JKSV - Savedata-Manager für die Nintendo Switch
Als Default werden die über JKSV erstellten Spielstandbackups auf der SD-Karte unter sdmc:/JKSV gespeichert. Daher sollte dieser Ordner nach erfolgtem Backup extern gesichert werden.
1. Erstellen und Wiederherstellen von Sicherungsdaten
- Dazu gehört auch die Möglichkeit, durch Drücken der Minustaste und Verwendung des Erweiterten Modus einen Dump und eine Wiederherstellung an/von einem beliebigen Speicherort auf SD durchzuführen.
- Save Data kann direkt in und aus ZIP-Archiven gedumpt und wiederhergestellt werden, indem in den Optionsmenüs Export to ZIP aktiviert wird. Ordner werden auch bei aktivierter Option erkannt und können weiterhin verwendet werden.
2. Dumpen von System Saves
- Das Dumpen dieser Daten ist immer aktiviert, aber das Zurückschreiben muss über das Optionsmenü aktiviert werden. Das Schreiben in diese Datei kann sehr gefährlich sein.
3. Öffnen und erkunden von BIS Speicherpartitionen über das Extras Menü
- Der BIS-Speicher wird in einem einfachen Dateibrowser geöffnet. Die Liste der Partition befindet sich auf der linken Seite. Ihr SD befindet sich auf der rechten Seite.
- Auf BIS-Partitionen funktionieren nur das Kopieren nach SD und die Dateieigenschaften. Schreiben und Löschen sind deaktiviert, es sei denn, sie sind wie Systemspeicherdaten aktiviert.
4. Verschiedene Extras
- Fähigkeit, heruntergeladene Firmware-Updates von NAND zu entfernen.
- Beenden von Prozessen durch ID. Erlaubt Ihnen, normalerweise nicht zu öffnende Systemarchive zu dumpen.
- Mounten nach System-Save-ID. Wird normalerweise verwendet, wenn JKSV aufgrund des abgebrochenen Prozesses nicht in der Lage ist, Titel erneut zu scannen, ohne dass der Switch abstürzt.
- Mounten und Öffnen von RomFS des Prozesses, den das Homebrew-Menü übernimmt (falls als NRO gestartet).
- Halten Sie R gedrückt, während Sie ein Spiel oder Applet mit Atmosphäre öffnen, damit das Homebrew-Menü geladen wird. Öffnen Sie JKSV und drücken Sie Minus und wählen Sie RomFS von Prozess mounten. Die RomFS der App sollten im Browser zusammen mit Ihrem SD auf der rechten Seite erscheinen.
Zunächst sollten die Einstellungen auf die empfohlenen Werte eingestellt werden:
Die Optionen:
"Include Device Saves With Users",
"Force Mount",
"Hold to Delete" und
"Export Saves to ZIP" auf "ON",
alles andere auf "OFF".
1. Spielstände sichern (alle)
a) Auf ersten User navigieren und mit "Dump All Saves" bestätigen.
1.1 Spielstände sichern (einzeln)
a) User anwählen und mit in die Titelauswahl gehen.
b) Zum gewünschten Titel navigieren und mit bestätigen.
c) "New Backup" mit anwählen --> mit "OK" oder "
" bestätigen
Falls die Sicherung auf einer anderen SD-Karte wiederhergestellt werden soll, muss wie folgt vorgegangen werden (Wichtig! Die JKSV Settings müssen auf beiden SD-Karten identisch eingerichtet worden sein!):
1. Den JKSV Ordner aus dem Root der Quell SD-Karte extern sichern
2. JKSV auf der Ziel SD-Karte ausführen und ggfs. Punkt 2.1 umsetzen
3. Den gesicherten JKSV Ordner in den Root der Ziel SD-Karte kopieren
2. Spielstände wiederherstellen (der Restore der Spielstände muss für jeden einzelnen Titel durchgeführt werden)
2.1 Wenn noch keine Spielstände für eine Wiederherstellung existieren, müssen diese erst erstellt werden:
a) User anwählen und für "User Optionen" anwählen.
b) "Create All Save Data" mit anwählen und das nächste Pop-Up Fenster mit
2.2 Spielstände wiederherstellen
a) User anwählen und mit in die Titelauswahl gehen.
b) Zum gewünschten Titel navigieren und mit bestätigen.
c) Auf Sicherungsdatei navigieren und für den Restore anwählen, sowie das nächste Pop-Up Fenster mit
d) Schritte b) und c) für alle weiteren Titel des betreffenden Users wiederholen.
- JKSV's default configuration settings have been updated to use ZIP as the default backup option instead of JKSM's original unpacked folder format.
- This can be changed by scrolling down to the end of the user selection menu and opening the settings menu if you wish to use folders instead. Note that ZIP offers higher compatibility with games that use UTF-8 file paths and other oddities that the save containers allow that the SD card does not. Folders allow easier access to the files themselves.
- If you've been using JKSV for a while, chances are your current configuration file will override this change. If you would like the best compatibility possible, I recommend toggling the "Export Saves to ZIP" option to on from here on out.
- With this release, I've included a ZIP with my preferred configuration when I use JKSV. Simply unzip it to your SD card and you're good to go.
- JKSV's configuration file is now written upon toggling or changing an option instead of at exit or cleanup. Too many people aren't aware you should be exiting JKSV with plus instead of the home button to allow it to save your configuration and cleanup.
- Updated translations for:
- Traditional Chinese by @qazrfv1234.
- Italian by @Pf-16
- Korean by @DDinghoya
- Updated WebDav instructions thanks to @impeeza
- I have written a guide to JKSV's settings menu and what the options do here.
- Fixes empty file names on certain Webdav servers.
- Uses path safe titles for Webdav servers.
- (Experimental?) WebDav support thanks to @rado0x54. Instructions for using and setting it up can be found in Remote Instructions.
This release contains a fix for the system font issues caused by the recent Switch update thanks to @SciresM.
It also forces me to post a release containing my in progress Google Drive code. Please note that while it works, I never had time to add and complete automatic upload/patching code. Uploading needs to be manually done for now. I promise I'll be back someday to finish it. You can read the instructions to set it up here.
There may be other changes I made in the past two years. If there are issues, report them and I'll do my best to figure them out when I can.
- Adds Traditional Chinese support back thanks to @qazrfv1234
- Fixes output paths/title definitions not being read after initial import of old configurations
- Separates trash bin into sub folders so trashed backups aren't impossible to find.
User Changes
- All users on the system are now loaded regardless of whether they have save data or not.
- Pressing X while user select is active will open the user options menu. The highlighted user is the target.
- Dump All For X dumps all saves for that user
- Create Save data opens a sub menu and creates save data for the target user.
- Cache saves need an index number and to be expanded before import. I'll be working on automatically doing this later.
- Create All Save Data creates all save for every title found on the system
- Delete All User Saves Deletes all save data for the target user
Title Select Changes
- All titles should be loaded now. Even ones that haven't been run yet.
- Some options and features have been moved to a sub menu:
- Information is the same information that was previously displayed when selecting a folder.
- Blacklist adds the highlighted title to your blacklist
- Change Output Folder changes the folder save data for the targeted writes too. This is the same as using title definitions is previous versions. The folder is renamed for you.
- Open in file mode is the same as using file mode in previous versions. Minus exits file mode for now.
- Delete All Save Backups will clear all backups for the target game.
- Reset Save Data will reset you save as if the game was never run before.
- Delete Save Data will delete the save data just as in Data Management
- Extend Save Data will increase the storage size of the target game.
Folder Select Changes
- Folder selection is no longer a separate screen, instead just a slide out menu.
Settings changes
- Empty Trash Bin empties the trash folder. Trash Bin feature can be enabled and disabled further down this menu.
- Check for Updates checks for the extremely rare JKSV update.
- Set JKSV Save Output Folder sets the folder JKSV writes saves to.
- Edit Blacklisted Titles allows you to finally remove titles from your blacklist without editing text files.
- Delete All Save Backups clears all save backups for all games. Basically a reset without losing configuration or folders.
- Animation Scale changes how fast the new UI animates. 1 is instant, 8 is extremely slow.
- Other settings remain the same. Legacy config and files should be loaded and removed by JKSV without any intervention needed from the user.
Under the hood stuff
- Even if
Export to ZIP
is disabled, adding.zip
to the end of a file name will force compression to be used..zip
has been added to the dictionary suggestions. For people who only want to use it for certain titles. - A trash bin folder has been added. If trash is enabled, deleted backups will be sent to the
folder instead of being permanently deleted. This is likely to change in the future to separate different titles. - Various functions are threaded now to allow the UI to update the screen.
- JKSV will no longer export or import empty zips, folders, or saves. This fixes a crash when trying to import empty zip files, doesn't allow saves to be accidentally wiped anymore, and cuts down heavily on empty mass backup files and folders.
- Headers for zip files have been fixed.
- Log file is no longer kept open allowing FTP to access JKSV's work directory while it's still running.
- Backup JKSV Folder in extras now trims the paths in the ZIP and ignores anything that isn't a save folder.
- Dictionary suggestions and predictions have been fixed thanks to @zand who caught a buffer overflow issue I missed.
- Journal space is used when deciding when to commit save data.
Notes and future plans/improvements
- Actual icons instead of generated ones for system users
- Possibly cloud backup
- Master lists of title definitions to replace title ID folders which will be downloaded and customized for the user.
- This release is nro and English only. I need to find where I put the stuff to build the nsp and old translations are completely incompatible with this release.
- New Japanese translation provided by @yyoossk
- New Brazilian Portuguese translation provided by @ortega1cba
- Fixes line breaking issues when Traditional Chinese is used.
- Has an option to override the system language so English is used regardless.
- Uses an earlier version of the SDL2 graphics file and font glyph cache written for the new UI
Known Issues:
- The Brazilian Portuguese translation has strings that are longer than the settings menu should hold, but this doesn't cause any serious issues.
This will be the final release using the old master branch code. So, it will also the last to have the text UI toggle.
The main reason for this update is to fix issues restoring New Pokemon Snap saves. Any new issues caused by the updated code to handle this can be reported. Other things since last time:
- Updated Traditional and Simplified Chinese translation files.
- New sort options: Games can be sorted alphabetically, by play time, or by last played.
- Paths to directories and files can be filtered from being backed up and deleted on restoring saves.
- Create a file named
in the folder of the game you wish to filter files from. Add a file or folder for each line. For example,sv:/file.ext
for folders.
- Create a file named
- Various other tweaks.
- Traditional and Simplified Chinese translations are included thanks to Leo and JamePeng
- Any English strings leftover are my entirely my fault, but most of the UI is translated thanks to these two.
- Output folders used by games can be set by the user by creating a text file named
and adding lines such as01006C300E9F0000 = "Dragon Quest XI S"
. This is to help with folders that default to title ID because of unicode characters. - Data loading has been reworked.
- All save data types should be supported now. The last three (System BCAT, Cache, and Temporary Storage) will only show if any data is found for them.
- Blacklisted and unmountable titles are skipped sooner in loading, preventing JKSV from loading or creating icons for them.
- Fixed a memory leak where user icons weren't freed if titles were reloaded.
- JKSV now has the option to backup and restore to and from ZIP archives.
- JKSV can now write its own working directory to a ZIP archive that can be easily backed up and stored somewhere. (This is in the extra's menu).
- NSP build is back for people who want it.
- Hold time for confirmation is shortened. Options are added to completely disable it depending on what you want.
- Minus and ZR are swapped for Options and Extras on the user selection screen
- Exploring the romfs of the title taken over by the homebrew menu is back in the extras menu.
- Save Data can be erased from your system in the title selection screen like in the switch's settings menu. Holding A is required to confirm this.
- A custom path for JKSV can be used by creating a file named jksv_dir.txt in your switch folder and typing the path you want to use. This must end with a /. For example, sdmc:/switch/.JKSV/ will make JKSV use a folder in the switch folder that is hidden from the hbmenu.
- Dump All can now be exited early by holding B until the current file is finished.
- The User selection screen has been changed to only show the maximum number of users instead of the title select's max of 32.
- Certain strings can be translated with en-US.txt in JKSV's romfs. Naming this file trans.txt and placing it in JKSV's working directory will make JKSV load it instead of the default US text by myself. This is not 100% complete yet. Please wait if you're interested in making a translation to be included with JKSV in the future.
- Various new options.
- Touch controls have been removed. Sorry.
I wasn't planning this, but I've seen way too many people overwrite their ACNH saves with BCAT data and losing their progress.
- Added Options Menu to User Select
- Option one adds Device Saves to accounts when on. This is disabled by default.
- Option two automatically creates a backup before restoring any save. These are automatically named starting with AUTO. This is enabled by default.
- Option three is a small CPU overclock. This is to keep the text based UI mode running a bit smoother for people. This is disabled by default.
- Deleting and Restoring saves now requires the user to hold A to 100% confirm they are sure they want to continue
- Users can now be changed in the title selection menu by pressing L or R.
- Titles can now be favorited and pushed to the top of the title selection by pressing minus.
- stdio is now used instead of C++ fstream and cuts down size about 200KB.
- Various changes and fixes.
This is a prerelease. Parts of the UI's touch controls are not working correctly at the moment. I just don't want people accidentally losing their progress if I can help it.
- Dev. Sv has been renamed Device and is moved higher up in the user select
Just a quick update for convenience since I'm going to be ripping apart Freebird's GUI and adapting it to JKSV as much as possible. I don't know how long this might take.
Sort of emergency release because of HID changes. Bug reports are appreciated. Changes since last year:
- Everything is enabled. You no longer need to hold a combo to enable:
- System Saves
- Device Saves
- Generic icons are generated for things without icons instead of using a big '?'.
- Updated for latest libnx
- ROMFS opening code has been removed until I have more time to remake it.
- Hopefully text mode loading is fixed
- New Icon thanks to @igniscitrinus
- NSP Build
- Extras menu is now accessible by pressing minus instead of button combo
- Extra option added to delete downloaded update data and reboot console
- Terminate Processes by titleID - For advanced users to explore normally unopenable system save data archives
- Layout has been updated to resemble official Switch menus better
- Graphics file updated for new libnx
- Added function to count directory sub dirs, files, and total size. Usable by selecting properties in Adv Mode on a directory.
- Switch Software Keyboard and dictionary support.
This release adds:
- Bis storage exploration via Adv. Mode. Pressing ZL, ZR, and Y will activate this and take you to a different menu. All of the standard Adv. Mode options work here, but copying back to bis storage is disabled.
- NAND Backup. I added this to experiment with FsStorage and stress test some things with larger files a week or two ago. I wouldn't use it as your only way to backup you NAND, but it is there.
This is a relatively short list, but I am going to be busy and am not sure when I'll get around to OpenGL or another release.
08/26/2018 Pre-release
This is probably going to be the last Pre-release/beta release. This includes:
- Rewritten, more stable text-wrapping
- Every system font is now loaded
- Adds title blacklisting. Pressing X in the title select will add the selected title to a list that prevents it from being shown. This is located at 'sd:/JKSV/blacklist.txt'
- File size is now displayed inside the progress bar
- Other small tweaks
08/05/2018 Prerelease
This pre-release update:
- Should fix games with non-ASCII titles. They will now default to their title ID.
- Tweaks some things related to strings.
- Adds back the 3DS shortcut of holding L or R while selecting new to just auto name the backup
- Titles are now sorted a bit better by using UTF8
- The input guide in the bottom right corner can now be used as button presses for touch controls. I still don't consider touch controls 100% complete
- Various UI tweaks and changes
Touch controls are still incomplete, but this is completely usable with standard controls. This prerelease uses the newer UI style and can be switched to the older one on the user select screen by pressing X.
JKSV still needs some work, but I've decided to add another pre-release since there has been a lot of progress and bug fixes:
- Text wrapping has been more-or-less fixed. Though, some minor bugs may remain
- The keyboard still needs to be improved a bit. It can be controlled using the touchscreen or controller.
- Left Stick caps letters
- Y is backspace
- X is space
- Plus is confirm
- I have added "Adv. Mode", or a more advanced option to the folder menu. Pressing Minus will open a mini file explorer with the selected game's data on the left and your SD on the right.
- A selects a folder an opens it
- B goes back up a directory
- X opens a small menu of options to move files between devices. The device currently selected is written at the top of this menu.
- ZL and ZR change which menu is currently being controlled.
- I have moved the 'JKSV' folder from root to the switch folder and named it '.JKSV'. This is to prevent clutter and hide it from the hbmenu.
Unfortunately, until I get my usual testers in on this, I will probably not feel confident enough to make a non pre-release. That's just how I am.
Early release. Usable, but:
- Text wrapping is broken
- No cache currently - Still planning how this will work.
- Keyboard still needs work.
You're using this at your own risk. I have personally had zero issues, but I can't possibly guarantee that will be true for all.