[release] h-encore - Jailbreak für die Firmware 3.65 bis 3.68 am 01.07.18 by TheFloW

  • h-encore by TheFloW

    h-encore, wobei das "h" für "Hacks und Homebrew" steht, ist der zweite öffentliche Jailbreak für die Playstation Vita und das Playstation TV. h-encore deckt die Firmwares 3.65, 3.67 und 3.68 ab. Der Jailbreak erlaubt es Euch Kernel und User-Modifikationen an eurem Vita oder PSTV System vor zu nehmen. Der Hack ist gleich zu stellen mit dem Browser Exploit für die Firmware 3.60. Hier handelt es sich um den sogenannten Bitter Smile Exploit. TheFloW hat es geschafft über das Savegame von dem Spiel "Bitter Smile" Code ein zu schleusen und somit den Jailbreak auf die Vita zu bringen.

    Auf der Firmware 3.65 ist es möglich Enso zu installieren. Für die neue Exploit-Kette ist eine interne Speicherkarte bei der Vita 1xxx (Fat) zwingend erforderlich. Wie Ihr Enso installiert findet Ihr hier: [Tutorial] HENkaku Enso auf Firmware 3.60 oder 3.65 installieren

    Es wurde auch bereits ein Tool veröffentlicht, mit dem Ihr h-encore über den Rechner auf Eure Vita bringen könnt. Schaut dazu einfach hier: [Software] finalhe - final h-encore führt den Exploit auf der Vita/PSTV 3.65-3.68 automatisch aus

    Und wer nach erfolgreicher Installation den Hack etwas schneller machen möchte kann sich q-encore anschauen, dass ist eine modifizierte system.dat. Mehr Infos hier: [release] Q-encore - modifiziertes h-encore startet schneller nur für FW 3.67 und 3.68 by Yoti

    Hier gibt es ein kleines Tutorial, wie Ihr die Trophäen Warnung ausstellt:

    Twitter: TheFlow's twitter
    github: https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/h-encore
    Exploit-Kette wurde veröffentlicht:


  • Ein Jaibreak für meine Vita ist doch ein schönes Geburtstagsgeschenk für mich :D

  • TheFlow hat den Release auf den September 2018 verschoben :frowning_face:

    Zitat von Wololo.net

    Ever since TheFlow announced his intention to release a hack for FW 3.65-3.68, many people have repeatedly asked for a more specific ETA than ‘sometime later this year or next year’. Now, their prayers have been answered as TheFlow confirmed that he will release his hack for FW 3.65-3.68 next September since he found another exploit chain!

  • Ich wollte jetzt keine falschen Meldungen machen, aber das habe ich heute Morgen so bei Wololo gefunden.

    Mittlerweile gibt es einen neuen Post auf Wololo.net, in dem steht, dass der Hack definitiv am 01.07.2018 kommt.
    Wurde auch so auf Twitter gepostet.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://wololo.net/wagic/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Capture.png]

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  • h-encore

    h-encore, where h stands for hacks and homebrews, is the second public jailbreak for the PS Vita™ which supports the newest firmwares 3.65, 3.67 and 3.68. It allows you to make kernel- and user-modifications, change the clock speed, install plugins, run homebrews and much more.


    • Your device must be on firmware 3.65, 3.67 or 3.68. Any other is not supported. If you're on a lower firmware, please decide carefully to what firmware you want to update, then search for a trustable guide on (if you know how and want to contribute, you can edit this readme and make a pull request, such that fellow readers have got an easier life).Remember that on firmware 3.65 you have got the possibility to install enso, the permanent hack, whereas on 3.67 and 3.68 you don't.
    • If your device is a phat OLED model, you need a Memory Card in order to install. There's no need for a Memory Card on Slim/PS TV models, since they already provide an Internal Storage. Make sure you have got at least 270 MB of free space.
    • Your device must be linked to any PSN account (it doesn't need to be activated though).

    Note that the following guide is for advanced users and a bit more complicated than the previous hack that only required you to visit a website. If you don't understand the guide below or how to use these tools, you should neither file an issue here nor annoy me on twitter, but rather seek help on /r/vitahacks (check for duplicated questions first!) or wait for an easy installer.

    • Download and install qcma, psvimgtools and pkg2zip (check the releases section).
    • Download the vulnerable DRM-free demo of bitter smile (yes, that's the user entry point).
    • Download h-encore and extract it on your computer.
    • Extract the demo using:pkg2zip -x PATH_OF_PKGThis will output the files to app/PCSG90096.
    • Copy the contents of the output app/PCSG90096 to the folder h-encore/app/ux0_temp_game_PCSG90096_app_PCSG90096 (such that the files eboot.bin and VITA_PATH.TXT are within the same folder).
    • Copy the license file app/PCSG90096/sce_sys/package/temp.bin to the folder
      h-encore/license/ux0_temp_game_PCSG90096_license_app_PCSG90096 and rename the just pasted file temp.bin to 6488b73b912a753a492e2714e9b38bc7.rif. Again, this file should be in the same folder as VITA_PATH.TXT.
    • Start qcma and within the qcma settings set the option Use this version for updates to FW 0.00 (Always up-to-date).
    • Launch Content Manager on your PS Vita and connect it to your computer, where you then need to select PC -> PS Vita System, and after that you select Applications. If you see an error message about System Software, you should simply reboot your device to solve it.This should create a folder at PS Vita/APP/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on your computer (see qcma settings where this folder is), where the folder xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx represents the AID (account ID) that you need to insert here. If the AID is valid, it will yield a key that you can now use to encrypt the demo.
    • Change directory to the h-encore folder in terminal and use the key to encrypt all folders using:psvimg-create -n app -K YOUR_KEY app PCSG90096/apppsvimg-create -n appmeta -K YOUR_KEY appmeta PCSG90096/appmetapsvimg-create -n license -K YOUR_KEY license PCSG90096/licensepsvimg-create -n savedata -K YOUR_KEY savedata PCSG90096/savedataThe folder h-encore/PCSG90096 should then contain sce_sys and all 4 folders from above, and within these folders you should find files called X.psvimg and X.psvmd, where X has the same name as the folder. Backup this folder, since if everything has been done correctly, you don't need to redo all the steps to install it onto another device with the same PSN account.
    • Copy the folder h-encore/PCSG90096 to PS Vita/APP/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/PCSG90096 and refresh the database under qcma settings.
    • The h-encore bubble with a size of around 243 MB should now appear in the Content Manager and that's what you finally need to transfer to your PS Vita.
    • Launch h-encore to exploit your device (if a message about trophies appears, simply click yes).The screen should first flash white, then purple, and finally open a menu called h-encore bootstrap menu where you can download VitaShell and install HENkaku.
    • Enjoy. Note that you have to relaunch the exploit everytime you reboot or shutdown your device. Of course if you only put your device into standby mode, you don't need to relaunch.

    Getting rid of the trophy warning
    Since the savedata that I provided is not linked to your account id, launching h-encore would eventually show a warning message about trophies. To get rid of that you must do this on your PS Vita:[/url]

    • Enable Unsafe Homebrews under HENkaku Settings in the Settings application to grant VitaShell full permission.
    • Launch VitaShell and navigate to ux0:user/savedata/00.
    • Press triangle on the folder PCSG90096 and select Open decrypted.
    • Copy system.dat out of the folder and remove the folder ux0:user/savedata/00/PCSG90096.
    • Close VitaShell and launch h-encore (this will now not trigger the exploit anymore, since we've removed the savedata).
    • Close the game after you see the first screen and return back to VitaShell.
    • A fresh folder of PCSG90096 at ux0:user/savedata/00 should have been created.
    • Copy system.dat back to ux0:user/savedata/00/PCSG90096/system.dat where you need to open the PCSG90096 using Open decrypted.
    • Now if you launch h-encore you should not see the trophy warning anymore and exploiting your device is therefore even faster.


    • "When I launch h-encore, it stays at a white screen." - Due to the nature of the kernel exploit, this can sometimes happen. If it stays white for more than 5 seconds, you can simply close the application which will result in a crash and your device will be rebooted or shutdown after 10 seconds. If it doesn't, hold the power button down for over 30 seconds to force a shutdown. Then try the exploit again. The success rate of the kernel exploit should be at 80%. If I find time I will eventually try to improve the success rate.[/url]
    • "When I launch h-encore, it flashes white quickly and then crashes." - Again, this is due to how the kernel exploit works.[/url]
    • "I get a C2-12828-1 error when launching h-encore" - This does sometimes (but very rarely) happen. Just retry the exploit.[/url]
    • "When I launch h-encore, it launches the bitter smile demo instead." - Your savedata is either corrupted or not installed correctly, please follow the installation guide above to reinstall it.[/url]
    • "I have installed a bad plugin and launching h-encore doesn't work anymore, what should I do?" - You can either reset taiHEN config.txt or skip plugins loading by holding the L trigger while exiting the h-encore bootstrap menu.

    HENkaku Settings

    • "I don't see all folders in VitaShell." - Launch the Settings application and select HENkaku Settings, then select Enable unsafe homebrews. This will grant you full permission in VitaShell.
    • "I can't find the HENkaku Settings." - Launch the exploit and reset taiHEN config.txt and reinstall HENkaku.

    enso/permanent hack

    • "Can I install enso on 3.67 or 3.68?" - Not yet, since molecule's bootloader exploit has been patched there.
    • "Can I install enso on 3.65?" - Yes, you can use h-encore to hack your device and then install the permanent hack using this.


    • "Are Adrenaline/NoNpDrm/Download Enabler supported on 3.65/3.67/3.68?" - Yes, check them in my repositories.[/url]
    • "Can I use SD2VITA using this hack?" - Yes, I have made a pull request on gamecard-microsd that fixed the freeze when using it without enso. If you're using an other plugin and it freezes on exitting h-encore bootstrap menu, then there's the trick where you can simply press the PS Button and return back to finish the boot process.[/url]
    • "Can I use psvsd using this hack?" - It should, but I'm not sure, as I haven't tested it. If it doesn't, then the driver must be updated, but that's not my task.[/url]
    • "Does this work, does that work? Is this compatible, is that compatible?" - I don't know, and it is not my task to update these tools for you, so don't dare and file an issue here.[/url]


    • "Can I switch the PSN account after having h-encore installed?" - Yes, since the demo is DRM-free it does not depend on your account.
    • "Are there any risks involved in using h-encore?" - No, since it does not modify the OS, but only insert temporary patches into the system.
    • "How can I install it without USB connection?" - You can also connect your PS Vita with your computer using Wi-Fi (there's an option in the Content Manager).

    If you like my work and want to support future projects, you can make a donation:

    • via bitcoin 361jRJtjppd2iyaAhBGjf9GUCWnunxtZ49
    • via paypal

    You certainly don't have to donate to me, but if you do via paypal, please consider doing it next week or even next month, since a (small) transactions flood will be quickly noticed, especially if they include some messages, you know which , and my account will be blocked as a result. I really don't want to sound greedy or rude, I highly appreciate your kindness, but because of the same reason, small donations (<5$) are not desirable. Oh and if you're blogging about this release, also don't include the paypal link in your post, but simply link this github repository.
    Thank you!

    Source code
    The source code and the kernel exploit will be made public after Sony has fixed the bugs used in h-encore.


    • Thanks to Freakler for finding the crash in the demo and designing the h-encore icon.
    • Thanks to molecule for their initial work on the PS Vita.
    • Thanks to xyz for giving me some tips on choosing an exploit target.
    • Thanks to Davee and Proxima for http://cma.henkaku.xyz/.
    • Thanks to yifanlu for psvimgtools.
    • Thanks to codestation for qcma.
    • Thanks to mmozeiko for pkg2vita.
    • Thanks to the PS Vita hacking community.
    • Thanks to Sony for this awesome device.

    Quelle: https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/h-encore

  • Sagt er auch :slightly_smiling_face:

    Zitat von TheFlow

    Note that the following guide is for advanced users and a bit more complicated than the previous hack that only required you to visit a website. If you don't understand the guide below or how to use these tools, you should neither file an issue here nor annoy me on twitter, but rather seek help on /r/vitahacks (check for duplicated questions first!) or wait for an easy installer.

  • Ja ich weiß das er das schreibt...

    Will ja auch nicht nerven habe eben auch gelesen das er zum Thema bzw. Punkt 9 die Readme geändert hat...
    Nur hilft mir das grade nicht weiter bei meinem Glück ist es wieder Kinderleicht und Ich habe nur wieder keine Ahnung
    wie ich die 4 Dateien mit meinem Code versehe... Warum er auch nicht gleich einen Installer dafür zur verfügung stellt...

    Bin eigentlich nicht blöd und habe bis jetzt so ziemlich alles irgendwie hin bekommen nur dieses mal Hänge ich wirklich

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