROK_LMETA key was not defined in the rarch_key_map_apple_hid
- OSX: Fix broken fullscreen mode in macOS Ventura
- OVERLAYS: Ignore hitboxes with zero area. I.e. Set 'reach_x' or 'reach_y' to zero to ensure no hitbox math is done. This simplifies designating animation-only descriptors (e.g. for eightway areas) or obsolete descriptors.
- OVERLAYS: Add 'reach' and 'exclusive' for hitboxes. Allows stretching hitboxes and handling their overlap.
- PS2: Fix Error saving remaps and runtime logs
- PS3: Fix Core Remap Overwrite Fail
- QB: Don't fail if OSDependent/OGLCompiler libraries are not present
- SCANNER/PS1: Improved scanning of PS1 discs
- SCANNER/PS2: Added serial scanning of PS2 discs - should now scan DVDs and other discs which were previously missed
- THUMBNAIL: If you rename title, you cannot use the thumbnail image. because the thumbnail filename and the title must be the same. If there is no thumbnail with title, find the thumbnail image with rom-name. This has nothing to do with IME.
- THREADED VIDEO/GLCORE: Fix regression 'Shader presets dont load, when video driver is set to glcore'
- VULKAN: Fix HDR inverse tonemapping
- CONFIG/CLI: Allow use of --appendconfig with override cfgs instead of getting ignored
- CONFIG/LOGGING: No more console startup logging if logging to file
- CONFIG: Saves config on exit only once instead of (worst case scenario) 3 times
- DATABASE/EXPLORE/VIEW: Add View feature - Add saving of a filter set in the Explore menu into a so called "View" file which then gets listed alongside playlists. This also adds the ability to filter a category by range in the Explore menu and not just filter on exact matches.
- FILEBROWSER: Fix regression - certain extensions keep disappearing
- IOS: New modern iOS version (targeting iOS 13 and up), leverages Swift
- IOS: Fixes to iOS toolbar
- IOS16: Add iOS 16 lock screen widget
- IOS13+: Added emulator keyboard
- IOS13+: Add JIT support for non-jailbroken devices
- IOS13+: Added support for touch mouse handler
- IOS13+: Changed click-and-drag behavior to double tap hold and drag
- INPUT/HAPTIC/OVERLAYS/ANDROID: Improve haptic feedback for input overlays
- LINUX/MALI FBDEV: Add conditional support for OpenGL ES 3.x
- LOCALIZATION/ENGLISH: Add British English language option
- LOGGING/QT: Increase log buffer to 2048 characters - Vulkan validation layer messages output correctly now.
- MENU/XMB: Remember selection per main tabs. Addresses the following : collection playlists can contain hundreds or thousands of items. When scrolling through one, pressing left or right by accident can be common. This resets the playlist to the top
- MIST/STEAM/STEAMDECK: Don't expose Black Frame Insertion (BFI) if we are running on a Steam Deck
- NETWORKING/WINDOWS: Disable poll support for MSVC 2010 and earlier. WSAPoll is not supported on Windows XP and earlier.
- NETWORKING/WIIU: Fix socket_connect_with_timeout for WIIU
- NETWORKING/WIIU: Fixes RetroAchievements login
- NETWORKING/WIIU: Fixes other online updater functionality
- SAVESTATES/NOTIFICATIONS: Add delay to savestate notifications, so that GPU savestate screenshots stay untouched
- SAVESTATES/SCREENSHOTS: Avoid 'video_gpu_screenshot' with savestates. Allow GPU screenshots with savestates only when there is no other way of getting a screenshot.
- SCREENSHOTS/VULKAN: Unload screenshot widget texture early. Fixes Vulkan crash when closing content while a screenshot widget is still on-screen
- SCREENSHOTS/VULKAN: Fix screenshot widget crash when ticker animating
- WIIU: Add some missing default directories
- WIIU: Get mkdir working on WiiU (directory creation)
- NETWORKING: Add the const qualifier to some function parameters
- NETWORKING/NETPLAY/UPNP: Add a private or CGNAT address warning to UPnP
- SAVESTATES/SCREENSHOTS: Avoid 'video_gpu_screenshot' with savestates
- UWP: Better 'Save on quit' fix
- 3DS: Add unique ID's
- 3DS: Add bottom menu options
- 3DS: Set bottom_asset directory default
- 3DS: Only enable internal counter with CONSOLE_LOG defined
- 3DS: Set default bottom font values
- 3DS: Fix CIA installation issues
- 3DS: Support latest libctru
- ANDROID: Gingerbread support
- ANDROID: Touchpads support
- ANDROID: Builtin Xperia Play autoconfig profile
- ANDROID: Disable Feral GameMode for Android - only available on Linux
- ANDROID: Add a configurable workaround for Android reconnecting devices
- ANDROID/FDROID: Add F-Droid metadata to repo in Fastlane format
- AUDIO/AUDIO MIXER: Add missing locks for thread safety
- AUDIO/AUDIO MIXER: Fix audio mixer memory leak + remove redundant 'single threaded' rthreads implementation
- AUTOSAVE: Change/improve exit behavior of autosave thread - if condition variable is signaled, the loop is ran another last time so we can do a final check/save before stopping the thread.
- CDROM: Fix memory leak caught with asan - buf passed to filestream_read_file
- CORE INFO/NETPLAY: Ensure current core info is initialized at runloop_event_init_core when netplay is enabled
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.4
- CHEEVOS: Allow creating auto savestate in hardcore
- CHEEVOS: prevent invalid memory reference if game has achievements but core doesn't expose memory
- CHEEVOS: Release achievement badge textures when video driver is deinitialized
- CHEEVOS: Re-enforce hardcore limitations once achievements are loade
- CHEEVOS/MENU/MATERIALUI: Show achievement badge icons in MaterialUI driver
- D3D9: D3D9 has been split up into two drivers - D3D9 HLSL (max compatibility, no shader support yet) and D3D9 Cg (dependent on deprecated Nvidia Cg runtime library)
- D3D9/HLSL/XMB: XMB fix
- D3D9/CG: D3D9 Cg driver fixed
- D3D11: Fix overlay not showing up
- D3D11/12: Reduce lag with WaitForVBlank - this rather simple addition seems to make D3D11/12 very very close to Vulkan/GLCore regarding input lag.
- D3D11/12: Add waitable swapchains and max frame latency option
- D3D11/12: Make waitable swapchains optional
- DATABASE: Reformat 'rdb_entry_int' - Nitpick adjustments for database entries: Capitalize "Release Date", and remove space before : from Release Date rows which use integer
- DATABASE/EXPLORE: Allow On-Demand Thumbnails in Explore menu
- DISC CONTROL: Better Disc Control append focus
- DOS/DJGPP: Add a workaround for libc bug
- AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added slowmotion resiliency
- AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added string representation for seeing the current effective delay without opening statistics
- AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added "ms" to logging and "(ms)" to label just like in Audio Latency
- GENERAL: Don't bake in OpenAL and libcaca by default unless explicitly enabled with configure switch.
- GENERAL: Reduce amount of strlen calls
- GENERAL: Reduce or simply sin/cosf calls
- GFX: Fix readability and precision issues in aspectratio_lut
- GFX: Add option to manually enable/disable automatic refresh rate switching
- GFX: Enable automatic configuration of 'VSync Swap Interval'
- GFX/FONT/FREETYPE: Use FT_New_Memory_Face - first read it from file to memory beforehand - this solves an asset extraction issue when selecting 'Update Assets' - apparently FT_New_Face keeps an open file handle to the font file which prevents it from being overwritten/deleted while the program is still running.
- GFX/THUMBNAILS: Thumbnail aspect ratio fix
- GFX/THREADED VIDEO: Optimizations, fixes and cleanups
- GFX/VIDEO FILTERS: Add Upscale_240x160-320x240 video filter with 'mixed' method
- GLSLANG: Fix compilation with ./configure --disable-builtinglslang - was missing linking against -lMachineIndependent and -lGenericCodeGen static libs
- INPUT: Fix off by one error for input_block_timeout setting. Also default to 0 for this setting (pretty massive performance gain)
- INPUT: Analog button mapping fixes
- INPUT/HID/OSX: Fix DualShock3 support
- INPUT/HID/LINUX: (qb) Disable HAVE_HID by default for now for Linux as long as there are no working backends for both
- INPUT/HID/WINDOWS: (qb) Disable HAVE_HID by default for now for Windows as long as there are no working backends for both
- INPUT/HID/WIIU: Fix DualShock3 support
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Block pointer input when overlay is pressed
- INPUT/REMAPPING: input_remapping_save_file - existing remapping file was needlessly reloaded
- INPUT/REMAPPING: Add option to disable automatic saving of input remap files
- INPUT/LINUX/UDEV: Fix lightgun scaling on Y axis
- INPUT/LINUX/X11/LED: Add LED keyboard driver
- INPUT/WINDOWS/LED: LED keyboard driver cleanup
- INPUT/WINDOWS/WINRAW: Clear key states when unfocused
- INPUT/WINDOWS/WINRAW: Fix pointer device position
- IOS: iOS app icon fixes & revisions
- LIBRETRO/SAVESTATES: Implement an api call for context awareness
- LOCALIZATION: Add Catalan language option
- LOCALIZATION: Fix some bad localization
- LINUX: Make memfd_create call more backwards compatible by calling it through syscall - on older systems, you'll have to include linux/memfd.h for the MFD_ defines, and call memfd_create() via the the syscall(2) wrapper (and include unistd.h and sys/syscall.h for it work). We exclude linux/memfd.h header include because we already provide the MFD_ defines in case they are missing
- LINUX/MALI FBDEV: Fix assertion failed on video threaded switch
- MENU: Menu paging navigation adjustments
- MENU: New Menu Items for disabling Info & Search buttons in the menu
- MENU: Allow the user to use volume up/down/mute hotkeys from within the menu
- MENU: Add missing sublabels for non-running Quick Menu
- MENU: Reorganize Quick Menu Information
- MENU: Savestate thumbnails - Savestate slot reset action
- MENU: Allow changing savestate slots with left/right on save/load
- MENU: Add 'Ago' to playlist last played styles
- MENU: Add proper icons for shader items
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Add icon for 'Download Thumbnails'
- MENU/XMB: Add options for hiding header and horizontal title margin
- MENU/XMB: Dynamic wallpaper fixes
- MENU/XMB: Add Daite XMB Icon Theme
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail aspect ratio
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Core option category icon refinements
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Fullscreen thumbnail browsing
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Add playlist icons under 'Load Content'
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Thumbnail improvements
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail fullscreen + dropdown
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Prevent unnecessary thumbnail requests when scrolling through playlists
- MENU/OZONE: Fix playlist thumbnail mouse hover after returning from Quick Menu
- MENU/OZONE: Thumbnail visibility corrections
- MENU/OZONE: Playlist metadata reformat
- MENU/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail fixes
- MENU/OZONE: Add savestate thumbnails
- MENU/OZONE: Header icon spacing adjustment
- MENU/RGUI: Savestate thumbnails
- MENU/SETTINGS: Turn Advanced Settings on by default, this entire filtering of settings will need a complete rethink anyways
- MENU/WIDGETS: Widget color + position adjustments
- MIYOO: Exclude unused HAVE_HID for Miyoo
- MIYOO: Enable screenshots
- MIYOO: Enable rewind
- NETWORK: Allow MITM server selection on OK callback
- NETWORK: Replace socket_select calls
- NETWORK: Implement binary network streams
- NETWORK: Poll support
- NETWORK: Check connect errno for successful connection
- NETWORK: Get rid of the timeout_enable parameter for socket_connect
- NETWORK: Fix getnameinfo_retro's port value for HAVE_SOCKET_LEGACY platforms
- NETWORK: Define inet_ntop and inet_pton for older Windows versions
- NETWORK: Define isinprogress function
- NETWORK/NATT: Move natt files to "network"
- NETWORK/NETWORK STREAMS: Add function netstream_eof
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix game CRC parsing
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disable and hide stateless mode
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Change default for input sharing to "no sharing"
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Enforce a timeout during connection
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disallow clients from loading states and resetting
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Special saves directory for client
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Ensure current content is reloaded before joining a host
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix client info devices index
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix input for some cores when hosting
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Memory leak fixes
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Force a core update when starting netplay
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix NAT traversal announce for HAVE_SOCKET_LEGACY platforms
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Refactor fork arguments
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix content reload deadlocks on static core platforms
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disallow netplay start when content is not loaded for static core platforms
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Show client slowdown information
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Improve check frames menu entry
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Do not try to receive new data if the data is in the buffer
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Copy data on receive, even if the buffer is full
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix lobby sublabel CRC display on some platforms
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for customizing chat colors
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Small launch compatibility patch adjustments
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for banning clients
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Minor tweaks to the find content task
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for gathering client info and kicking
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix possible deadlock
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Initialize client's allow_pausing to true
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disable netplay for unsupported cores - with stateless mode being disabled for now, there is no reason not to include this. Refuse to initialize netplay when the current core is not supported (no proper savestates support)
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY: Ensure fixed width ints on packet struct
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY: Support for IPv4 tunneling (6to4)
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY/TASKS: Netplay/LAN Discovery Task refactor - aims to prevent blocking the main thread while awaiting for the LAN discovery timeout; This is accomplished by moving the whole discovery functionality into its task and using a non-blocking timer to finish the task. Also fixes discovery sockets not being made non-blocking, which could cause the main thread to hang for very long periods of time every pre-frame.
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/TASKS: Find content task refactor - fixes many issues along the way, including a couple of nasty memory leaks that would leak thousands of bytes each time the task ran. It also expands the original concept by matching currently run content by filename (CRC matching is always performed first though).
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/TASKS: Find content task refactor - Ensure CRC32 is 8 characters long
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Add setting for filtering out rooms with non-installed cores
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Hide older (incompatible) rooms
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Add a toggleable filter for passworded rooms. In addition, move lobby filters into its own submenu for better organization.
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Chat supported info for the host kick submenu
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Localize relay servers
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Add client devices info to the kick sub-menu
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Path: Netplay -> Host -> Kick Client - Allows the host to kick clients. Allows the host to view client information: connected clients (names), status (playing/spectating) and ping.
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Add net_ifinfo support
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Enable partial LAN discovery
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Change default UDP port to 19492
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Do not multiply negative timeout values
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Fix epoll's timeout parameter
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Launch compatibility patch
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/3DS: Launch compatibility patch
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/3DS: Adapt POLL for 3DS platform
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/PS3: Launch compatibility patch
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/WII: Enable net_ifinfo for some features. In practice, this only allows the netplay's UPnP task to succeed on the Wii.
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/WIIU: Launch compatibility patch
- NETWORK/NETPLAY/SWITCH: Launch compatibility patch
- NETWORK/UPNP: Attempt support for remaining platforms
- NETWORK/UPNP: Support for IPv4 tunneling
- ODROID GO2: Increase DEFAULT_MAX_PADS to 8 for ODROIDGO2, since that impacts the RG351[X] consoles. The RG351[X] have a USB host controller and can have an arbitrary number of USB gamepads.
- ONLINE UPDATER: Online Updater menu reorganizing
- OSX: Fixed items of system top menu bar on macOS
- OSX: Revision to macOS app icon set
- PLAYLISTS: Ensure history list will contain CRC32
- PLAYLISTS: Fix CRC32 comparison - as state->content_crc has "|crc" suffix.
- PS4/ORBIS: Orbis/PS4 Support using OrbisDev toolchain
- PS4/ORBIS: Update xxHash dependecy
- PS4/ORBIS: Shader cache
- RETROFW: Exclude unused HAVE_HID for RetroFW
- RETROFW: Support battery indicator on RetroFW
- RETROFW: Enable menu toggle button on retrofw devices
- SHADERS: Shader Preset Loading of Multiple additional #references lines for settings
- SHADERS: Shader Load Extra Parameter Reference Files - this adds the ability to put additional #reference lines inside shader presets which will load additional settings. The first reference in the preset still needs to point at a chain of presets which ends with a shader chain, and subsequent #reference lines will load presets which only have parameter values adjustment. This allows presets to be made with a modular selection of settings. For example with the Mega Bezel one additional reference could point at a preset which contained settings for Night mode vs Day mode, and another reference could point to a preset which contained settings for how much the screen should be zoomed in.
- SHADERS/MENU: Increase shader scale max value
- SCANNER/DC: Fix Redump bin/cue scan for some DC games
- SCANNER/GC/WII: Add RVZ/WIA scan support for GC/Wii
- SCANNER/PS1: Improved success rate of Serial scanning on PS1 by adding support for the xx.xxx format
- SCANNER/PS1: Changed return value of detect_ps1_game function to actuially return a failure when the Serial couldn't be extracted. Scanner will then fallback on crc check, and usually ends up finding the games in the database.
- SWITCH: Enable RWAV (WAV audio file) support
- STRING: Do not assume char is unsigned
- TASKS: More thread-awareness in task callbacks
- TASKS: Fix race condition at task_queue_wait
- TVOS: Revised tvOS icons w/ updated alien.
- VFS: Fix various VFS / file stream issues
- VULKAN: Fix more validation errors
- VULKAN: Attempt to fix validation errors with HDR swapchain. Always use final render pass type equal to swapchain format. Use more direct logic to expose if filter chain emits HDR10 color space or not
- VULKAN/ANDROID: Honor SUBOPTIMAL on non-Android since you'd want to recreate swapchains then. On Android it can be promoted to SUCCESS. SUBOPTIMAL_KHR can happen there when rotation (pre-rotate) is wrong.
- VULKAN/DEBUG: Automatically mark buffer/images/memory with names
- VULKAN/DEBUG: Move over to VK_EXT_debug_utils. Debug marker is deprecated years ago.
- VULKAN/HDR: Fix leak of HDR UBO buffer
- VULKAN/BFI: Fix BFI (Black Frame Insertion) regression
- WINDOWS: Fix exclusive fullscreen video refresh rate when vsync swap interval is not equal to one - refresh rate in exclusive fullscreen mode was being incorrectly multiplied by vsync swap interval, breaking swap interval functionality at the gfx driver level
- WIN32: Do optimization for Windows where we only update the title with SetWindowText when the previous title differs from the current title
- WIN32: Skip console attach when logging to file
- WIN32: Remove black margins with borderless non-fullscreen window
- WIN32/TASKBAR: Release ITaskbarList3 on failed HrInit - pointer wasn't NULL'd, thus set_window_progress would cause weird behavior
- WII/GX: Fix potential datarace
- WIIU: Implement sysconf and __clear_cache
- WIIU: Add OS memory mapping imports
- UWP: Added launch protocol arg 'forceExit' so a frontend can tell an already-running RetroArch UWP instance to quit.
- UWP: Enable core downloader/updater
- UWP: Remove copy permissions as its inefficient as we can just directly assign the new ACL and that works
- Xbox/UWP: Remove expandedResources
- Xbox/UWP: UWP OnSuspending crash fix
- Xbox/UWP: Enable savestate file compression by default for UWP/Xbox - got told there are no more issues with it
- Xbox/UWP: Add support for 4k to angle on xbox for MSVC2017 build
- ANDROID: Decouple Play Core dependency to bring app into compliance for F-Droid
- AI/SERVICE: Disable AI Service setting by default
- BLUETOOTH/LAKKA: bluetoothctl: add / modify pairing steps
- CHEEVOS: Disallow manual frame delay setting in Hardcore Mode
- DATABASE: Serial scanning for Wii now includes WBFS
- INPUT/MAPPING: Fix offset + crash when clearing input port binds
- INPUT/MAPPING: Fix saving of 'Analog to Digital Type' when configuration overrides are used
- INPUT/MAPPING: Fix saving of 'Analog to Digital Type' when configuration overrides are used
- LOCALIZATION: Add Valencian language option
- MENU/SETTINGS: Move 'Show Menu Bar' under 'Windowed Mode' settings
- MENU/SETTINGS: Add sublabels for 'Subsystems' and 'Input Deadzone/Sensitivity'
- MENU/SETTINGS: Move 'On-Screen Notifications' to top
- MENU/XMB: Unified the shadow alpha value to a slightly darker one for better readability
- MENU/XMB: Corrected the option label and sublabel for actual behavior
- MIYOO: Enable ALSA audio driver and default to it
- PSP: Take out extra languages/localization, adds about 4/5MB to the binary, and RAM is limited on PSP (32MB and 64MB RAM models)
- STATIC PLATFORMS: Populate all history list metadata when launching content from playlists
- STEAM: Introduce Steam Rich Presence
- VIDEO: Fast-Forward Frameskip improvement
- VIDEO/THREADED: Stability fixes
- WINDOWS/WINRAW: Fix multiple light guns
- WIIU: Fix USB get_device_name(), don't truncate to three chars
- 3DS: Add a menu toggle for switching between old and new 3DS speeds, located in the 'Power Management' menu. Enabled by default, hidden on old 3DS devices.
- CHEEVOS: Update to rcheevos 10.3.3
- CHEEVOS: Support for Arduboy
- CHEEVOS: Fix tab sequences in rich presence being turned into t character
- CHEEVOS: Fix overflow when parsing float value that has more than 9 digits after the decimal
- CHEEVOS: Fix memory mapping when disconnect mask breaks a region into multiple blocks
- CORES: Enable manual selection of which cores are displayed in the 'Standalone Cores' menu
- DATABASE/EXPLORE: Added more categories to the Explore menu
- INPUT/MAPPING: Add 'Manage Remap Files' submenu + automatically save input remaps when closing content
- INPUT/MAPPING: Add 'Reset Input Mapping' option to 'Manage Remap Files' menu
- INPUT/MAPPING: Fix keyboard device remap nulling
- IOS/IOS13+: Support a toolbar that allows toggling of onscreen keyboard and touch mouse
- LIBRETRO: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN fix - ensure core is properly unloaded when RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN is called
- LIBRETRO: RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN fix - ensure menu stack is properly flushed when RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN is called
- LINUX/MALI FBDEV: Fix segfault switching video threaded from quickmenu
- LOCALIZATION: Add Czech language support
- MIYOO: Improve CPU architecture and model name identification for Miyoo
- MENU/SETTINGS: Remove 'Advanced Settings' flag from 'Settings > Core' menu
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Add 'Gray Dark + Light' themes
- MENU/RGUI: Add 6x10 extended ASCII and Latin Extended A and B fonts. These will enable most Latin alphabets to be displayed in RGUI.
- MENU/RGUI: Add 'Gray Dark + Light' themes
- MENU/XMB: Add title margin adjustment
- MENU/XMB: Vertical fade corrections
- MENU/OZONE: The size of the thumbnail bar can now be changed though a new option (Settings->User interface->Appearance) up to double its normal size.
- MENU/OZONE: Add 'Gray Dark + Light' themes
- MENU/OZONE: Add thumbnail scale option
- HOTKEYS: Added hotkey for toggling sync to exact content framerate
- HOTKEYS: Prevent log spam when using rewind hotkey with cores that don't support rewind, if rewind functionality itself is disabled
- HOTKEYS: Add hotkey for toggling sync to exact content framerate
- STEAM: Use native OSK (Onscreen Keyboard) instead of built-in RetroArch version
- STEAM: New built-in core DLC downloader
- STEAM: Swap OK/Cancel buttons by default
- VIDEO/HDR: Removed redundant copy of buffer in HDR mode if the shader has already a HDR format i.e. R10G10B10A2 (updated Vulkan/D3D11/D3D12 drivers)
- VIDEO/HDR: Fixed crash when using stock shader and HDR and previous optimisation
- WAYLAND: Dynamically load libdecor at runtime
- WAYLAND: Fix splash screen when using xdg_toplevel
- WAYLAND: SHM anti-collision for the splash screen
- WAYLAND: Skip splash screen if window is not ready
- WII: Fix find_connection_entry(): needs unsigned int Otherwise the USB gamepad cannot be found, if VID/PID has leading zero. This issue happened with Retrode gamepad adapter
- WII: Rework Retrode gamepad implementation to support multi_pad interface
- WII: Fix - Unplugging and re-plugging now works again
- WII: vWii- Only gamepad 1 is supported, because multi_pad is currently only relevant in the Wii U implementation
- WIIU: Implemented the multi_pad interface according to input/connect/connect_wiiugca.c
- WIIU: Add Optimize for Gamepad option
3DS: Add Jaxe, A5200 and WASM4 cores3DS: Fix rotationARCHIVE: Allow loading files from archive subdirectoryAUDIO: Remove frame limit from audio batch callback. Before, if a core used the audio batch callback, there would be a hidden cap of 1024 on the number of audio frames that could be sent. If a core exceeded this value, any excess samples were silently discarded. While this is sufficient for 'normal' samplerates/framerates, it means that e.g. a core using the batch callback to send 44100 Hz audio at 30 fps with would have entirely broken sound. This has been fixed by removing the audio batch frame limit.AUDIO/RESAMPLER/NEON: Implement sinc kaiser NEON functionCHEEVOS: Reset hardcore default to enabled; show message when trying to load state in hardcoreCHEEVOS: Fix memory map conversionCHEEVOS: Check netplay status when unlocking achievementsCHEEVOS: Support for hashing buffered NDS ROMsCHEEVOS: Fix hung task whe badge doesn't existCLI: Load save states from command-line or playlistCORE INFO CACHE/SETTINGS: Restore missing 'Cache Core Info Files' menu entryDATABASE: Serial scanning for Gamecube/MegaCD/SegaCD/Saturn/PSX/PSP/Dreamcast/WiiD3D10/D3D11: Add Vsync swap intervalEMSCRIPTEN: Add Jaxe, WASM4 coresFILE IO: Fix incorrect file names for remap files when the content path doesn't have a preceding slashINPUT/OVERLAY: Added support for showing the overlay behind the menu instead of in front. This is currently only supported on the GL, Vulkan, D3D 9/10/11/12 and 3DS drivers.INPUT/UDEV: Convert abs mouse from screen to viewport coordinates; fix relative mouse coordsINPUT/WAYLAND: Ignore mouse clicks on window decorationINPUT/WAYLAND: Add scroll wheel supportLINUX: Added support for Linux GameMode (https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode), which can be toggled on/off in the Power Management or Latency settings menus.LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from CrowdinLOCALIZATION: Add Indonesian, Swedish and Ukrainian language optionsLOCALIZATION/MENU/RGUI: Enable Indonesian and Swedish localisations for RGUILOGGING: Logging cleanupsLOGGING: Stop logging FPS statistics twice on quitLOGGING: Log font rendering backend only onceHOTKEYS: Added a hotkey toggle for the on-screen technical statistics.HOTKEYS: Add delay + acceleration to volume hotkeysMENU: Add option for showing notifications only in menuMENU/RGUI: Add Finnish to supported languagesMENU/XMB: Optional vertical list item fadeMENU/XMB/OZONE: Category + History/Favorites iconsNETWORK: Fix dummy notification - no longer shows a netplay initialization failed notification when netplay is not enabledNETWORK: LAN addresses only for UPnP - Some router devices might accept non-LAN addresses without raising an error.NETWORK: Filter out non-connectable rooms. Add an option for filtering out non-connectable netplay rooms.NETWORK: Netplay spectator notification fix. Fix double notification when the host switches to spectator.NETWORK: Prevents long-term pausing from clients dishonoring allow pausingNETWORK/LOBBY: Lobby Viewer: Filter out rooms that are not running RetroArchNETWORK/LOBBY: Lobby Viewer: Display a non-connectable tag to non-connectable roomsNETWORK/LOBBY: Host: Display warning if we are announcing to the internet but our room isn't connectable from thereNETWORK/RELAY: Custom relay server support - Add support for custom user-ran relay serversNETWORK/RELAY: Replace Canadian relay server with Singapore relay server. Current relays: New York/USA, Madrid/Spain, Sao Paulo/Brazil, SingaporeNETWORK/UPNP: Various refactors/improvements, no more dependent on miniupnpcNETWORK/UPNP: Various UPnP binding fixes for specific routersNETWORK/UPNP: Accept IGD v2 service typesNETWORK/UPNP: Delay lobby server announcing - delay the announcing in order to give UPnP's port forwarding more time. Fix the remaining truncation warnings.NETWORK/UPNP: Smart interface selection - Find the most suitable address for UPnP by scoring interfaces on how close their address is to the device's addressOPENGL1: Fix buffer overflow - RetroArch would sometimes crashes at startup when loading asset textures with GL1 driverPS3: PSL1GHT port added to Gitlab CIVULKAN: Double combined image sampler descriptor pool size - fix segfaults with AMD GPUs using RADVVULKAN: Emulate mailbox only with Vsync enabled - otherwise have it disabled - useful for VRR/G-Sync/FreeSyncVULKAN/SWAPCHAIN: Vulkan max swapchain images option adjustments: removed value 1, since it won't be used - Video reinit on change, so that there is no need to restart or toggle fullscreenVULKAN/HDR: HDR support - tested on WindowsWAYLAND: Add libdecor for client side decorationWAYLAND: Use any display for initial metricsWAYLAND: Fix the window closing, if RetroArch is build without libdecorWAYLAND: Use checked sizes in EGL resizeWAYLAND: Fix window title updateWEBOS: Fix webOS build and runWIIU: Fix rotationUWP/XBOX: Fix content over 4GB (approx) failing to load, improve/speed up copy/load timesUWP/XBOX: Fix scanning for playlistsUWP/XBOX: Move content copied to LocalState to a dedicated dir and clear on startupUWP/XBOX: Make content copy to a specific cache directory in the LocalState folder when it's copiedUWP/XBOX: Auto delete VFS cache dir on startupUWP/XBOX: Make resolution switching automatic and fix angle output issuesUWP/XBOX: Force ANGLE to render at 1080p regardless of screensize as the output is 1080p regardless of screensize. This fixes an issue where at 4k any angle output would be zoomed into a corner.UWP/XBOX: Set resolution based on display resolution (auto 4k)UWP/XBOX: Set driver to D3D11 if booting with openglUWP/XBOX: Reset width and height of output on boot to match displayUWP/XBOX: Mitigate need for VFS cores on NTFS drivesUWP/XBOX: Make check for standard I/O by access rather than the just assuming based on path stringUWP/XBOX: Add code to auto permissions so files can be accessed by non VFS cores (no exFAT or FAT32 support yet)
- 3DS: Add Jaxe, A5200 and WASM4 cores
- 3DS: Fix rotation
- ARCHIVE: Allow loading files from archive subdirectory
- AUDIO: Remove frame limit from audio batch callback. Before, if a core used the audio batch callback, there would be a hidden cap of 1024 on the number of audio frames that could be sent. If a core exceeded this value, any excess samples were silently discarded. While this is sufficient for 'normal' samplerates/framerates, it means that e.g. a core using the batch callback to send 44100 Hz audio at 30 fps with would have entirely broken sound. This has been fixed by removing the audio batch frame limit.
- AUDIO/RESAMPLER/NEON: Implement sinc kaiser NEON function
- CHEEVOS: Reset hardcore default to enabled; show message when trying to load state in hardcore
- CHEEVOS: Fix memory map conversion
- CHEEVOS: Check netplay status when unlocking achievements
- CHEEVOS: Support for hashing buffered NDS ROMs
- CHEEVOS: Fix hung task whe badge doesn't exist
- CLI: Load save states from command-line or playlist
- CORE INFO CACHE/SETTINGS: Restore missing 'Cache Core Info Files' menu entry
- DATABASE: Serial scanning for Gamecube/MegaCD/SegaCD/Saturn/PSX/PSP/Dreamcast/Wii
- EMSCRIPTEN: Add Jaxe, WASM4 cores
- FILE IO: Fix incorrect file names for remap files when the content path doesn't have a preceding slash
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Added support for showing the overlay behind the menu instead of in front. This is currently only supported on the GL, Vulkan, D3D 9/10/11/12 and 3DS drivers.
- INPUT/UDEV: Convert abs mouse from screen to viewport coordinates; fix relative mouse coords
- INPUT/WAYLAND: Ignore mouse clicks on window decoration
- INPUT/WAYLAND: Add scroll wheel support
- LINUX: Added support for Linux GameMode (https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode), which can be toggled on/off in the Power Management or Latency settings menus.
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- LOCALIZATION: Add Indonesian, Swedish and Ukrainian language options
- LOCALIZATION/MENU/RGUI: Enable Indonesian and Swedish localisations for RGUI
- LOGGING: Logging cleanups
- LOGGING: Stop logging FPS statistics twice on quit
- LOGGING: Log font rendering backend only once
- HOTKEYS: Added a hotkey toggle for the on-screen technical statistics.
- HOTKEYS: Add delay + acceleration to volume hotkeys
- MENU: Add option for showing notifications only in menu
- MENU/RGUI: Add Finnish to supported languages
- MENU/XMB: Optional vertical list item fade
- MENU/XMB/OZONE: Category + History/Favorites icons
- NETWORK: Fix dummy notification - no longer shows a netplay initialization failed notification when netplay is not enabled
- NETWORK: LAN addresses only for UPnP - Some router devices might accept non-LAN addresses without raising an error.
- NETWORK: Filter out non-connectable rooms. Add an option for filtering out non-connectable netplay rooms.
- NETWORK: Netplay spectator notification fix. Fix double notification when the host switches to spectator.
- NETWORK: Prevents long-term pausing from clients dishonoring allow pausing
- NETWORK/LOBBY: Lobby Viewer: Filter out rooms that are not running RetroArch
- NETWORK/LOBBY: Lobby Viewer: Display a non-connectable tag to non-connectable rooms
- NETWORK/LOBBY: Host: Display warning if we are announcing to the internet but our room isn't connectable from there
- NETWORK/RELAY: Custom relay server support - Add support for custom user-ran relay servers
- NETWORK/RELAY: Replace Canadian relay server with Singapore relay server. Current relays: New York/USA, Madrid/Spain, Sao Paulo/Brazil, Singapore
- NETWORK/UPNP: Various refactors/improvements, no more dependent on miniupnpc
- NETWORK/UPNP: Various UPnP binding fixes for specific routers
- NETWORK/UPNP: Accept IGD v2 service types
- NETWORK/UPNP: Delay lobby server announcing - delay the announcing in order to give UPnP's port forwarding more time. Fix the remaining truncation warnings.
- NETWORK/UPNP: Smart interface selection - Find the most suitable address for UPnP by scoring interfaces on how close their address is to the device's address
- OPENGL1: Fix buffer overflow - RetroArch would sometimes crashes at startup when loading asset textures with GL1 driver
- PS3: PSL1GHT port added to Gitlab CI
- VULKAN: Double combined image sampler descriptor pool size - fix segfaults with AMD GPUs using RADV
- VULKAN: Emulate mailbox only with Vsync enabled - otherwise have it disabled - useful for VRR/G-Sync/FreeSync
- VULKAN/SWAPCHAIN: Vulkan max swapchain images option adjustments: removed value 1, since it won't be used - Video reinit on change, so that there is no need to restart or toggle fullscreen
- VULKAN/HDR: HDR support - tested on Windows
- WAYLAND: Add libdecor for client side decoration
- WAYLAND: Use any display for initial metrics
- WAYLAND: Fix the window closing, if RetroArch is build without libdecor
- WAYLAND: Use checked sizes in EGL resize
- WAYLAND: Fix window title update
- WEBOS: Fix webOS build and run
- WIIU: Fix rotation
- UWP/XBOX: Fix content over 4GB (approx) failing to load, improve/speed up copy/load times
- UWP/XBOX: Fix scanning for playlists
- UWP/XBOX: Move content copied to LocalState to a dedicated dir and clear on startup
- UWP/XBOX: Make content copy to a specific cache directory in the LocalState folder when it's copied
- UWP/XBOX: Auto delete VFS cache dir on startup
- UWP/XBOX: Make resolution switching automatic and fix angle output issues
- UWP/XBOX: Force ANGLE to render at 1080p regardless of screensize as the output is 1080p regardless of screensize. This fixes an issue where at 4k any angle output would be zoomed into a corner.
- UWP/XBOX: Set resolution based on display resolution (auto 4k)
- UWP/XBOX: Set driver to D3D11 if booting with opengl
- UWP/XBOX: Reset width and height of output on boot to match display
- UWP/XBOX: Mitigate need for VFS cores on NTFS drives
- UWP/XBOX: Make check for standard I/O by access rather than the just assuming based on path string
- UWP/XBOX: Add code to auto permissions so files can be accessed by non VFS cores (no exFAT or FAT32 support yet)
- ANDROID/PLAYSTORE: Bump up SDK level to 30 to comply with Play Store policies
- AUDIO/MIXER: Increase sample buffer padding
- CHEEVOS: Disallow achievements when spectating netplay
- CHEEVOS: Fix need-to-activate achievement logic for non-hardcore
- CHEEVOS: Don't queue rewind re-init if already on main thread
- CHEEVOS: Ignore unofficial achievements unless setting is enabled
- CHEEVOS: Use SSL host when available
- CHEEVOS: Validate hashes for secondary discs in multi-disc games
- CHEEVOS: Ensure placard is initialized on main thread when game has no achievements
- CHEEVOS: Audit achievement settings defaults and visibility
- CHEEVOS: Show error message when no password provided
- CHEEVOS: Use widget for game loaded achievement progress
- CONFIG: Honor config_save_on_exit when Reboot/Shutdown is called
- DISK CONTROL: Focus on current content entry in Disk Control append/insert
- FRAMEDELAY: Auto Frame Delay Improvements - swap interval handling, D3DX handling, and delay target resets also on core restart. It should now work with high refresh rates and also with Direct3D 10/11/12 drivers
- INPUT/GYRO/ACCELEROMETER/ANDROID: Re-enable Gyroscope & Accelerometer when RetroArch resumes or regains focus
- INPUT/HID: Fix gamepad disconnect on unrecognized HID device
- LAKKA: Patch to fix keyboard typing
- LAKKA: CD-ROM eject menu item
- LAKKA/BLUETOOTH: Add option to remove pairing
- LAKKA/SWITCH: Disable rumble gain
- LAKKA/SWITCH: Disable cpu scaling, uses its own CPU governor
- LOGGING: Logging cleanups. A bunch of unifications and reformattings (capitalizations, dots, quotes, prefixes etc). Also added a few missing things, such as Run-Ahead error logging and LED interface init logging when it is enabled.
- NETPLAY: Networking - should not print country for a local lobby
- NETPLAY: Added setting to allow/disallow players other than the host from pausing the game.
- NETPLAY: Added a sublabel for netplay max connections.
- NETPLAY: Fixed port override macro from not being set immediately after the port setting.
- NETPLAY: Show passworded rooms on lobby
- NETWORK: Make HTTP header parsing case insensitive
- NETWORK/UPNP: Fixed memory leaks
- NETWORK/UPNP: Added a task_queue_wait to prevent executing two nat tasks at once, so it's also thread safe now
- NETWORK/UPNP: Switch to a permanent lease time, but request it to be removed when we do netplay_free. Switch to a permanent lease time, but request it to be removed when we do netplay_free.
- NETWORK/UPNP: Only use a single interface for UPnP, return on the first one found instead of iterating over all of them and opening them one by one
- OVERLAYS: Revert changes
- RETROFW: Add OSS audio
- VIDEO/ROTATION: Always return false if rotation can't occur. RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_ROTATION should return false when rotation has been forcefully disabled in frontend, that way the core can decide if aspect ratio should be rotated or not for vertical games. Useful for FBNeo for instance.
- VULKAN: Avoid hard crash when capturing screenshot in emulating mailbox.
- WIIU: Make wiiu_gfx_load_texture code safer
- WIIU: Fix keyboard support.
- CHEEVOS/MSVC2010: Add Cheevos support
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fixes some issue where scaling is incorrect in some video modes for CRT output.
- FRAMEDELAY: Add 'Automatic Frame Delay' option
- INPUT: Add 'All users control the menu' setting - any gamepad can control the menu when this is enabled. Only limitation right now is that only player 1 can toggle the menu, but any set Menu Toggle Controller Combo will work fine for all users, so this should be acceptable for now
- INPUT/UDEV: Fix Dolphin bar and safeguard against not adding devices with no mouse or touch buttons detected
- NETPLAY/CLI: -C/--connect commandline fix
- NETPLAY: Other improvements
- NETPLAY: Remove forced disconnection on unknown netplay command - will be backwards compatible with any version that removed this disconnect. instead of disconnecting, we just read the data and ignore, like most network implementations do
- TASKS/CHEEVOS: Replace coroutines with tasks/thread
- TASKS/DATABASE/EXPLORE: Initialise 'Explore' menu on a background thread - no more stall when hovering over the Explore tab
- 3DS: Ensure parallax barrier is disabled when '3DS Display Mode' is '2D'
- COMMAND: Command interface should work again
- INPUT/HID: Rewrote the HID deregistration algorithm; it should no longer cause issues when dealing with multiple pads of the same HID/VID combo
- INPUT/HID: Fix initialization bug that caused wiimotes to fail to register without an accessory attached
- INPUT/HID: Fix Wiimote regression
- INPUT/HID/MAC: Get Sony Sixaxis (DualShock 3) working on MacOS
- INPUT/UDEV: Add extra abs check for dolphinbar
- INPUT/UDEV: Add relative left mouse button when pointer device is not abs
- INPUT/WAYLAND: Fix keyboard input on Wayland - fixes 'Certain cores ignore user input'
- NETPLAY: Improvements from Cthulhu
- OPENDINGUX: Fix HAS_ANALOG/HAS_MENU_TOGGLE defines in sdl_dingux joypad driver
- LIBRETRO: Enable SRAM for contentless cores
- LIBRETRO: Add environment callback to get the rate retro_run is called - GET_THROTTLE_STATE and RETRO_THROTTLE_UNBLOCKED environment callback
- LINUX: Update metadata manifest
- MENU/OZONE: New themes - Solarized Light, Solarized Dark
- WINDOWS/WIN9X: Fix non-ASCII text display in window title
- ANDROID: New launcher logo - will fill the corners on the homescreen
- D3D9: Driver works again (RGUI only and software rendered cores work, no shader support yet)
- HID/MAC: WiiU GameCube Adapter now works
- HID/WIIU: WiiU and general HID subsystem unified/merged
- INPUT: Refactor menu toggle combo button logic to allow quit combo button
- INPUT/UDEV: Add mouse relative check and set appropriately to fix issue
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Splitted Joycon button mapping
- LIBRETRO: Add environment callback to enable cores to notify the frontend that a core otion value has changed
- MIYOO: Add initial port
- OPENDINGUX/RG350: Enable tinyalsa for the RG350
- PS2: Add 'Change Resolution' option
- PS2: Add option to change video windows offsets
- STEAM/LINUX: Move to new 'soldier' runtime
- WAYLAND: Remove xdg-shell-v6 protocol
- WINDOWS: Fix non-ASCII text display in window title
- WINDOWS 11: Shows Windows 11 version name now (Information -> System Information)
- UWP: Further improvements to WinRT VFS layer
- 3DS: Add bottom screen idle state
- 3DS: Add unique IDs for Gearboy/Gearcoleco/Gearsystem, correct CAP32 code
- 3DS/SAVESTATES: Fix RAM states to file when core deinits
- AUDIO/MIXER: Pad sample buffers to prevent potential heap-buffer-overflows when resampling (fixes crash when using 30 kHz menu audio files)
- CHEEVOS: Don't write achievement credentials to overrides
- CHEEVOS: Disable slowmotion when enabling hardcore mode
- D3D9: Fixed MVP matrix issue for RGUI texture (main game frame still won't show up though)
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Fixed contrast to be more correct - now scales from 0-10 linearly and behaves more the way you'd expect it to - changed name to ditch legacy settings users may have
- D3D11/HDR: Fixed D3D11's blend, rasterizer and topology states not being set to the sames when using HDR and leaving the menu - caused issues with PCSX2's Shadow of the Colossus
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Added ability to skip inverse tonemapper to the shader via the constant buffer using 'inverse_tonemap' - set to 0.0f to skip
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Fixed potential bug when swapping between hdr and sdr and the bit depth not being set correctly
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Added numerous helper functions to help create the correct values to colour the UI - normally the white UI elements should be rendered at paper white not max brightness for various reasons
- BUGFIX/ANDROID: Fix crash that could happen on Android with Sameboy core - would crash on rumble function
- GFX/WIDGETS: New regular widget message appearance
- INPUT/MOUSE: Add distinct mouse zero index label for drivers that do not support multimouse
- INPUT/RUMBLE: Add generic rumble gain to input settings
- INPUT/UDEV/X11: Add workaround to fix keyboard input when using X11 + Udev
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Add Video Filters support
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- PLAYLISTS: Add 'Refresh Playlist' option
- STEAM: Initial release on Steam
- UWP/VFS/XBOX: Improvements and bugfixes to UWP VFS driver
- VIDEO/REFRESH RATE: Automatic PAL/NTSC refresh rate switch where available - as long as the platform display server allows changing refresh rates and the display has the desired refresh rate
- VIDEO FILTERS: Add 'Picoscale_256x-320x240' video filter
- WIIU/HID: Fix analog inputs on HID devices
- 3DS: Add bottom touchscreen menu
- 3DS/SAVESTATES: Save and load save states to and from RAM
- AUDIO/MIXER: Ensure than menu sounds are re-enabled when calling CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_REINIT
- AUDIO/RESAMPLER/MIXER: Fix menu sounds (audio mixing) when using the 'sinc' resampler with quality lower than 'normal'
- AUDIO/CONVERSION/ARM NEON: Add intrinsic NEON versions for float_to_s16/s16_to_float - should lead to optimized codepaths for AArch64/ARMv7 architectures without being dependent on ASM codepaths.
- AUDIO/RESAMPLER/ARM NEON: Add intrinsic NEON version for lanczos sinc function - should lead to optimized codepaths for AArch64/ARMv7 architectures without being dependent on ASM codepaths.
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.2
- CHEATS: Add enhanced search functionality to the 'Cheats' menu
- CHEATS/RUNAHEAD: Fix cheats when using second instance runahead
- CONFIG: Add option to (force-)write current core options to disk (Quick Menu)
- CORE INFO CACHE: Remove core path from core info cache. Should make core info caches portable now (for example: you can move RetroArch to a separate dir and they would still work).
- D3D11: Use Shader Model 5.0 for frontend shaders if D3D11 Feature level is at least 11.0 or higher. Should fix some new shaders that require SM 5.0 (like AMD FSR)
- D3D11: Add HDR support (disabled for UWP for now)
- D3D12: Add HDR support (disabled for UWP for now)
- EMSCRIPTEN: Fixed web player bug with filesystem and runtime
- INPUT/OVERLAY: Fix overlay input when analog to digital mapping is enabled
- INPUT/WINRAW: Fix crash when overlay is enabled
- MAC/METAL: Add Discord RPC support
- MENU: Allow 'Custom Aspect Ratio (X Position)/(Y Position)/(Width)/(Height)' to be entered manually via keyboard
- MENU: Allow 'Vertical Refresh Rate' to be entered manually via keyboard
- MENU/SHADERS: Highlight currently selected value in Shader Parameter drop-down lists
- STABILITY: Safer way of avoiding the race condition in audio_driver_sample/audio_driver_sample_batch - we can check audio-suspended to see if we're doing a fs/windowed toggle - enhances stability when fullscreen toggling/tearing down context
- STABILITY: When audio driver write callback function fails, don't turn audio off completely - look if audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf is non-NULL first before we attempt to write audio - enhances stability when fullscreen toggling/tearing down context
- STABILITY: Input robustness for cores that use internal threading (full teardown/setup), no audio should be processed at this point in time
- VIDEO: Screen resolution list sanitizing
- VULKAN: Fix some Vulkan validation layer errors
- UWP: Updated icons courtesy of Danp142
- UWP/XBOX: Disable CPU model check on Xbox as it doesn't work and can even crash
- UWP/VFS/XBOX: Code cleanup and simplification of UWP VFS driver
- AUDIO/WINDOWS/WASAPI: Stop deactivating audio on fast forward
- CHEEVOS: Hide challenge indicators when resetting
- CHEEVOS: Support for more than 64 memory regions
- CHEEVOS: Automatically retry 'http error code -1'
- CONTENT INFORMATION: Show content info label+path rows always
- CORE OPTIONS: Core option categories implemented
- CORE OPTIONS: Add option to disable core option categories
- D3D10/11/12: Fix gfx_display_draw_texture - fixes OSK (On-Screen Keyboard) issues
- DATABASE: Fix heap-buffer-overflow when fetching CRC values
- DATABASE/EXPLORE: Fix CRC32 reading in explore menu
- DATABASE/LIBRETRODB: Fix writing of numerical values
- DATABASE/LIBRETRODB: Fix libretro-db loading on big endian platforms
- DUMMY CORE: Skip state_manager_event_{deinit/init} when core type is dummy, should skip warning spam 'Implementation uses threaded audio. Cannot use rewind..' when using rewind
- INPUT/UDEV: Limit udev device scan to subsystem 'input'
- INPUT/SDL2/WINDOWS: Fix keyboard event keycodes
- INPUT/WAYLAND: Fixes a bug where the first player's mouse, pointer, and lightgun are echoed to the other ports. Now, those other ports correctly report zero. In the future support for multiple mouselike devices will need to be added, which is a bigger project
- INPUT/WAYLAND: The driver now respects keyboard_mapping_blocked
- INPUT/WAYLAND: When possible, deprecated lightgun defines are replaced with the new ones. The coordinates are still using the old relative callbacks
- INPUT/WINRAW: Trigger joypad driver reinit on DEVICECHANGE - avoids fullscreen toggle
- INPUT/WINRAW: Alt sticky fix
- INPUT/WINRAW: Prevent Alt getting stuck when Alt-Tabbing
- INPUT/WINRAW: Add pointer status
- INPUT/WINRAW: Add missing analog keybinds
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Fix poll missing for controller 2-8
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Fix layout not applied correctly and hangs when splitting joycons
- LIBRETRO: Core options category API implemented
- LIBRETRO: Add environment callback for enabling core option menu visibility updates without toggling Quick Menu
- LOGGING: Starting logging and verbose mode before first config load
- LINUX: In some Linux Desktop Environments, like Budgie, task bar feature is unable to pin applications. With StartupWMClass= present in .desktop file, it is possible to pin the application
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- MENU: Relocate 'Manage Playlists' to top
- MENU: Fullscreen resolution width/height settings no longer require 'advanced settings'
- MENU/REFRESH RATE: Fix double notifications with refresh rate settings
- MENU/OZONE: Ensure the existence of values used in selection calculation
- MENU/OZONE/VULKAN: Casting to unsigned caused an integer overflow and after float promotion would lead to 'x' being a garbage value, leading to problems when this value was passed to vkCmdSetViewport. This stops Vulkan validation layers from complaining about it
- METAL: Fixed font driver memory leaks
- MOUSE: Change default mouse index to port index
- MOUSE: Friendly names for mice where available
- OSX: Fix some memory leaks
- OSX: Fix controller duplication bug
- PS2: Implement alpha for the video driver
- PS2: Aspect ratio handling
- RETROFW: Initial port
- UWP/XBOX: Enable Explore tab by default - seems to work fine
- UWP/XBOX: Fix startup issues with latest Xbox Dashboard updates - ANGLE cores still show up wrong
- UWP/XBOX: fix issue where files where opened as OPENALWAYS instead of OPENEXISTING this fixes beetle cores
- UWP/XBOX: fix issue where filesizes where not returned properly, this fixes loading arcade dat files
- UWP/TRANSLATION: Enabled translation services for both UWP MSVC2017 and 2019. No TTS speech yet.
- VIDEO: Fix refresh rate 59Hz rounding
- WINDOWS: Remember original refresh rate
- WINDOWS/VULKAN: Refresh rate fixes + cleanups
- WIIU: Fix L3/R3 buttons
- WIIU: Compress RPX libretro cores
- WIIU: Add ICInvalidateRange (necessary for JITs)
- WIIU: Slight filesystem optimisation
- WIIU: Add option for running without core info (emscripten-style)
- 3DS: Add unique ID's
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fixed some Monitor index bugs ad updated to the latest SR2
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fixed monitor index corruption on Windows and added correct fractal scaling. Only used when required
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Updated log defines to match SR upstream.
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Added new SR_CONFIG_PATHS for non Windows and Linux systems. Not that SR works on them but to fix RA compile issues
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Updated SR2 code base to latest. Added supprt for windows monitor indexing. Fixed monitor index bug where index 1 was not being used correctly and "auto" was not being sent.
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Updated swithres for x86 windows fix
- CRT/SWITCHRES: fixed SR2 auto issue
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fixed auto monitor bug
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fixed monitor index corruption on Windows
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fixed buffer size bug
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Added correct fractal scalling. only used when required.
- CORE INFO: Automatically disable core info cache when core info directory is read-only
- EMSCRIPTEN: add MAME2003 / MAME2003-plus to web.libretro
- INPUT/UDEV: udev fixes add pointer pressed to pointer device to allow udev users to access this device
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Enable 7zip support
- LINUX/XDG: Prevent xdg-screensaver's "Protocol error" messages
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- LOCALIZATION: Add missing languages for the first startup
- MENU/XMB/WIDGETS: Add workaround for FPU bug that breaks scale factor comparisons on certain platforms (fixes XMB thumbnails on 32bit Linux/Windows)
- MENU/RGUI: Enable fullscreen thumbnail toggle using RetroPad 'start' button
- MENU/RGUI: Fix sublabel length when menu clock is disabled
- NETWORK/HTTP: Fix HTTP progress indication for large files on 32-bit systems
- NETWORK/NATT: implement natt fix from void()
- OPENDINGUX: Fix display when cores 'drop' frames
- OPENDINGUX BETA: Use ALSA audio driver by default
- OPENDINGUX BETA: Fix IPU scaling when running 256x224 (SNES/Genesis) content
- PATHS: Fix garbled path string
- PS2: Implement proper ps2_font driver instead of using the font driver from gskit
- PS2: Use BDM for increasing up USB stability
- PS3: First basic RSX driver for PSL1GHT
- RS90: Initial port
- RS90: Fix offset of OSD text
- RS90: Disable menu clock by default
- RS90: Hide 'Bilinear Filtering' video option
- RS90: Move appdata (retroarch) base directory to external microsd card
- RS90: Add optional approximate 'semi-linear' scaling filter
- SHADERS: Max Shader Parameters increased to 1024
- VIDEO: Add 'Integer Scale Overlay' - Force integer scaling to round up to the next larger integer instead of rounding down
- VIDEO: New 'Full' aspect ratio added. This aspect ratio is useful when used with a shader which has a border in it. The aspect ratio is set to the full window area, so that the viewport spans the whole viewport. When using a border type shader like the Mega Bezel this allows the graphics to span the whole window regardless of the user's monitor aspect ratio
- VITA: Wrong flags for not piglet version
- UNIX: Correct backlight max_brightness path
- UWP/XBOX: Default to Direct3D11 driver on UWP builds
- UWP/XBOX: Do not use windowed mode on UWP/Xbox by default, set default resolution to 1920x1080 by default. Should fix display issues with Dolphin/PCSX2 on Xbox
- WIIU: Fix inputs breaking when connecting/disconnecting remotes
- WIIU: Input - ignore some bogus KPAD results
- WIIU: Font rendering fixes - render font lines with correct spacing, and only sample alpha channel when rendering fonts
- WIIU/NETWORK: Network speed optimisations - WINSCALE, TCP sACK, large buffers
- WIIU/LIBFAT: Increase cache size on WiiU
- WIIU/FILE IO: Filesystem optimisations - add fast path for already aligned buffers
- WIIU/FILE IO: Use 128K vbufs for WiiU - we have loads of RAM and large vbufs are very beneficial
- WIIU/MENU/OZONE: Fix Ozone rendering error (scissor fix)
- WIIU/MENU/OZONE: Use Ozone icons instead of XMB Monochrome
- ANDROID: Do not duplicate port 0 mouse and gun inputs to other ports
- AUDIO/XAUDIO2: Fail instead of crashing when disconnecting an audio device
- CHEEVOS: Reset cached progress each time menu is opened
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Add support for switchres.ini core and directory overrides
- D3D11: Don't use allow tearing flag with blit swap chains. Also disables the flip model if the allow tearing flag is not supported.
- D3D11: Disable DXGI's ALT+ENTER handling
- D3D11: Don't pass ALLOW_TEARING when unsupported
- D3D11: Fix non-vsynced output without flip, black screens in fullscreen
- D3D12: Relcoated 'd3d12_gfx_sync'
- D3D12: Fixed swap interval option
- GFX: Fix uninitialized variables in gfx_display_draw_cursor
- INPUT: 'Analog to Digital Type' usability improvements
- INPUT: Add support for mapping multiple controllers to a single input device
- INPUT/REMAPPING: Add support for mapping multiple controllers to a single input device
- INPUT/LIGHTGUN: Bind lightgun trigger to first mouse button by default
- INPUT/WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Mouse access violation fix
- INPUT/UDEV: Only add mouse if it has buttons and add vebose device friendly names
- INPUT/UDEV: Skip mouse with no button errors and keep the rest
- INPUT/UDEV: Fix Game Focus mode
- INPUT/UDEV/X11: Change udev driver for dual lightgun support in X11
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- LOCALIZATION: Fix Switchres menu texts
- MENU/OZONE: Ensure sidebar display status is updated correctly when performing rapid menu navigation
- MENU/XMB: Dynamic wallpaper fix
- MENU/XMB: Icon opacity fix
- SECURITY: Plug so-called high-risk vulnerability related to Powershell - avoid injection - don't send speech input as commandline argument
- UWP/XBOX: Add expanded resources Rescap to increase performance of UWP version in app mode on Xbox
- WINDOWS/INSTALLER: Add smarter isEmptyDir reference implementation that looks for subdirectories from NSIS documentation
- WINDOWS/INSTALLER: Register new function DirectorySet that is called when pressing the "Next" button on the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY, aka the install folder selection GUI. DirectorySet contains the criteria for an acceptable folder, which are:
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\retroarch.exe"
returns 1IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\*.*
returns 0, there is no existing folderIfFileExists "$INSTDIR\*.*"
returns 1, there is a folder, andisEmptyDir
returns 1, therefore the folder is empty, including of subdirectories
- X11: Fix threaded video segfault
- ALSATHREAD: Make alsathread default for all ALSA devices with threads
- ARCHIVE: Fix loading of archived content with file names containing '#' characters
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.1
- CHEEVOS: Challenge indicators
- CHEEVOS: Group achievements by category in quick menu
- CHEEVOS: Relabel 'Start Active' with 'Encore Mode'
- D3D10: Window title should now update
- D3D11: Window title should now update
- D3D11: Allow fastforward in fullscreen
- D3D12: Window title should now update
- D3D12: Allow fastforward in fullscreen
- CRT/SWITCHRES: New implementation
- FONTS: Improve message wrapping with CJK languages
- FONTS: Fix garbled characters when converting encodings
- INPUT: Allow the 8 analog stick directions to be used as keys for core keyboard mappings
- LIBRETRO: Add API extension for setting 'need_fullpath' based on content file extension and to request persistent frontend content data buffers
- MENU/SEARCH: Add enhanced search functionality to the 'Manage Cores' menu
- OPENDINGUX: Fix black screens when triggering gfx driver initialisation via menu actions
- UNIX: Get better battery stats on sysfs nodes
- VIDEO: Extend Frame Delay range to 19 to accommodate PAL land too
- WIFI/LAKKA: Add nmcli to wifi drivers
- WIFI/LAKKA: Add wifi configuration menu
- X11: fix fullscreen when swapping monitors/resolution
- CHEEVOS: update rcheevos to v10.0.0
- CONTENT LOADING/FILE IO: Prevent unnecessary extraction (to disk) of compressed content files when need_fullpath is false
- CORE INFO/FILE IO: Enable core info cache by default now for all platforms
- CORE INFO/REGRESSION FIX: Fix regression caused by core info file caching - Downloads was no longer showing up in Load Content
- FILE IO/COMPRESSED: Ability to load content inside ZIP files directly into RAM
- INPUT/OVERLAYS: Add option to select between 'touched' elements and physical controller inputs when showing inputs on overlays
- INPUT REMAPPING/OVERLAYS: Prevent duplicate inputs when using remaps with input overlays
- LAKKA: Add brightness restore hook
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- MENU/OZONE: Added simple playlist entry enumeration
- MENU/XMB: Fix display of 'Maximum Users' menu entry dropdown list
- PS3/PSL1GHT: Joypad driver works again
- PSTV: Fix Vita input driver for PSTV
- PSTV: Support for 720p on PSTV when using 'Unlock framebuffer' in Sharpscale plugin
- RPNG: Fix some memory corruption if processing broken input PNG file
- SECURITY: Fix CVE-2021-28927
- 3DS: Disable menu screensaver animations in XMB/GLUI
- COMMAND: Initialize netcmd->cmd_source_len before recvfrom()
- CONTENT LOADING/STATICALLY LINKED: Ensure 'Always Reload Core on Run Content' setting is applied when loading content via the file browser
- CONTENT LOADING/EMSCRIPTEN: Fix content loading via file browser on platforms with 'broken' core handling (i.e. emscripten)
- CORE INFO: Skip whitespace when writing compressed core info cache files
- CORE INFO/FILE IO: Core Info cache; significant file I/O performance improvements on systems with slow disk file I/O
- CORE INFO/FILE IO: Enable core info cache by default on all 'console' platforms
- FREEBSD: FreeBSD build fix
- LAKKA: Support for tweaking CPU governors/scaling policies
- LAKKA: This adds managed policies and settings to store them and reload them at startup
- LIBRETRO API: Add API extension for cores to override frontend fast-forward state
- MENU/RGUI: Fix saving of config files/overrides when 'Lock Menu Aspect Ratio' is enabled
- SHADERS: Fix 'Auto-Shader Delay' functionality
- UWP/D3D11: Disable mipmap generation
- UWP/XBOX: Add 'Force 4K resolution' option (Force the resolution to the fullscreen size on Xbox, if set to 0, a fixed value of 3840 x 2160 will be used)
- 3DS: Enable graphics widgets / overlays
- 3DS: Load texture images as BGR colors
- 3DS: Change default asset directory
- CHEEVOS: Allow rcheevos_patch_address to be called on game without achievements
- CHEEVOS: Update achievement memory maps (add Supervision)
- CONFIG/FILE: Use hash map to optimise key/value lookups
- CORE INFO: Performance optimisations + code clean-ups/refactors
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Fixed CRTSwitchRes framebuffer bug
- DISCORD/RP: Fix regression
- DRM: set the correct video mode
- FASTFORWARD: Enforce minimum fastforward_ratio of 1.0
- FONTS/FREETYPE/STB_UNICODE/BITMAPFONT: Prevent texture bleed when rendering text at non-integer scales
- INPUT: Ensure that 'retro_set_controller_port_device' is called when updating 'Max Users'
- INPUT/XEGL/MOUSE: Fix xegl_ctx.c mouse activation
- INPUT/SDL: Fix crash in SDL input driver when analogs are bound.
- INPUT/POINTER: Add scaling to pointer input.
- INPUT REMAPPING: Fix regression on loading file
- INPUT REMAPPING: Fix regression where disabling input remapping would disable input
- IOS: Disable system button gestures on iOS 14
- IOS: Prevent potential crash on controller connect - randomly would get a crash when connecting a game controller while RA was running
- LAKKA: Add menu for time zone setting
- LOGGING: RARCH_LOG_V checking for verbosity level is not necessary and can cause issues; removed said check.
- LOGGING: Silence inappropriate cheatfile logging
- IOS/MAC: Add CPU VFP unit detection for Darwin
- MAC: Swallow 'escape' key being pressed - would previously make the game toggle between fullscreen and windowed
- MAC: Intel and ARM64 timer change proposal.
- MAC/ARM64: run_fast_mode disabled for 64 bits invalid instructions.
- MAC/OPENGL: Fix codesigning issue
- MAC/UNIVERSAL: Add TTS translation service support.
- MENU: Add optional menu screensaver
- MENU: Add search filter support to cheats and overlays file browser menus
- MENU/FILEBROWSER: Enhanced 'Load Content' file browser search functionality
- MENU/INPUT: Block accidental diagonals in menu navigation
- MENU/RGUI: Add option to disable menu transparency
- MENU/RGUI: Fix display of 'Video > Scaling' menu when 'Lock Menu Aspect Ratio' is enabled
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Add icon to 'Turbo Fire' menu entry
- OPENDINGUX/BETA: Fix IPU scaling when running GBA-resolution content
- MENU/OZONE: Ozone Dracula theme
- OPENDINGUX/BETA: Fix IPU scaling when running GBA-resolution content
- OPENDINGUX/BETA: Add 50Hz support
- OPENDINGUX: Enable 'SaveRAM Autosave Interval' by default
- PATCHES: Added multi-softpatching support + OSD messages for patches
- RHMAP: Track the complete string in rhmap
- VITA: Align VM block size to 1MB - should fix one of the issues with gpSP
- WINDOWS/GDI: Fix non-ASCII text rendering
- XEGL: Fix mouse not working when using OpenGLES with X11
- 3DS: Graphics widgets support
- 3DS: On error, only init gfx on salamander build. This prevents graphical issues if the gfx is already initialized. Which should always be the case if called from a running core
- 3DS: Update error applet
- 3DS: Enable online Core Updater
- 3DS: Guard threading
- 3DS: Allow sideways screen rotation
- 3DS: Enable threading and add a threaded audio driver
- ANDROID: Implementation of fullscreen over notch function (for Android 9.0 and up)
- ANDROID: Add Play Store module support.
- ANDROID: Add option to switch all installed cores to Play Store versions
- AUDIO: Memalign audio buffers to 64 bytes. This is the most common cache line size, helps with performance. Also fixes issues with platforms like PSP that wrongly assume that malloc returns aligned buffers (to 16bytes). This recently broke the PSP builds
- AUDIO/ALSA: Fix float format detection
- AUDIO/JACK: Deinterleave in the process callback. This allows us to avoid the extra copy to the deinterleave buffer and lets us use only a single jack ringbuffer.
- AUDIO/JACK: (Audio/JACK) Fix non-blocking write. Previously we would wait on the condition variable even in the non-blocking case. This improves fast-forward performance massively and brings JACK in line with other backends in that regard.
- AUDIO/XAUDIO2: Fix threaded audio bugs with cores like Dinothawr
- CONFIG: Add support for saving per-directory core options and deleting core option overrides
- CONFIG: Enable saving of changed parameters when '#include' directives are used
- CONFIG/DIRS: Enable configuration of the directories used for Favorites, History, Images, Music and Video playlists
- CONFIG/REMAPS: Allow loading core remaps without content
- CONFIG/OVERRIDES: Fix empty override paths when launching without content
- CHEATS: Maximum search value corrections
- CHEEVOS: Generic memory mapping using rcheevos
- CHEEVOS: Ensure badge textures are released before video driver is deinitialized. Should fix crashes with slang shaders.
- CHEEVOS: Include achievement runtime state in save states
- CHEEVOS: Prevent hardcore toggle when emu-handled cheats are active
- CHEEVOS: Add confirmation submenu to achievements hardcore toggle
- CHEEVOS: Calculate leaderboard widget spacing based on video resolution
- CHEEVOS: Show unsupported core message when viewing achievement list for unsupported core
- CHEEVOS: Allow disabling leaderboard notifications and trackers separately
- CHEEVOS: Add display widget for active leaderboards
- CHEEVOS/CORE OPTIONS: Core options blacklist. Disables hardcore mode when certain core options are set.
- CLI: Add option for quitting on close content
- CONTEXT/DRIVER SWITCHING: Allow context switching from gl to glcore
- CORE OPTIONS: Add option to reset all core options for current core/content
- CORE OPTIONS: Add per-folder core options
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Improvements
- CRT/SWITCHRES: Low resolution switch bug fix - This allows resolutions lower that 32x224 like 256x224 to work
- CORE DOWNLOADER: Enhanced core downloader search functionality
- D3D10: Should now be able to use shaders with hardware-accelerated libretro cores
- D3D11: Should now be able to use shaders with hardware-accelerated libretro cores
- D3D11: Skip shader/stock blend when we don't have a texture. This happens if the core calls video_cb with the frame set to null on the first frame, and was causing black screens/driver resets. The ffmpeg core seems to do this.
- D3D11: Fix shaders with scaled framebuffers
- D3D11: Add flip model support - fallback to blit model for OSes where flip model is not supported (windows 7 and earlier). Will add a menu option later allowing the user to switch inbetween the two
- D3D12: Should now be able to use shaders with hardware-accelerated libretro cores
- D3D10/11/12: Increase sprite capacity, we need this so that the hardware rendered menu drivers doesn't glitch out
- DRM: Fix race condition in drm_surface_set_aspect
- DRM/KMS: add support for custom hdmi_timings / modes
- DATABASE: Fix crash that could happen when selecting cursor
- DATABASE/EXPLORE: Fix - Prevent segfault when accessing 'Explore' menu
- EMSCRIPTEN: Only report back one screen pointer for rwebinput, fixes lockup when clicking on an overlay
- FILEIO/PERFORMANCE: Only attempt to call dir_check_defaults once per runtime session
- FILEIO/PERFORMANCE/3DS: Increase file buffer size and savestate chunk size. This seems to help with saving large savestates.
- FONTS: Improve handling of Arabic and Persian text
- FONTS/FREETYPE: Use fontconfig to select fonts if available
- INPUT: Add hold mode for turbo fire 'Single Button'
- INPUT MAPPING: Refresh bind list on device type change
- INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Minor bugfix - Remap file browsing starts navigation at input_remapping_directory even if the core-subdir (where saved files go) exists Having remaps for many different cores makes finding the active core files cumbersome, especially because remaps are not compatible between different cores (but maybe for cores emulating the same hardware)
- IOS: Take out 'Core Downloader' from iOS 9/iOS 11 builds
- IOS: IOSApp doesn't crash anymore when a file is shared to it
- INPUT: Keyboard device mapper rework
- INPUT: New input bind order scan/clear fix
- INPUT: Duplicate key event blocking additions
- INPUT: Prevent duplicate key events with hotkeys + keyboard device type
- INPUT: Keyboard LED driver
- INPUT/AUTOCONFIG: Allow controllers with no/empty names to work.
- INPUT/GAME FOCUS: Add option to automatically enable 'game focus' mode when running/resuming content
- INPUT/HOTKEYS: Hotkey for Close Content / Unload Core
- INPUT/LIBCEC: Map libcec-daemon keys to RETROK
- INPUT/X11: Enable keyboard input when mouse cursor is not inside the RetroArch window but window still has focus
- INPUT/X11: Fix mouse input when mouse is grabbed
- INPUT/UDEV/RUMBLE: Fix rumble.
- INPUT/WINDOWS/DINPUT: Simultaneous shift sticky fix
- INPUT/WINDOWS/DINPUT: Prevent Win-key from opening Start Menu
- INPUT/WINDOWS/DINPUT: Option for disabling Windows hotkeys
- INPUT/WINDOWS/DINPUT: Mouse grabbing/clipping with Alt-Tab
- INPUT/WINDOWS/DINPUT: Mouse grab fixes
- INPUT/WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Key position fixes
- INPUT/WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Mouse grab fixes
- INPUT/WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Prevent outside window mouse clicks when grabbed
- INPUT/WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Option for disabling Windows hotkeys
- INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Major bugfix - Remap file having a different device type requires manual intervention after loading for the core to register the type properly
- JSON: New faster json parser/writer library rjson
- JSON/RJSON: Replace rapidjson parser/writer in discord-rpc with rjson
- LIBRETRO: Add API extension for cores to query the number of active inputs provided by the frontend
- LIBRETRO: Ensure RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_LIST_GET returns false if no core options are available
- LIBRETRO: Add API extension for overriding frontend audio latency
- LIBRETRO: Add API extension for cores to monitor frontend audio buffer occupancy
- LINUX: Also show /run/media or /run/media/$USER in drives list
- LINUX: Adjust brightness according to the limit. Seems like some platforms feature non-standard maximums, but the variable is correclty exported for us to use
- LOCALIZATION: Add Finnish language
- LOGS/SHADER: Shader log spam reduction
- LOGS/CONFIG: Config logging cleanup
- LOGS/SAVESTATE: Config logging cleanup
- MAC: Apple Silicon/Mac M1 support
- MAC: Code signing/notarization
- MAC: Fix a leak with NSTemporaryDirectory() on ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) code
- MAC: Support bundle assets extraction on macOS
- MAC: Universal Metal build for both ARM and Intel Macs
- MAC/UNIVERSAL: Add CoreAudio3 audio driver for Metal Universal build
- MAC/IOS: Only extract assets once on first install
- MENU: Add 'L2 + R2' menu toggle gamepad combo
- MENU: Menu text improvements; clarifications, consistency, text mistakes,
- MENU: Tweak menu scroll initial hold delays
- MENU: Restrict menu acceleration to navigation buttons
- MENU: Add 'Menu Driver' setting to 'User Interface'
- MENU: Relocate 'Menu Scroll' settings.
- MENU: Separate 'Turbo Fire' menu.
- MENU: Dropdown menu for 'Custom Aspect Ratio' setting.
- MENU: Reorder Mouse Index next to Device Index
- MENU: Submenu for Device Index/Mouse Index
- MENU: Reorganize User Interface menu
- MENU: Add 'Remove DSP Plugin' menu entry
- MENU: Hide 'Auto-Shader Delay' menu setting when shaders are unavailable
- MENU/ANIMATIONS: Fix non-smooth text ticker + reduce line ticker code duplication
- MENU/ANIMATIONS/OZONE: Add cursor wiggle animation
- MENU/ANIMATIONS/OZONE: Implement wiggling for main menu when wrap-around is disabled
- MENU/NOTIFICATIONS: On-Screen Notifications' menu clean-ups
- MENU/NOTIFICATIONS: Add option to show/hide Refresh Rate notification
- MENU/FILEBROWSER: Start auto-selecting last used path for more file browser menu entries
- MENU/INPUT: Input port label adjustments
- MENU/INPUT/XMB: Proper control port icons
- MENU/INPUT/OZONE: Proper control port icons
- MENU/QUICK MENU: Add remap clearing ability under Quick Menu controls
- MENU/QUICK MENU: Cap 'State Slot' drop-down list to a maximum of 1000 (+Auto) entries
- MENU: Customizable menu scroll hold delay.
- MENU/DESKTOP: Fix mouse cursor limited by window range on F5 press
- MENU/DESKTOP: Add simple shader option
- MENU/DESKTOP/WINDOWS: Remove broken 'Update RetroArch' functionality for Windows. We want this to not only be system agnostic if we bring it back, but also work outside of the Qt desktop interface
- MENU/OZONE: New Theme - Twilight Zone
- MENU/RGUI: Add 3:2, 5:3 and 3:2/5:3 (centered) aspects
- MENU/RGUI/TEXT RENDERING: Add Russian language text support
- MENU/RGUI/TEXT RENDERING: Add support for CJK punctuation glyphs
- MIDI/WINMM: Recover from MIDI messages not handled by the device
- MIDI/WINMM: Fix winmm midi driver hanging on content closing
- NETWORK: Add READ/WRITE_CORE_MEMORY network commands
- NETWORK: Fix backwards condition in socket blocking behavior
- NETWORK/NETPLAY: Attempt IPv4 when IPv6 fails
- OGA/VIDEO: support for OGS
- OGA: This keeps the tradition DRM driver along with the OGA one. The probe function skips the driver if the screen is non rotated to fall back to the regular DRM driver.
- OGA: Fix messages from not disappearing
- OGA: Implement RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CURRENT_SOFTWARE_FRAMEBUFFER. This is a faster rendering codepath for software rendered libretro cores that some libretro cores use right now. Video drivers in RetroArch have to explicitly implement this for this codepath to work at runtime.
- OPENDINGUX: Add/Optimise rumble interface
- OPENDINGUX: Fix frozen video when enabling fast forward
- OPENDINGUX/SDL: OSD font clean-up
- OPENDINGUX/SDL: Enable selection of image interpolation method when using 'sdl_dingux' gfx driver
- OPENDINGUX/SDL: Enable integer scaling when using the 'sdl_dingux' gfx driver
- OVERLAYS: Add option to scale overlays automatically (with aspect ratio correction)
- OVERLAYS: Hide Overlay When Gamepad is Connected. Overlays will be hidden automatically when a gamepad is connected in port 1, and shown again when the gamepad is disconnected.
- OVERLAYS: New default overlays for mobile (neo-retropad)
- OVERLAYS: In addition to overlay scale, the user can now set an Overlay Aspect Adjustment factor. Most overlays are designed for 16:9 displays, which means they become stretched/ugly on modern wide aspect phones and suchlike. By changing the Overlay Aspect Adjustment factor, a user can scale the overlay width/height to achieve a uniform appearance regardless of display resolution.
- OVERLAYS: Since scaling a gamepad overlay can result in buttons being squished too close together (or being pulled too far apart), the user can now adjust the effective spacing of the different 'halves' of an overlay via Overlay Horizontal Separation and Overlay Vertical Separation factors. Overlay Horizontal Separation divides the overlay in two vertically (left/right, at the centre point), and applies a spacing offset (positive or negative) between the UI elements on each side; Overlay Vertical Separation does the same, but the split is horizontal (top/bottom)
- OVERLAYS/FIX: The Overlay X Offset and Overlay Y Offset options have been fixed, and now work correctly
- OVERLAYS/FIX: All of the above options (and Overlay Scale) are configured and saved independently for landscape and portrait display orientations - so adjusting everything for a nice landscape layout won't break the portrait display
- OVERLAYS/FIX: When using the Vulkan gfx driver, memory is leaked every time an overlay is freed
- OVERLAYS/FIX: When threaded video is enabled, loading overlays with no images (i.e. utility-type overlays, where everything is hidden until the screen is touched) can generate segfaults due to improper usage of realloc()
- OVERLAYS/FIX: When Show Inputs on Overlay is enabled, ASAN reports bit shift errors due to an incorrect range check when handling turbo inputs - essentially, there is no upper limit to the considered input id range, which means overlay hotkeys (menu toggle, etc.) are incorrectly treated as having turbo support, causing bit shifts using wildly inappropriate id indices
- PLAYLISTS/PORTABLE: Fixed first load initialization
- PS2: Added Multitap support (up to 8 players)
- PS2: Fix for not recognized digital and other non-standard controllers
- PS2: Fix Quitting from RA
- PS2: Add Audio mixer
- REWIND: Prevent 'Rewind Frames' from being set to '1' incorrectly on load content
- RUNAHEAD: Add Run-Ahead Toggle hotkey with notifications
- RBUF/ANIMATIONS: Simplify gfx_animation by switching from dynarray to rbuf
- RBUF/CORE UPDATER: Replace static entries array with dynamic array via RBUF library
- RBUF/M3U: Replace static entries array with dynamic array via RBUF library
- SENSORS: Android (crash-)fixes/improvements + add option to disable sensor input
- SDL2/VIDEO: Get the SDL2 video driver to work in Wayland/KMS
- SAVESTATES: Adding savestate garbage collector for autoincrement stavestates. As some issues indicate, there's an issue with the autoincrement save slot feature: slot index will increase and very old saves won't be deleted. This adds support to delete old save states with a user defined save state limit (global). Instead of wrapping around the slot counter it will simply delete the oldest save, since it is simpler. For now there's a limit of one deletion per save, which ensures a user cannot delete many saves by accident if they set the limit too low.
- SAVESTATES/SAVEFILES: Ensure save file and playlist compression is disabled by default
- SHADERS: Add option to remember last selected shader preset/shader pass directories
- SHADERS: Use last selected shader preset directory when changing shaders via previous/next hotkeys
- SHADERS: Remove Parameters line
- SHADERS: Shaders fix for duplicate parameters loading bug
- SHADERS: Fix Crash change num shader passes in UI
- SHADERS/SLANG: Fix slang shaders with rotation
- STREAMING/FFMPEG: Add Facebook Game Stream option (for embedded ffmpeg core-enabled RetroArch builds)
- SWITCH: Fix input bind icons being off by one line
- SWITCH: Fix audio issues
- TLS/SSL: Add BearSSL support, as alternative to mbedTLS
- VIDEO: AddVariable BFI (Black Frame Insertion)
- VIDEO/DRM GO2: Dynamic resolution support
- VIDEO FILTERS: Video filter optimisations
- VIDEO FILTERS: Add several LCD-effect video filters
- VIDEO FILTERS: Gameboy/Dot_Matrix video filters: Add XRGB8888 support
- VIDEO FILTERS: Add Normal4x video filter
- VIDEO FILTERS: Add 'Upscale_256x-320x240' video filter
- VIDEO FILTERS: Add 'Upscale1.5x' video filter
- VITA: Disable temporarily VitaGL
- VITA: Fix bubble name
- VITA: proper handling of boot params
- VITA: Default menu scale 1.5x to improve readability
- WIFI/LAKKA: Add a proper WiFi menu, with Enable/Disable & Disconnect options. This also allows WiFi passwords to be remembered. The underlying tool (connman) allows to store passswords (that's why it auto connects whenever you boot a Lakka device), so we expose this so that the user does not have to re-input the pass when connecting to a saved wifi.
- WII/HID: Added HID support for HORI mini wired ps4 gamepad
- WINDOWS: Add support for accelerators to main win32 message loop
- WINDOWS: Add accelerators for Open (Ctrl+O) and Fullscreen (Alt+Enter)
- WINDOWS: Fixes some file I/O failures on Windows when paths are longer than 260 characters.
- WINDOWS: Fix crashing on startup on Windows when using Chinese Simplified language.
- WINDOWS/XP: The OpenGL 1 video driver is now the default for maximum backwards compatibility upon first startup. It's of course always possible for the user to change this.
- WINDOWS/MENUBAR: Load accelerators, Localize Win32 menu items to current language, and display shortcut keys
- WINDOWS/MENUBAR: Add 'Reinit' to Menubar
- WINDOWS/MSVC: Fix rewind crash on MSVC build when using SSE2
- UWP: Don't default to XMB menu by default, default to Ozone instead
- UWP/VFS: Use Win32 file APIs when possible - better file I/O performance
- WIIU/FILEIO/PERFORMANCE: Faster startup times - remove the path_is_valid() call when loading textures
- WIIU: Fix touchscreen mouse emulation
- 3DS: Fix sound crackling when paused
- ANDROID/VIBRATION: Fixes "Vibrate on Key Press" having no effect on Android devices, which occurred because only the off time/strength was defined in what should have been a pair of off/on values
- AUTOCONFIG: Ensure correct directory is used when saving autoconfig profiles
- BLUETOOTH: Add a Bluetooth driver (Lakka-only for now)
- CHEATS: Fix for wrong number of remaining cheat search matches on some machines
- CHEEVOS: Option to play sound on achievement unlock.
- CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 9.1
- CHEEVOS: Restore display of unlocked achievements across hardcore modes
- CHEEVOS: Hash buffered data when available
- CHEEVOS: Fix 'Auto Save State freezes RetroArch while Cheevos is enabled'
- CORE OPTIONS: Pressing OK (or clicking/tapping) on a 'boolean toggle' core option no longer opens a drop-down list. The value now toggles directly, just like boolean options everywhere else in the menu
- CORE OPTIONS: Toggling an option that changes the number of core options being displayed (i.e. things like `Show Advanced Audio/Video Settings) no longer resets the navigation pointer to the start of the list
- CORE OPTIONS: Before, RetroArch would identify core option values as being 'boolean' if they had labels matching the specific strings enabled or disabled. Most core devs would abide by this, but not always... As a result, we sometimes would end up with misidentified values, with all kinds of Enabled, Off, True, etc. strings littering the menu, in place of proper toggle switches. All boolean-type value labels are now detected, and replaced with standard ON/OFF strings.
- CLI: A new command line option --load-menu-on-error has been added
- CRT: On the fly CRT porch adjuments - these changes allow a user to adjust how the porch algorithm generates the 15khz/31khz output. Giving the ability to change over/under scan.
- CONFIG FILE: Optimise parsing of configuration files
- D3D9/D3D11: Fix core-initiated D3D9/D3D11 driver switches
- DRIVERS: Implemented protection to avoid setting critical drivers to nothing thus preventing the user from locking him/herself out of the program
- EMSCRIPTEN: Fix input code to ignore unknown keys
- FFMPEG CORE: Prevent seeking past the end of files (hang fix)
- FILE I/O: VFS and NBIO interfaces will now use 64-bit fseek/ftell where possible, should allow for reading/writing to files bigger than 2GB
- INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Add input remap drop-down lists
- IOS: Fixed iOS 6 version
- IOS: Hide the home indicator as it obscures the content too frequently
- IOS/METAL: Metal video driver now works on RetroArch iOS
- IOS/METAL: Support getting video metrics to support proper touchscreen interactions
- LOCALIZATION: Updates for several languages (synchronized from Crowdin)
- MEMORY/LINUX/ANDROID: Fix reporting of free memory
- MEMORY/WINDOWS: Fix reporting of free memory
- MENU: Enlarged INT/UINT selection limit from 999 to 9999
- MENU: Fix cursor forced to first entry after displaying lists
- MENU: Make Notification Font option visible when Graphics Widgets are enabled
- MENU/RGUI: Add optional 'toggle switch' icons
- MENU/WIDGETS: Add optional widget-based 'load content' launch feedback animation
- MENU/WIDGETS: Make notification font size option visible when graphics widgets are enabled
- ODROID GO ADVANCE: Video driver - fix race condition with RGUI callback
- PLAYLISTS: Change playlists to use dynamic arrays. Instead of a fixed initial 12MB memory allocation (99999 * 128 byte (on 64bit arch)), use a dynamically growing array
- PLAYLISTS: Playlist base content directory paths - portable playlists
- PLAYLISTS/SEARCH: Enhanced playlist search functionality
- PLAYLISTS/DATABASE: Add 'Explore' view
- PLAYLISTS/DATABASE/EXPLORE: Show system icons in explore view
- PS2: Improve FPS Limiter
- RUNAHEAD: Prevent runahead from being disabled permanently when an error occurs
- SHADERS/SLANG: Increased Slang max Parameters, Textures & Passes
- VIDEO FILTERS/BLARGG: Make Blargg_snes filter customizable
- WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Fix invalid calls to dinput_handle_message when input driver is not set to dinput
- X11: Add lightgun support
- AUTO SAVESTATES: Ensure save states are correctly flushed to disk when quitting RetroArch (fixes broken save states when exiting RetroArch - without first closing content - with 'Auto Save State' enabled)
- BUILTIN CORES: Builtin cores like ffmpeg and imageviewer would previously try to erroneously load a dynamic core named 'builtin' - this would fail and would just be a wasteful operation - this now skips dylib loading in libretro_get_system_info for builtin cores
- CHEEVOS: Report API errors when unlocking achievements or submitting leaderboards
- CHEEVOS: Support less common file extensions
- CHEEVOS: Disable hardcore mode when playing BSV file
- CHEEVOS: Correctly report unlocked non-hardcore achievements when hardcore is paused
- CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - did not handle absolute/relative paths in M3U files correctly before
- CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - it didn't handle comments/directives
- CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - it doesn't handle trailing whitespace
- CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - failed when loading M3U files with certain line endings
- CORE MANAGEMENT: Add 'core management' menu (Settings -> Core)
- CORE MANAGEMENT: Add option to backup/restore installed cores
- CORE MANAGEMENT: Improved core selection logic
- CORE INFO: Search search optimisations
- CORE DOWNLOADER: Rename 'Core Updater' to 'Core Downloader'
- CORE DOWNLOADER: Add 'Show Experimental Cores' setting under Settings > Network > Updater
- CORE DOWNLOADER: Core licenses are now shown for all entries in the Core Updater menu
- CORE DOWNLOADER: Pressing RetroPad select on a Core Updater entry will now display any text in the description field of its info file
- CORE DOWNLOADER: Installed cores are now highlighted via a [#] symbol
- CORE DOWNLOADER: Pressing RetroPad start on a selected, installed entry opens the Core Information menu (when using Material UI, swiping left or right triggers the same action). This means we can now view bios info etc. - and more importantly delete cores - without jumping through all the hoops of loading a core first and navigating all over the place
- CORE DOWNLOADER/UPDATER: Add option to automatically backup cores when updating
- DISK CONTROL: Enable 'Load New Disc' while disk tray is open
- INPUT: Added a hotkey delay option to allow hotkey input to work properly when it is assigned to another action
- INPUT: Remove 'All Users Control Menu' setting, was buggy and will be properly reintroduced after input overhaul
- LINUX: Set default saves/save states/system paths
- LOCALIZATION: Add Persian language
- LOCALIZATION: Add Hebrew language
- LOCALIZATION: Add Asturian language
- MENU: Proper line wrapping for message dialog boxes
- MENU/HOTKEYS: Add sublabels to all hotkey bind entries
- MENU/QUICK MENU: Suppress the display of 'empty' quick menu listings when closing content
- MENU/OZONE: Performance improvements
- MENU/SDL: Add mouse controls
- OPENGL1/VITA: Initial changes for HW context without FBO
- OVERLAYS: Add options for moving the on-screen overlay
- PLAYLISTS/WINDOWS: Fix core path entries in image/video/music history playlists
- PS2: Add back CDFS support
- SDL/GL: Advertise GLSL support
- VIDEO/WIDGETS: Fix heap-use-after-free errors, leading to memory corruption
- VITA: Added custom bubbles support
- VITA: VitaGL update
- VULKAN/WSI: Better frame pacing
- VULKAN/WSI: Fix Intel Mesa being broken when using Fences, we have to use Semaphores to acquire the swapchain or the entire GPU stalls
- VULKAN/WSI: Add support for either using fences or semaphores when syncing
- VULKAN/WSI: Prefer using semaphores for integrated GPUs as it promotes better throughput over fences
- VULKAN/WSI/ANDROID: Do not use mailbox emulation on Android
- UWP/XBOX: Potentially improve performance by enabling 'Game Mode'
- AUDIO/JACK: Fix regression introduced after 1.8.4 - would hang at startup
- CHEEVOS: Disable hardcore when cheats are enabled
- CHD: Return false when special track cannot be found
- DISCORD/MATCHMAKING: Fix Discord 'Ask To Join' functionality
- FILE PATH: Various file path handling optimisations
- FONT: Fix Arabic, Chinese and Korean font rendering
- INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Restore broken 'reset to default' functionality with RetroPad 'start' button
- INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Fix 'reset to default' action for analog sticks and undefined core inputs
- LOCALIZATION: Update Arabic translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Chinese (Simplified) translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Chinese (Traditional) translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update German translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Greek translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Korean translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Dutch translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Turkish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Vietnamese translation
- LOCALIZATION: Add Slovak translation
- MENU: Small buffer optimizations
- MENU/THUMBNAILS/BUGFIX: Fix heap-use-after-free error
- MENU/OZONE: Add option to sort playlists after name truncation
- MENU/OZONE/ANDROIDTV: Default to Ozone menu driver
- MENU/OZONE/ANDROID: Gamepad-like devices default to Ozone now (Shield Portable)
- NETPLAY: Lower announcement rate
- OVERLAYS: Fix memory leak when loading overlays
- SHADER PRESETS: Improved shader preset dirs
- TIME/DATE: Enable configuration of date seperator in clock and runtime 'last played' displays
- VITA: Fix upside-down vertical games
- UWP: Enable playlist and savefile compression by default (because of slow file I/O)
- WIIU: Gamepad hotplugging support
- WIIU: Theoretical multi-gamepad support
- VIDEO/WIDGETS: Fix overlapping text when simultaneous pop-up notifications and core/shader messages are being displayed
- X11: Fix crash in x11_display_server_get_screen_orientation
- X11/XSHM: Allow X11/XHSM video driver to operate without SHM extension
- X11/XSHM: Fix compatibility with X11 input driver
- XVIDEO: Fix keyboard input initialization
- XVIDEO/XWAYLAND: Fix XVideo support on xwayland (by supporting I420 and YZ12)
- 3DS: Add IDs for Frodo
- 3DS: Enable basic networking / cheevos
- CHEEVOS/BUGFIX: Opening achievements list would crash RetroArch with badges enabled (on new games)
- CHEEVOS: Option to start a session with all achievements active
- CHEEVOS: Don't perform unnecessary cheevos initialisation when cheevos are disabled. Should reduce startup times when loading content.
- CORE OPTIONS: Disable 'Use Global Core Options File' by default
- DOS/DJGPP: Add 32bit color support for cores
- GLCORE: Switch to glcore video driver when requested by a core
- LINUX/XDG: Use GenericName correctly in desktop entry
- MAC/COCOA: Fix mouse cursor tracking
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Add desktop-style playlist view mode
- MENU/MATERIALUI/DESKTOPVIEW: When scrolling playlists, show last selected thumbnails while waiting for next entry to load
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Limit tab switch rate when input repeat is active
- MENU/OZONE: Fix sidebar playlist sort order when 'Truncate Playlist Names' is enabled
- MENU/RGUI: Adjusted menu defaults, adjusted default scrolling speed
- MENU/RGUI: Enable custom wallpaper when menu size is reduced at low resolutions
- MENU/XMB: Limit tab switch rate when input repeat is active
- NETPLAY: Fix regressions introduced in 1.8.5
- RGUI: Add option to always stretch menu to fill the screen
- WIIU: Enable graphics widgets
- 3DS: Add IDs for UZEM, TGB Dual, and NeoCD
- 3DS: Fix font driver horizontal text alignment
- 3DS: Allow button presses up to INPUT_MAX_USERS - this enables the 3DS to bind and use buttons and axis for users up to the maximum set by 'Max Users' in the input settings menu.
- 3DS: Disable video filter if upscaled resolution exceeds hardware limits. The 3DS has a maximum video buffer size of 2048x2048. This is sufficient for every core that it supports, but when using software video filters the core output resolution is doubled. This is made worse by the fact that the video filter upscaling buffer size is dependent upon the maximum output resolution of the core - which in some cases is very large indeed (e.g. pcsx-rearmed sets a maximum width of 1024, for enhanced resolution support). The 3DS has very limited 'linear memory' for graphics buffer purposes, and a large base core buffer + video filter buffer can easily exceed this - which may also disable video output, or cause a crash. This PR very simply adds a 3DS-specific check to the video filter initialisation: if the resultant upscaling buffer exceeds the hardware limitation, then the filter is automatically disabled.
- 3DS/FONT/BUGFIX: Text colour was wrong: the RGBA channels were muddled, and R was always set to 255
- 3DS/FONT/BUGFIX: When drawing multiline strings, the line spacing was completely incorrect
- 3DS/FONT: Improves the appearance of the drop shadow effect on notification text.
- 3DS/ARCHIVE/7Z: Re-enable 7zip support.
- ARCHIVE/ZIP: Expand functionality of 'rzip_stream' interface. This PR expands the functionality of the new rzip_stream archived stream interface such that it now has almost complete feature parity with the standard file_stream interface, and can therefore be used as a drop-in replacement in most situations
- AI SERVICE: Hide redundant entries when service is disabled
- AI SERVICE: Added in auto-translate support
- AI SERVICE: support for NVDA and SAPI narration
- AUTOCONFIG: Use correct port index in input device configured/disconnected notifications
- BUGFIX: Fix race condition where task could momentarily not be in the queue when reordering
- CHEEVOS/BUGFIX: Prevent null reference rendering achievement list while closing application
- CHEEVOS/BUGFIX: Report non-memorymap GBA cores as unsupported
- COMMANDLINE: Advise against using -s and -S variables on the command line. …
- CONFIG FILE: Only write config files to disk when parameters change
- CONFIG FILE/BUGFIX: RetroArch no longer crashes when attempting to save a config file after 'unsetting' a parameter (currently, this can be triggered quite easily by manipulating input remaps)
- CONFIG FILE/BUGFIX: When using Material UI, RetroArch no longer modifies the wrong setting (or segfaults...) when tapping entries in the Quick Menu > Controls input remapping submenu
- CONFIG FILE/BUGFIX: Quite a few real and potential memory leaks have been fixed.
- CHD: Fixes a crash caused by ignoring the return value from one of the CHD library functions
- FASTFORWARDING: A new Mute When Fast-Forwarding option has been added under Settings > Audio. When enabled, users can fast forward without having to listen to distorted audio.
- GLCORE/SLANG: Set filter and wrap mode correctly when intialising shader textures. Before, the glcore shader driver did not correctly initialise loaded textures. The texture filtering and wrap mode were forced on texture creation, but these settings were not recorded - subsequent updates would set garbage values, that would resolve to linear filtering OFF and wrap mode = CLAMP_TO_EDGE.
- LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian translation
- IOS: Set audio session category to ambient so sound does not get cut off on interruption (phone call/playing back audio)
- MAC/IOHIDMANAGER/BUGFIX: Fix for Mayflash N64 adapter. In case last hatswitch does not match cookie. For the mayflash N64 adapter, I was getting a BAD EXC ADDRESS (in mac OS 10.13) for this line (tmp was NULL). Retroarch would crash in the gui if I pressed a button from the DPAD on controller 2. With this change, it no longer crashes in the gui and still registers the button push.
- MAC/COCOA: Fix mouse input - this brings back two lines of code that have been removed over time but appear to be required in order for mouse input to work on macOS
- METAL/BUGFIX: GPU capture on Metal/OSX/NVidia could crash
- METAL/BUGFIX: Taking screenshots could capture black frames. Resulting PNG screenshots were black.
- METAL/BUGFIX: Corrupted image due to incorrect viewport copy when taking screenshot
- MENU: Prevent font-related segfaults when using extremely small scales/window sizes
- MENU: Fix 'gfx_display_draw_texture_slice()'
- MENU/FONT: Enable correct vertical alignment of text (+ font rendering fixes)
- MENU/RGUI: Enable automatic menu size reduction when running at low resolutions (down to 256x192)
- MENU/OZONE: Update timedate style options for Last Played sublabel metadata
- MENU/OZONE: Hide 'Menu Color Theme' setting when 'Use preferred system color theme' is enabled
- MENU/OZONE: Fix thumbnail switching via 'scan' button functionality
- MENU/OZONE: Prevent glitches when rendering Ozone's selection cursor
- MENU/OZONE: Enable proper vertical text alignment + thumbnail display improvements
- MENU/OZONE: Enable second thumbnail/content metadata toggle using RetroPad 'select'
- MENU/OZONE: Refactor footer display
- MENU/OZONE: Hide thumbnail button hints when viewing file browser lists
- MENU/OZONE/INPUT/BUGFIX: Fix undefined behaviour when using touch screen to change input remaps
- MENU/OZONE/INPUT/BUGFIX: It turns out that Windows reports negative pointer coordinates when the mouse cursor goes beyond the left hand edge of the RetroArch window (this doesn't happen on Linux, so I never encountered this issue before!). As a result, if Ozone is currently not showing the sidebar (menu depth > 1), moving the cursor off the left edge of the window generates a false positive 'cursor in sidebar' event - which breaks menu navigation, as described in #10419. With this PR, we now handle 'cursor in sidebar' status correctly in all cases
- MENU/OZONE/INPUT/BUGFIX: Pointer input is now correctly disabled when message boxes are displayed
- MENU/XMB: Fix thumbnail switching via 'scan' button functionality
- ODROID GO ADVANCE: Add DRM HW context driver
- PSL1GHT: Initial port
- PSL1GHT/KEYBOARD: Implement PSL1GHT keyboard
- PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: Improve handling of 'broken' playlists - RetroArch will no longer segfault when attempting to run content via a playlist entry with missing path or core path fields.
- PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: Improve handling of 'broken' playlists - when a playlist entry has either core path and/or core name set to NULL, DETECT or an empty string, attempting to load content will fallback to the normal 'core selection' code (currently this happens only if both core path and core name are DETECT - this is wholly inadequate!)
- PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: RetroArch will no longer segfault when attempting to fetch content runtime information when core path is NULL
- PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: Core name + runtime info will only be displayed on playlists and in the Information submenu if both the core path and core name fields are 'valid' (i.e. not NULL or DETECT)
- PLAYLIST/BUGFIX: When handling entries with missing path fields, the menu sorting order now matches that of the playlist sorting order (at present, everything goes out of sync when paths are empty). Moreover, entries with missing path fields can now be 'selected', so users can remove them (currently, hitting A on such an entry immediately tries - and fails - to load the content, so the only way to remove the broken entry is via the Playlist Management > Clean Playlist feature)
- PLAYLIST: Add optional per-playlist alphabetical sorting
- PLAYLIST: Omit whitespace when writing compressed JSON format playlists
- PLAYLIST: Add optional playlist compression
- QNX: Support analog sticks
- SAVESTATES: Add optional save state compression (enabled by default now)
- SRAM: Add optional save (SRAM) file compression
- SCANNER: Prevent redundant playlist entries when handling M3U content
- SCANNER/ANDROID: Fix content scanner being unable to identify certain games from CHD images (raw data sector/subcode)
- TASKS/BUGFIX: Fix task deadlocks
- TASKS/SCREENSHOT/BUGFIX: Fix heap-use-after-free error when widgets are disabled
- TVOS: Disable overlays for tvOS, fix app icon
- VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: The font ascender/descender metrics added in #10375 are now used to achieve 'pixel perfect' vertical text alignment
- VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: Message queue text now uses its own dedicated font. Previously, a single (larger) font was used for all active widgets, and this was scaled down for message queue items. This 'squished' the text a little; more importantly, when using the stb font renderers (on Android. etc.) it caused ugly artefacts around the edges of glyphs due to pixel interpolation errors. Now that a correctly sized font is used, the message queue is always rendered cleanly.
- VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: Previously, each widget font was 'flushed' (font_driver_flush()) at least once a frame. This is quite a slow operation. Now we only flush fonts if they have actually been used.
- VULKAN/BUGFIX: Fix display of statistics text
- UNIX/BUGFIX: Fix overflow when computing total memory on i386
- WIIU/BUGFIX: Fix font driver horizontal text alignment
- WIIU/BUGFIX: Fix non-vertex coordinates in draws using tex shader
- WIIU/BUGFIX: Update and fix meta.xml file for the WiiU release. This change makes it so the information from the meta.xml file parsed for the WiiU's Homebrew Launcher is displayed properly.
- 3DS: Keep the bottom screen hidden on sleep/wakeup. When the 3DS wakes back up after being closed, the bottom screen needs to be reinitialized. Adding the condition here will cause the screen to be turned on or off based on the state of ctr_bottom_screen_enabled, as you'd expect
- ANDROID/CHROMEBOOK/CRASH: Fix Chromebook crashes (on x86 x64) when touching the screen
- BUGFIX: Prevent double input when using 'return' key (hardware) to close on-screen keyboard
- BUGFIX: Fix mouse capture hotkey not working
- BUGFIX: Avoid overflow when calculating multiplying performance counter
- BUGFIX: Retroarch overlay displaying "Game remap file loaded." on the overlay instead of "Core remap file loaded." when only a core remap file is present
- CHEEVOS/BUGFIX: Achievement triggers could cause Retroarch to Crash
- CHEEVOS: Don't block Sameboy core because it only exposes some memory
- CHEEVOS: Support for extended Sega CD memory
- CHEEVOS: Show RetroAchievements Hash in content information list
- CHEEVOS: If the core says it's exposing SYSTEM_RAM, give it the benefit of the doubt
- CHEEVOS: RetroAchievements rich presence for RA.org website/Discord
- CHEEVOS: Reset token when username or password changes
- CHEEVOS: Display measured progress on locked achievements
- CHEEVOS: Queue multiple popups
- CHEEVOS: Add delay retries to leaderboard submits
- CHEEVOS: Prevent buffer overflow when encountering an unknown macro
- CORE UPDATER: Prevent hang when fetching core list if HTTP transfer fails
- DISK CONTROL: Add disk labels to 'disk inserted' notifications
- EMSCRIPTEN: Recreate input event listeners properly
- FFMPEG CORE: Fix crash on seeking when using HW decoding in some cases
- LIBRETRO: Add disk control interface API extension
- LINUX: Avoid possible crash when running retroarch at startup
- LINUX/GLX: Fix threaded video crashes/instability because of GLX OML sync callbacks
- LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Korean translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian translation
- MENU: Add Menu Scroll Acceleration option
- MENU: Automatically select currently checked item when opening drop-down lists
- MENU: Fix smooth (vertical) line ticker scroll speed
- MENU: Don't flush on override/remap messages
- MENU/DATETIME: Adds some new timedate styles that follow the DD/MM/YYYY format, found in several European countries
- MENU/DATETIME: Modifies the existing translation files in order to accommodate the new options that are now available
- MENU/DATETIME: Reorders the timedate view options based on a decreasing order of the quantity of information displayed, so that they are more convenient to switch around and easily categorized
- MENU/BUGFIX: Fix bug - if you were in XMB and you would set menu driver to RGUI, you could no longer go to the left or right tab
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Add option to remove navigation bar
- MENU/OZONE: Add DPI-based scaling
- MENU/OZONE: Add rudimentary pointer support
- MENU/OZONE: Add 'Nord' and 'Gruvbox Dark' themes
- MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Pointer can be used to switch between sidebar and entries list
- MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Pointer can be used to select sidebar and entries list items
- MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Both sidebar and entries list can be scrolled by dragging
- MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Clicking/pressing the header or footer produces a 'cancel' action
- MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Cursor focus follows mouse pointer from sidebar to entries list (and vice versa)
- MENU/OZONE/POINTER: In entries list, item under cursor is automatically selected (with some fudging to ensure this doesn't break mouse wheel scrolling)
- MENU/OZONE/POINTER: In sidebar, item under cursor is not automatically selected (this is too jarring)
- MENU/RGUI: Add 'Flux' theme
- MENU/XMB: New color themes 'Cube Purple', 'Family Red', etc
- NETPLAY/MENU/BUGFIX: Fix Netplay Stateless Mode doesn't save. Affects other netplay settings which can be overridden by commandline option
- ODROID GO ADVANCE: Rotation support
- NETPLAY/ROOMS/BUGFIX: Prevent out-of-bounds array indexing when displaying/selecting netplay rooms in menus
- SCANNER: Add 'Arcade DAT Filter' Option
- SCANNER: Add scanning Korea and Asia PS1 discs
- SCANNER: Add support for scanning PSP Korean
- VIDEO: Set hardware 'Bilinear filtering' off by default
- VIDEO/WIDGETS: Widgets are now menu-independent
- VIDEO/WIDGETS: Allow notifications to use full screen width when not displaying menu
- VIDEO/WIDGETS: DPI-based scaling
- VIDEO/WIDGETS: Fix volume widget scaling
- VIDEO/WIDGETS: Add independent widget scale override settings for fullscreen/windowed modes
- VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: Prevent improper display of (old style) OSD text when widgets are enabled
- VIDEO/WIDGETS/THREADED/BUGFIX: Fix issue - corruption of menu widgets when running some cores (e.g. VICE) with threaded video enabled
- WIFI/CONNMANCTL: Display more characters from SSID
- ANDROID/BUGFIX: Prevent crash when Android device is minimized and you go back to the app
- CAMERA/BUGFIX: Fix crash when a core requires the camera driver and the platform only has a null driver. This would crash mgba on Wii for example
- DISK CONTROL: Cycle Disk Tray now becomes Eject Disk or Insert Disk depending upon current drive state
- DISK CONTROL: Current Disk Index is only shown when the current disk has been ejected
- DISK CONTROL: The old Insert Disk entry has been changed to Load New Disk, and is only shown when a disk is currently inserted (this is because loading a new disk from the filesystem - i.e. bypassing the m3u playlist disk index interface - automatically ejects and inserts disks, and so cannot be done while the virtual drive is empty)
- DISK CONTROL: The Current Disk Index may now be set more easily via a drop-down list.
- DISK CONTROL: Selecting Eject Disk automatically moves the menu selection to the Current Disk Index entry
- DISK CONTROL: Selecting an index via the Current Disk Index drop-down list automatically moves the menu selection back to Insert Disk
- DISK CONTROL: The Disk Control entry sublabels have been changed for greater clarity
- DISK CONTROL: All of the horrendous notification spam has been removed. Notifications are now only shown in the event of an error, or when the menu itself does not provide sufficient visual feedback (note that using hotkeys to swap disks still produces the old style notifications, since this is typically only done while content is running - i.e. no menu). The duration of disk-related info notifications has also been reduced to a more sane level.
- DISK CONTROL: A new Resume content after changing disks option has been added under Settings > User Interface. When enabled (default setting), content is resumed automatically after selecting either Insert Disk or Load New Disk (when disabled, the menu remains open, obviously...)
- DISK CONTROL/BUGFIX: The Disk Control menu now has the correct title
- DISK CONTROL/BUGFIX: Selecting a disk via the Load New Disk file browser no longer flushes the user back to the top level menu (it now correctly returns to the Disk Control menu)
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Updated libnx integration to v3.0.0. This also cherry-picks libnx commit 583d6bb92dcbb33b6bb4a0fa1a9df6e3725d6ef6, which should fix the requirement having to turn rumble off and on in the system settings once per reboot
- ANDROID/BUGFIX: Fix 'Install or Restore Core' regression
- BUGFIX: Ensure core info is always initialised when calling 'drivers_init()'. This bug could prevent cores from doing content runtime logging
- BUGFIX/MENU: History size can only be set to 1 at a minimum
- BUGFIX/MENU: (XMB/OZONE) Fix 'quick menu' detection. XMB would not display savestate thumbnails in the quick menu if it was accessed via the main menu
- BUGFIX/CRASH/CORE UPDATER: Fix potential double free error
- BUGFIX/CRASH/OPENGL/WINDOWS: Fix regression in 1.8.2 that would cause GL-based cores to fail because it would try to erroneously load libGLESv2.dll instead of OpenGL32.dll (cores affected: VitaQuake 2/3/Dhewm3, possibly more)
- BUGFIX/MENU/DESKTOP UI: Show desktop menu on startup does not launch Qt UI on Linux
- CHEEVOS: Don't disable achievement when AddAddress generates an out-of-range address
- CHEEVOS: Don't reset triggers/leaderboards that failed to load
- CHEEVOS: Don't count unsupported achievements as unlocked
- CORE UPDATER: Display number of cores updated when updating installed cores
- DINGUX: Initial port
- D3D11: Block FL9_3 devices from D3D11 driver because they don't work anyway (current D3D11 driver uses SM4.0 which requires FL10_0 and up)
- D3D11: Fallback to GL driver when D3D11 fails
- EMSCRIPTEN: Fix assets
- HISTORY/FAVORITES: Bump up default to 200 entries from 100
- FFMPEG CORE: Implement packet buffer, fixes MP4 video playback for many files
- LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
- MENU: Added 'Hosting' menu under Netplay menu
- MENU: Added 'Subsystems' menu
- MENU/FILEBROWSER: Fix file selection issues when starting from (or navigating to) the top level directory
- MENU/WIDGETS: Prevent looping of task title text
- RASPBERRY PI: Fix BGRA8888 color inversion issues in the menu and elsewhere with VideoCore GL drivers
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Add Sao Paulo (Brazil) relay server
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Fix the “spectator” bug when using the relay server – When a player switches into the spectator mode (pressing “i”) while using the relay server, all players will disconnect.
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Overall stability has improved. Fixed a memory leak that would cause the relay server to become unresponsive after some time.
- NETPLAY/RELAY: Fixed critical bug that would cause all players to be disconnected from the relay server if one player was leaving the game. That bug had been open for one year and we were finally able to fix it.
- SWITCH/LIBNX/BUGFIX: Fix onscreen keyboard input regression
- UWP: Add ANGLE support
- UWP: Wire up get_metrics to the fake context of D3D9/10/11/12 driver, enabling proper scaling and mouse/touch gestures
- VITA: Re-add Online Updater
- VULKAN: Fix font driver 'vulkan_get_message_width()' function
- VIDEO FILTERS: Only use threads when the number exceeds 1. Fixes race conditions with some CPU filters on Vita
- WINDOWS: Add ANGLE support for x64, separate binary (for now?)
- BUG/CRASH/GLSLANG: Fix glslang crashing error - managed to reproduce an issue which has been plaguing users for a while, where glslang throws an assert after closing a game (and starting a new one). This would affect all video drivers that use Slang for shaders, such as D3D10/11/12/Vulkan/Metal
- CHEEVOS: Display Unofficial and Unsupported achievement states
- CHEEVOS: Pass RetroArch and core versions through User-Agent HTTP header
- CHEEVOS: Use PSX.EXE if SYSTEM.CNF cannot be found
- CHEEVOS: Prevent loading state while achievements are still being fetched from server
- CHEEVOS: Pause hardcore if core doesn't support achievements
- CHEEVOS/CRASH: Fix AddressSanitizer + CHD cause hard crash when Cheevos are enabled
- CORE UPDATER: Only download when new core is available
- CORE UPDATER: Add option to update all installed cores
- DRM/KMS: Better detection for the current video mode
- DYNAMIC RATE CONTROL: Support DRC even when using a vsync swap interval higher than 1
- EMSCRIPTEN: Fix bug in Emscripten input code
- EMSCRIPTEN: Changes to support upgraded emscripten SDK
- FFMPEG CORE: Hardware accelerated video decoding
- FFMPEG CORE: Implement send/receive encoding API, will allow for hardware accelerated AMD video encoding
- FFMPEG CORE: The video FIFO can be removed, since we have a ring buffer in its place. This removes unneeded copy operations and as a positive side improves overall decoding speed. Makes 8k60p SW and 4k60p HW decoding feasible on many systems. For now the ring buffer is 32 images deep. This limitation will be removed, once audio and video decoder have their own packet handling.
- INPUT: Fix 'Analog stick controls menu even if autoconfig disabled'
- INPUT/TURBO: Added alternate Turbo-Mode 'Single Button' - For systems supporting only a single button, the turbo-button will toggle firing that button without the need to hold it. When holding the button turbo will be suspended and resumed when the button is released. Holding the button may have a different function to just tapping it.
- IOS: Forcibly disable Threaded Video until UIWindow concurrency issues are fixed
- INPUT/ANALOG: Fix radial analog deadzone scaling
- INPUT/ANALOG: Implement proper analog button deadzone
- INPUT/MENU: Analog stick controls menu even if autoconfig disabled
- LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian Translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Turkish translation
- LINUX/LOCALIZATION: Correct Droid Sans Fallback font path in Linux. This should fix Chinese/Korean font display issues on Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/openSUSE/SLE
- MENU/BUGFIX: When using a keyboard/gamepad/mouse wheel to navigate, the menu scroll position is always maintained and updated in a consistent (and expected) fashion
- MENU/BUGFIX: When resizing the window, or changing the orientation of a mobile device, the current scroll position is correctly preserved
- MENU/BUGFIX: All 'normal' pointer input is now inhibited when showing message boxes
- MENU/BUGFIX: The pointer actions 'select' and 'cancel' both now properly close a message box if it is currently being shown
- MENU/BUGFIX: Pointer 'select' and 'cancel' actions are now inhibited when an input bind dialog is active
- MENU/INPUT: Change 'User' terminology to 'Port' for input binding
- MENU/LINUX: Add proper drives to Load Content
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Halt scrolling when pointer is pressed/stationary
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Dual thumbnail view
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Fullscreen thumbnail viewer for boxart
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Scroll rapidly by press and holding the scrollbar
- MENU/RGUI: New theme 'Flux'
- MENU/OZONE: Thumbnails now have a fade-in animation
- MENU/OZONE: Fullscreen thumbnail viewer for boxart and pictures
- MENU/QT/WIMP: Fix dock titles getting cut off
- MENU/XMB: Fullscreen thumbnail viewer for boxart and pictures
- MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide 'Disallow Non-Slave Mode Clients' if 'Allow Slave-Mode Clients' is disabled
- MENU/USABILITY: Hide 'Show desktop menu on startup' if 'Desktop menu' setting itself is disabled
- MENU/USABILITY: Reimplement Quick Menu - > Shaders -> Watch shader files for changes - can now be turned on/off through touch
- MENU/USABILITY: Refactor Quick Menu - Controls - each port now has its own submenu
- MENU/USABILITY: Quick Menu - Cheats - Delete All no longer requires five right button presses - this should fix this functionality for mobile touch users too
- MENU/USABILITY: Hide Refresh Rate options when Threaded Video is enabled - these settings do nothing with Threaded Video
- MENU/USABILITY: Hide Logging Verbosity levels behind Logging Verbosity
- MENU/USABILITY: Get rid of 'Port Number' label for Port Binds screen
- MENU/USABILITY/MOBILE: Should no longer crash when clicking on a cheat entry
- MENU/USABILITY: Shader parameters now have a dropdown list
- MENU/USABILITY: Shader passes now has a dropdown list
- MENU/USABILITY: Video - Hide Windowed Mode settings selectively
- MENU/USABILITY: Video - Hide Fullscreen Mode settings if windowed mode is not supported by context driver
- MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Network Command Port
- MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Relay Server Location
- MENU/USABILITY: User Interface -> Appearance - Selectively hide XMB Horizontal Animation setting
- MENU/USABILITY: Playlists - more selective hiding
- MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Rewind Settings
- MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Overlay Settings
- MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide FPS Update Interval based on Display Framerate being enabled
- MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Onscreen Notifications BG Color Settings
- MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Logging - Hide 'Log To File Timestamp' if 'Log To File' is disabled
- MENU/USABILITY: Video -> Scaling - Hide Custom Viewport X/Y when Integer Scale is enabled as description indicates
- MENU/USABILITY: Achievement submenu - selectively hide
- MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Aspect ratio - selectively hide/show values based on whether you have Custom or Config selected
- MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Selectively hide Hard Sync
- MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Implement selective hiding for VSync and Hard Sync
- MENU/USABILITY: Selective hiding of Runahead settings based on global setting
- MENU/USABILITY: Add Input -> Haptic Feedback submenu
- MENU/USABILITY: Add Input -> Menu Controls submenu
- MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Max Swapchain Images - Add OK action
- MENU/USABILITY: Input - Implement OK action for Bind Hold, Turbo Period and Duty Cycle
- MENU/USABILITY: Input - Hotkey Binds refactor
- MENU/USABILITY: Move 'Press Quit Twice' and 'Menu Toggle Gamepad Combo' to Input -> Hotkey Binds
- MENU/USABILITY: Video - Add sublabel for Video Output submenu
- MENU/USABILITY: If 'Favorites Tab' is disabled, don't show 'Add To Favorites' option in Quick Menu/Playlist menu
- MENU/USABILITY: If On-Demand Thumbnail Downloader is enabled, hide 'Download Thumbnails' from playlist menu screen
- MENU/USABILITY: Add Audio Driver setting to Audio -> Output
- MENU/USABILITY: Add Audio -> Resampler settings
- MENU/USABILITY: Add Audio -> Output and Audio -> Synchronization
- OPENGL: Shaders are now working properly (only in OpenGL) when rotating both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation. The fix is clearly visible with crt-royale for example
- OPENGL: 1:1 PAR is now correct when rotating (both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation, as you said, in the latter case you currently have to change Aspect Ratio after menu video rotation for it to work)
- OPENGL: When using Custom Aspect Ratio and rotation (both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation), Integer Scaling is now working properly (correct multiples of internal resolution). Even when Integer Scaling is not activated, the Custom AR width / height are now correctly labeled using (1x), (2x), ... suffixes. You also have to activate Integer Scaling after menu video rotation for it to work
- OPENGL: For all other Aspect Ratio options, Integer Scaling and rotation (both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation) are now working properly together (correct multiples of internal resolution). You also have to activate Integer Scaling after menu video rotation for it to work
- OPENBSD/POWERPC: Should build now on OpenBSD PowerPC
- PLAYLISTS: Pressing 'Start' or long touching a playlist will bring you to a Playlist submenu where you can set a default core, setup thumbnail view, delete the playlist, etc
- OSX: Forcibly disable Threaded Video until NSWindow concurrency issues are fixed
- PSP: Solving issue exiting RetroArch by HOME button
- SCANNER: Manual scanner, not dependent on database files
- SCANNER/MANUAL: Add option to scan inside archives
- SCANNER/MANUAL: Enable automatic naming of arcade content via DAT files. This is compatible with DAT files in either Logiqx XML or MAME List XML format.
- VIDEO: Do not reinit video driver on SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO unless needed
- VIDEO: Support DRC even when using a vsync swap interval higher than 1
- VIDEO LAYOUT: Fixed XML parsing of attributes with spaces, should fix issues with several video layouts
- VITA: GL1 driver support
- VITA/VITA2D: Several improvements to Vita 2D driver - menu widgets implemented
- VITA/VITA2D: Fix clipping and reduce number of calls
- VULKAN/ANDROID: Workaround weird WSI return codes in landscape mode - Android WSI wants you to use preTransform, and if it is not used correctly, Android 10 will return VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR, and we would create a new swapchain every frame. This workaround just ignores this error, since it's not really an error. A more "proper" fix is to use prerotate and modify the MVP matrices, which might help certain devices with crummy display processors
- VULKAN/ANDROID: Recreate swapchain on orientation change. ANativeWindow getWidth/Height does not detect any changes when using Vulkan, so use the old onContentRectChanged callback to get notified when size changed. Use those values instead when figuring out how large swapchain to create
- WINDOWS/XINPUT: Get rid of 128 byte device name limit for XInput device discover - when device name was too long, it would not be picked up by the XInput driver and would instead fallback to DirectInput
- WINDOWS: ANGLE OpenGL ES 2 support
- UWP: Fix crashes on startup / prompt for folder permissions when trying to load custom.ini
- UWP: Fix - Mouse input is offset on high DPI monitors
- UWP: Fix - Keyboard input hangs sometimes
- UWP: Fix - Multi-touch support
- UWP: Fix - Enable menu touch input by default
- UWP: Fix - Get user language
- UWP: Fix - Get CPU model name
- UWP: Fix - Use GLUI instead of XMB on Windows Mobile 10
- UWP: ANGLE OpenGL ES 2 support
- BUGFIX/MENU: Fix menu rendering with Mali GPUs after changing video dimensions
- CDROM: Adds pregap support to cdfs helper methods
- CHEEVOS: Provides the new PCEngine hashing algorithm for RetroAchievements
- LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
- LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Initial thumbnail support
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Cutie / Virtual Boy theme added
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Bugfix - Under certain extreme circumstances, entries with very long sublabel strings could have their text prematurely 'clipped' as the entry is scrolled beyond the top of the screen
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Bugfix - Certain setting value strings were unnecessarily truncated (with a ...) when using smooth ticker text
- MENU/XMB: Sunbeam theme added
- SWITCH: Accelerometer, gyroscope and illuminance sensor support
- VITA: Accelerometer and gyroscope sensor support
- AI SERVICE: Added in fix for BMP returns to AI service. Added in label passing to AI service call
- BSV: Fix BSV recording/playback
- BUGFIX: Fix crash when setting Thumbnail Directory
- BUGFIX/STABILITY: Set "Automatically Add Content to Playlist" to false by default, this was unstable on PS3 and Mac and other platforms potentially as well.
- COMMON: Graceful driver switching for Windows and Linux
- COMMON: Cache frame before converting 0RGB1555
- LAKKA: Wi-Fi Access Point settings
- MENU: Menu scaling improvements
- MENU/MATERIALUI: There are no longer any animation glitches when 'wraparound' scrolling from the last entry in a list to the first, or when performing horizontal swipe navigation gestures on certain settings-type entries
- MENU/MATERIALUI: List entries underneath the title and navigation bars are no longer highlighted when touching the title/navigation bars (this was only a cosmetic issue, but it was annoying...)
- MENU/MATERIALUI: The current menu list is no longer reloaded when pressing the currently active tab on the navigation bar
- MENU/MATERIALUI: The ticker text spacer has been set to a 'bullet' character (same as Ozone)
- MENU/MATERIALUI: The default colour theme has been set to 'Ozone Dark'
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Three new colour themes have been added.
- MENU/MATERIALUI: A new Menu Transition Animation option has been added under User Interface > Appearance. When this is enabled, menu transition events are animated
- MENU/MATERIALUI: The navigation bar is now shown at all times - i.e. it is an actual navigation tool, rather than a 'top-level-menu' curiosity
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Two new context-sensitive buttons have been added to the navigation bar - back button and resume button
- MENU/MATERIALUI: A new Auto-Rotate Navigation Bar option has been added under User Interface > Appearance. When enabled (this is the default setting), the navigation bar is moved to the right hand side of the screen when using landscape screen orientations.
- MENU/MATERIALUI: The playlists tab is now correctly hidden when User Interface > Views > Show Playlist Tabs is disabled
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Material UI now correctly readjusts its layout when screen orientation changes on mobile devices
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Material UI now resizes in real-time when the user manually sets the Menu Scale Factor (this never worked properly with the old DPI override)
- MENU/MATERIALUI: Material UI no longer leaks memory on 'context reset' (fonts were previously never free()'d)
- MENU/MATERIALUI: A new Android-style 'system bar' has been added. This shows current core name, clock and battery level
- MENU/MATERIALUI: A new search icon is shown on the title bar when viewing playlists and file browser lists. Pressing this launches the search interface
- MENU/MATERIALUI: The title bar now uses a larger font, and the sublabel font has also been enlarged a little, to more closely align with Material UI standards
- MENU/MATERIALUI: A number (quite a large number) of layout/spacing issues have been fixed
- MENU/MATERIALUI: The existing colour theme handling code is not fit for purpose, so the whole lot got ripped out and reimplemented. In doing so, also adjusted all the theme colours to better match Material UI standards - with a few liberties taken for aesthetic purposes.
- OSD: Fix fast forward indicator when not using menu widgets
- PSP1: Remove duplicated FPS indicator on the screen
- SWITCH: Make audren threaded audio driver the new default
- VIDEO LAYOUT: Add video layout mame overlay compatibility. Enabled for Windows/Linux/OSX/iOS/Android/libnx. Only works with GL driver for now, no glcore yet
Lakka ist eine Linux-Distribution, die kleine Computergeräte in Retrogaming-Konsolen verwandeln soll. Es ist ein minimales Betriebssystem, das RetroArch als Front-End verwendet. Es wird für die Verwendung auf der Switch über Hekate gestartet. Dafür sind die beiden Ordner bootloader und lakka aus dem Release im Root der zwingend dafür nach FAT32 formatierten SD-Karte erforderlich. Die Spiele Roms oder Verzeichnisse sind im Ordner sdmc :/lakka/storage/roms abzulegen. Gestartet wird aus dem Hekate Menü über die Option Launch > More configs > Lakka"
Etwaige BIOS Files werden im Ordnerstorage/system abgelegt. Es ist darauf zu achten, dass die Bezeichnung der Bios-Files korrekt ist, sowie auf besondere Locations, bzw. Unterordner, in der einige Daten sich befinden müssen. Hier ist eine Tabelle zu finden, wo das beschrieben ist.
Vor einem Update auf eine neue Version, muss die alte Config Datei unter /lakka/storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg gelöscht werden!
Download Lakka v4.3 (letzter veröffentlichte offizielle Release)
Download Lakka v4.4 (letzter veröffentlichte Nightly Build)
Lakka Thema hier bei uns:
[Tutorial] Lakka das Multi-Emulationstool OS auf die standard Partition installieren
(Stable v1.19.1)
RetroArch Forwarder v2.0 kompatibel mit FW 19.x.x (sdmc:/switch/retroarch_switch.nro)
RetroArch Forwarder v2.0 kompatibel mit FW 19.x.x (sdmc:/switch/retroarch/retroarch_switch.nro)
mGBA (Gameboy Advance Emulator)
mGBA ist ein Emulator für Game Boy Advance-Spiele. Das Ziel von mGBA ist, schneller und genauer als viele existierende Game Boy Advance-Emulatoren zu sein. Außerdem verfügt mGBA über Funktionen, die anderen Emulatoren fehlen. Zusätzlich werden auch Game Boy- und Game Boy Color-Spiele unterstützt.
- Hochpräzise Game Boy Advance-Hardware-Unterstützung
- Game Boy/Game Boy Color-Hardware-Unterstützung.
- Schnelle Emulation. Bekannt dafür, dass er auch auf Low-End-Hardware wie Netbooks mit voller Geschwindigkeit läuft.
- Qt- und SDL-Ports für ein schweres und ein leichtes Frontend.
- Unterstützung für lokale Verbindungskabel (gleicher Computer).
- Speichert die Typerkennung, auch bei der Größe des Flash-Speichers[2].
- Unterstützung für Kassetten mit Bewegungssensoren und Rumpeln (nur mit Spiel-Controllern verwendbar).
- Unterstützung von Echtzeituhr, auch ohne Konfiguration.
- Unterstützung von Sonnensensoren für Boktai-Spiele.
- Unterstützung für Game Boy-Kamera und Game Boy-Drucker.
- Eine integrierte BIOS-Implementierung und die Möglichkeit, externe BIOS-Dateien zu laden.
- Unterstützung von Turbo/Schnellvorlauf durch Halten der Registerkarte.
- Rückspulen durch Halten von Backquote.
- Frameskip, konfigurierbar bis zu 10.
- Unterstützung von Bildschirmfotos.
- Unterstützung von Cheat-Code.
- 9 Savestate-Steckplätze. Savestates können auch als Screenshots angezeigt werden.
- Video- und GIF-Aufzeichnung.
- Wiederherstellbare Steuerung für Tastaturen und Gamepads.
- Laden von ZIP- und 7z-Dateien.
- IPS-, UPS- und BPS-Patch-Unterstützung.
- Spiele-Debugging über eine Befehlszeilenschnittstelle und GDB-Fernunterstützung, kompatibel mit IDA Pro.
- Konfigurierbares Rückspulen der Emulation.
- Unterstützung für das Laden und Exportieren von GameShark und Action Replay-Snapshots.
- Kerne für RetroArch/Libretro und OpenEmu verfügbar.
- Viele, viele kleinere Dinge.
Die Steuerung kann im Einstellungs-Menü konfiguriert werden. Viele Spiele-Controller werden automatisch erkannt und entsprechend belegt. Für Tastaturen wird standardmäßig folgende Belegung verwendet:
- **A**: X
- **B**: Z
- **L**: A
- **R**: S
- **Start**: Enter
- **Select**: Rücktaste
Infos & Download
Development Build
ScummVM (Grafik-Point-and-Click-Adventure Emulator)
ScummVM ist eine Software- und Skript-Sammlung, in der zahlreiche nachgebaute Spiel-Engines unter einer gemeinsamen grafischen Benutzeroberfläche zusammengefasst sind. Viele ältere Computer- und Konsolen-Spiele sind damit auf wesentlich moderneren oder auch ganz anderen Plattformen lauffähig, als deren ursprüngliche Entwickler vorhersehen oder bei der Programmierung berücksichtigen konnten.
vom Github des Devs:
1.2) Schnellstart:
---- ------------
Für den Ungeduldigen unter Ihnen, hier ist, wie man ScummVM in fünf läuft
einfache Schritte.
1. Laden Sie ScummVM herunter und installieren sie es..
2. Erstellen Sie ein Verzeichnis auf Ihrer Festplatte und kopieren Sie die Spieledateien
von den ursprünglichen Medien in dieses Verzeichnis. Wiederholen Sie dies für jedes Spiel
Du willst spielen.
3. Starten Sie ScummVM, wählen Sie "Spiel hinzufügen", wählen Sie das Verzeichnis mit dem Spiel
Datendateien (versuchen Sie nicht, die Datendateien selbst auszuwählen!) und drücken Sie
4. Es sollte ein Dialogfeld angezeigt werden, in dem Sie verschiedene Einstellungen konfigurieren können
Sie möchten (es sollte alles in Ordnung sein, um alles auf seinem Standard zu lassen,
obwohl). Bestätigen Sie den Dialog.
5. Wählen Sie das Spiel, das Sie spielen möchten, in der Liste und drücken Sie "Start".
In Zukunft sollten Sie direkt zu Schritt 5 übergehen können, es sei denn, Sie
möchte mehr Spiele hinzufügen.
Tipp: Wenn Sie mehrere Spiele auf einmal hinzufügen möchten, drücken Sie und
Halten Sie die Shift-Taste gedrückt, bevor Sie auf "Spiel hinzufügen" klicken
Wechseln Sie zu 'Mass Add' und wenn Sie es drücken, werden Sie erneut aufgefordert, auszuwählen
ein Verzeichnis, nur dieses Mal ScummVM wird alle durchsuchen
Unterverzeichnisse für unterstützte Spiele.
LaiNESwitch (NES Emulator)
LaiNESwitch ist ein Zyklus-akkurater NES-Emulator für die Nintendo Switch. Er kommt mit nur 1000 Zeilen Code aus (ohne Librarys)! Mit "R" kannst du zwischen der Emulator und dem Menü wechseln.
WICHTIG: Lege den Ordner "res" in den den Root deiner SD-Karte oder es stürzt ab.
MAME NX (Multiple Arcrde Machine Emulator)
MAME-NX ist ein Port der Xbox-360-Version des Multiple Arcade Machine Emulators v0.72. CPS1-, CPS2-, Konami- und Midway-Spiele wurden erfolgreich getestet.
Im Menü
Linker / rechter Auslöser - blättere aus der Liste
Dpad Up / Down - gehe eine einzelne Auswahl nach oben / unten
D Pad links / rechts drücken, um Buchstaben im Rom-Browser zu überspringen
A - Start Rom
Im Spiel:
Dpad / Analog - Bewegung
Minus - Münze hoch
Plus - Start
Rechts Analog Down - Mame Options Menü
Plus + Minus - Beende Rom Launcher
pEMUs (SNES/NES/Final Burn Neo/Sega Genesis Plus GX Emulator)
psnes.png pfba.png pnes.png pgen.png
Chip8 NX
Dies ist ein CHIP-8-Emulator für die Nintendo Switch. Mit "Plus" kann der Emulator verlassen werden.
VBA-Next (Gameboy Advance Emulator)
VBA Next ist ein Game-Boy-Advance-Emulator für die Nintendo Switch. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Portierung von VBA-M.
Das Menü wird mit X aufgerufen, vorspulen kannst du mit ZR. Cheats lassen sich im Menü eingeben.
neopop-SDL (NEO GEO Pocket / Color Emulator)
Keypad - directions
A - A button
B - B button
X - Option button
Y - Pause emulator
MINUS - Exit the emulator
RR - Save game state
RL - Load game state
L - Toggle fullscreen
DeSmuME-SX (Nintendo DS Emulator)
DeSmuME-NX (mit vertikalem Laprox-Mod)
Port von DeSmuME DS Emulator für den Switch.
Es ist derzeit ein vollständig interpretierter DS-Emulator, was bedeutet, dass die Leistung nicht so gut ist.
Platziere deine ROMs an diesem Ort: sdmc: / switch / desmume / roms /